An Liang and Andy Meyer explored each other's cards, but neither side had any intention of showing off.

Li Gang inquired about the transaction data, and after analyzing it, he gestured to An Liang. Li Gang picked up his phone and entered the information, and then showed the phone to An Liang for review.

On Li Gang's mobile phone, a text message of 300 million to 400 million was displayed, which could not be determined because the data was too fuzzy.

An Liang nodded slightly, and then continued to negotiate with Andy Meyer. He got straight to the point,"Mr. Meyer, you have shorted Apple's stock. Now you want to forcefully close your position and stop the loss? Your short-selling scale should be relatively large!"

An Liang Di Meyer was silent. He did not doubt that Anxin Investment Company could analyze the answer, but he did not expect that Anxin Investment Company could analyze the answer so quickly.

"The current share price of Apple is US$115.96. We give you US$118 per share. What do you think?"Direct quote from Andy Meyer

"There is no sincerity in such an offer!"An Liang mocked

"A mere 1.7% premium, Mr. Meyer, you are indeed lacking in sincerity."After saying that, An Liang hung up the phone.

Andy Meyer was a little dazed. Didn't An Liang bargain?

Originally, Andy Meyer just quoted a very low price to facilitate bargaining, but An Liang hung up the phone directly. Okay?

Faced with this situation, Andy Meyer could only bite the bullet and continue to call. What kind of face do people in finance want?

Making money comes first!

An Liang looked at Andy Meyer and called again. He didn't have any surprise at all, because he knew the other party would call

"Mr. Meyer, if you continue to talk about the price of 118 US dollars or 120 US dollars, we have no need to negotiate at all."An Liang responded

"What price does Mr. An think is reasonable?"Andy Meyer tested Anliang's trump card.

"At least $150! Nie Anliang responded

"That's impossible. Andy Meyer responded,"Dream Future Graphene Technology Group has a criminal record. Mr. An, you should know that the graphene version of Petal's mobile phone will not be sold overseas, right?""

Before Anliang answered, Andy Meyer continued,"According to our analysis, Apple's graphene products will not be sold in markets outside of Xia."

"Mr. An, this conclusion is not just the analysis of Merrill Lynch, but the analysis of everyone on Wall Street. Even on the Internet, a large number of consumers also have such worries." Andy Meyer said with certainty.

"So unless Dream Graphene Technology Group allows Apple to sell graphene-based electronic products globally, Apple’s stock price is unlikely to reach $150. Added for Andy Meyer.

An Liang did not struggle with this issue. This issue was too obvious and there was no point in quibbling.

"Such a strategy may be a dream to limit the production capacity of Graphene Technology Group in the future?"Anliang responded jokingly.

Andy Meyer didn't believe it!

Apple's executive Ysela publicly dreamed about the future output of Graphene Technology Group on the Internet. Is it good?

"Mr. An, how about $125?" Andy Meyer continued to quote.

An Liang responded,"The current stock price is 116.45 US dollars, which has increased by nearly fifty cents. I am really optimistic about the future of Apple."

Before Andy Meyer responded, Anliang continued,"According to the current stock price, it will increase by 20%. Andy

Meyer did a quick calculation and still gave the answer of rejection,"It's too high. We can only accept a price of US$127 at most. If you can't accept it, we can only buy it in the market.""

"Maybe we can buy it cheaper in the market! Andy Meyer added.

An Liang said sarcastically,"Theoretically speaking, it is indeed cheaper for you to buy from the market, but theory is theory. We are all insiders. Why do you think you can fool us?" I?"

"According to our estimates, you have to acquire at least 300 million shares of Apple stock to close your short position. However, as long as you purchase Apple shares on a large scale in the market, Apple's stock will inevitably rise further."An Liang added

"There is a worse case scenario, if you make the acquisition public, won't other financial companies follow suit? An Liang teased with a smile,"How can other financial companies let you go?""

Financial institutions and financial institutions have never been of the same mind!

If Merrill Lynch acquires Apple's stock and closes its short position (Li Lihao), it will inevitably lead to an increase in the stock price. What about other financial institutions that are shorting Apple? What to do?

Should we take over the order at a higher price?

That is impossible!

In order to prevent ourselves from taking over the order at a higher price, as long as Merrill Lynch dares to take action, other financial institutions will definitely take action. Now it is just a matter of everyone maintaining a balance.

Because Everyone knows that if the balance is broken, the stock price will skyrocket when many parties compete for the opportunity to close short positions, so everyone is subtle and does not take action.

Andy Meyer fell silent, and An Liang was right. , everyone is an expert, who can fool whom?

But Meyer discovered that An Liang was probably wrong about one thing! _

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