Golden Port International Circuit Grandstand.

Liu Neng introduced two Neon people to Qian Xiaogang. Because the other party was from Mitsui Chemicals, Qian Xiaogang immediately guessed that the other party also wanted to buy Dongqingzi oral liquid.

Nakamori Xiang answered in standard Xiaguo Mandarin,"Yes, Mr. Qian, we also want to buy Dongqingzi oral liquid."

Qian Xiaogang raised his eyebrows. He originally thought Ami Akiyama was Nakamori Xiang's translator. , it turns out that this Nakamori Sho can actually speak Xia Mandarin, and Xia Mandarin is very standard.

Li Cunyuan interjected,"Don't you, Mitsui Chemicals, make petrochemical products?"

Nakamori Sho responded,"Hello, Mr. Li, our Mitsui Chemicals was indeed mainly engaged in petrochemical"477" products when it was founded, but in recent years we have Entered the health care industry early"

"We have also heard some rumors about your company’s Dongqingzi Oral Liquid, so we want to buy two bottles of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid to see the effect." Nakamori Xiang added.

Nakamori Xiang continued."We want to conduct various laboratory analyzes on one bottle of Holly Seed Oral Liquid, and the other bottle is ready for real-person testing.

Qian Xiaogang laughed and said,"You are honest!""

Xiang Nakamori was indeed very frank. He directly said that they wanted to conduct laboratory analysis of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid.

"Do you accept the price of 6 million?"Qian Xiaogang asked,"By the way, I'm talking about Xia Guoyuan, not you Rin."

6 million yen is only equivalent to a little over 370,000 Xia Guoyuan, which is really too little.

"no problem."Nakamori Xiang agreed.

"OK, we’ve sold it to you! Qian Xiaogang responded.

After agreeing, Qian Xiaogang looked at Li Cunyuan and said,"Brother Yuan, you haven't used it yet, right?" Li

Cunyuan responded vigilantly,"I didn't, but didn't Brother Liang promise to deliver it by express delivery?""

"Isn't it that the courier hasn't arrived yet? I'll borrow your two bottles first and return them to you when Brother Liang arrives by courier?"Qian Xiaogang explained.

Li Cunyuan did not agree immediately. He sent a message on his mobile phone.

Li Cunyuan: Brother Liang, we have settled the deal for Dongqingzi oral liquid. I will pay two bottles in advance, and you can express the two bottles to me directly. , is that possible?

Umbrella Li Cunyuan: Address information: Imperial City Normal University. Li Cunyuan receives it. An Liang. I will arrange the mail later.

Li Cunyuan: Okay, thank you Brother Liang.

After Li Cunyuan finished communicating with An Liang, he agreed," I just discussed it with Brother Liang. I will pay in advance and Brother Liang will send it to me directly. Qian

Xiaogang complained,"Brother Yuan, you don't believe me!""

"No, we are brothers, I believe you, but after all you have two girlfriends, you just can't control yourself."Li Cunyuan said jokingly.

Sometimes the bug is in your head, how can you control yourself?

Ai Peng interrupted anxiously,"Young Master Qian, we were here first. We haven't made a decision yet. You can't sell to others.!

Qian Xiaogang looked at Ai Peng mockingly,"Looks like he still deserves a beating?""

"..."Ai Peng was stunned for a moment. Did he know Qian Xiaogang's identity? He contacted Qian Xiaogang through a friend of a friend. The other party had repeatedly warned Ai Peng not to provoke Qian Xiaogang.

Now faced with Qian Xiaogang's threat, Ai Peng suddenly did not dare to speak.

Qian Xiaogang switched to English and looked at Lawrence,"I don't hate you Pfizer, I just hate this guy named Ai Peng. I just wanted to buy something. I kept talking and wanted to buy it for 6 million. What?"

Lawrence frowned. He glanced at Ai Peng first before responding in English,"I'm very sorry, Mr. Qian, we hope there is still a chance to cooperate."

"Don’t worry, there are still opportunities for cooperation. When the new season of hollies matures, you will all have the opportunity. We will finalize the cooperation plan at that time..........."Qian Xiaogang explained.

This postponement of cooperation made Lawrence and Nakamori Xiang more relieved, because Qian Xiaogang's words revealed his strong confidence in Dong Qingzi.

This is a good thing!

Whether it's Lawrence or Nakamori Xiang, they don't mind Qian Xiaogang's high price. As long as Dongqingzi is effective, they can make use of Dongqingzi.

In less than three minutes, Nakamori Xiang reminded,"Mr. Qian, six million Xia Guoyuan has been remitted to your designated account, please check."

Qian Xiaogang immediately checked the account information and confirmed that six million had been transferred, and then transferred from Li Cunyuan In the car, he took out two bottles of Dongqingzi oral liquid and handed them to Nakamori Xiang.

"By the way, this product is a Sanwu product with no preservatives, so dispose of it as soon as possible after opening it." Qian Xiaogang reminded

"Another point is that when storing, try not to exceed the temperature of 40 degrees. Although we have no clear research to prove that problems will occur if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees, conventional plant medicines are stored in this way. Please pay attention to it." Qian Xiaogang added.

Nakamori Xiang quickly responded politely,"Okay, thank you Mr. Qian for reminding us, we will pay attention to it. After harvesting

, Nakamori Xiang added,"I hope your holly seeds will mature. We will visit Mr. Qian again in winter."

Qian Xiaogang nodded,"Yeah!""

Lawrence also expressed a similar message, and then asked Ai Peng to leave.

After the two left, Qian Xiaogang sent a message in the confidential group of Imperial Capital friends.

Qian Xiaogang: @Everyone: Done! Two bottles of Holly Seed taken orally liquid, with a total price of 6 million. This time it was sold to Neon's Mitsui Chemicals. I think they will be fooled again in the future!_16

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