In the Tianshang Baiyujing Club confidential group in Anxin Communication, Anliang has set Li Cunyuan and Zhao Wanxi as administrators, and then approved Hu Xiaoyu’s application and added Hu Xiaoyu Also set as administrator.

The day-to-day management of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club Group is actually handled by Hu Xiaoyu, or is it Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, or Qian Xiaogang?

These three people are drunk and dreaming every day, so how can they deal with such small things?

Zhao Wanxi is even busier. She is involved in the daily affairs of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group Co., Ltd., so it is naturally impossible for her to deal with the trivial matters of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

However, the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club has just been established. A large number of applications for joining the group were processed by An Liang and all the administrators, and then everyone entered the confidential group one after another.

An Liang: @Everyone. Look, is there anyone who hasn’t come in yet?

An Liang also checked the list of members who had joined the group. He only needed to see if Wu Zhengfeng had come in. Wu Zhengfeng was the only non-imperial member of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

Except for Wu Zhengfeng, the sole Miaomiao in Shengqing, the Tiantian Baiyujing Club has not yet allowed people from other areas to enter. Wu Zhengfeng is taking advantage of it. He and the An family are family friends.

After everyone's confirmation, all members of the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club WeChat group joined the confidential group, and An Liang began to send messages.

An Liang: @everyone. Here’s the thing. We are currently working on a plan, but the specific plan needs to be kept secret because it is still in the preparatory stage, so you should not go out and say it. Er

Anliang: This plan will probably make a certain amount of profit, but the details cannot be determined. The only thing that can be guaranteed is that it will definitely be enough for everyone to eat, drink and have fun during the summer vacation.

An Liang: Currently, we have a total of 40 official members, including the newly joined Brother Yili and Brother Xiangyu, and each member’s basic investment amount is 1 billion.

An Liang: @胡小鱼. Xiaoyu is responsible for making statistics to see if anyone is unwilling to participate.

Hu Xiaoyu: Absolutely not. We all believe in Brother Liang.

An Liang: That's fine, I'll take the money and run away. Er, just 40 billion to run away?

To be honest, if An Liang really ran away, the members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky would laugh like crazy, because the value of the Dream Graphene Technology Group in the future far exceeds 40 billion, and dark core technology is still developing silently.

An Liang wants to run away?

The members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club pooled their money to buy An Liang a private jet so that An Liang could travel more conveniently and comfortably.

An Liang: In order to thank @胡小鱼 for his contribution to the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, we decided to provide an additional investment quota of 1 billion to Xiaoyu.

An Liang: In order to thank @林伊利 and @叶香宇 for their contributions to the Tesla plan, we also provided an additional 1 billion investment quota to Brother Yili and Brother Xiangyu. Er

Anliang: In order to celebrate the upcoming start of construction of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club Headquarters Building and to thank every club member for their contribution, we have provided an additional investment quota of 7 billion, which will be obtained by seven lucky people.

An Liang: I will send seven red envelopes to the WeChat group, and the lucky king will get 1 billion investment quota. If the same person wins the lucky king multiple times, it will be divided equally among the one or more people with the worst luck.

An Liang: For example, Brother Ronghua has won the first round of luck. If he is still the lucky one in the second round, the person with the worst luck will get the investment amount in the second round.

An Liang: If Brother Mingfei and Brother Fat are both the unluckiest, then they will share the 1 billion quota equally. If Brother Jin is also the unluckiest, then the three of them will share it equally.

Asking for flowers

, choosing the one with the best luck and the one with the worst luck is actually the normal choice, because everyone cares about the best and the worst, who cares about the average?

Just like in school, teachers care about those with good academic performance and those with poor academic performance. Who cares about the average students?

An Liang: Do you understand this rule?

Lin Yili: We have obtained additional additional quota, can we still participate?

An Liang: Of course!

An Liang: Brother Yili, the extra quota you received is to thank you for your previous contributions. Now it is a lucky prize. Everyone has a chance. I guess I will win!.........,....コ0,

Lin Yili: It must be me!

Hu Xiaoyu: My luck has always been very good! Er

Zhao Wanxi: I think I am very lucky.

Zhou Ronghua: One more question, can my sister participate?

In the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club, there are not only representatives from each family, but also sisters from each family, such as Zhou Ronghua's sister Zhou Lin, Xu Zhekai's sister Xu Siwen, and Pang Zhengfeng's sister Pang Zhaoxia.

An Liang: @Everyone. In order to ensure fairness, only one person from each family can draw the lottery. Please mind your own hands.

Zhou Lin: Got it!

Xu Siwen: I’ll just take a look, @Xuzhekai come on!

Pang Zhengfeng: @平 Zhaoxia: Don't do it, I'll do it, my hands are red!

An Liang: @人人. Don’t talk about this matter in the WeChat group. Everyone should also keep it confidential, lest the news becomes known and our income will be greatly reduced.

Everyone responded and expressed that they had received it. An Liang then transferred to the WeChat group and prepared to start drawing the lucky ones. _

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