Saturday, June 20th.

An Liang arrived at Nina Hotel on time and waited for Yao Qi to answer the phone. An Liang spoke first,"Have you packed up?"

Yao Qi responded affirmatively,"Of course! Are you here?""

"Well, I'm in the lobby. I'll take the elevator up right away. An Liang responded, and then added,"Wait for me at the elevator door.""

"OK Yao Qi responded.

The two ended the call. An Liang took the elevator upstairs and met Yao Qi at the elevator door. Yao Qi was wearing a set of sportswear today and looked full of youthful vitality.

An Liang glanced at Yao Qi. Looking at the two suitcases Yao Qi was pulling,"Go directly to the Ancient Style Exhibition?"

"Well, the ancient style exhibition is at Tianfu International Expo Center. Yao Qi replied.

The two took the elevator to the underground garage on the second floor. Qin Tianxiang was still driving the Audi A8L of Anxin Investment Company.

On Route 19, Yao Qi kept sending messages, and An Liang glanced at it, but did not ask. Meaning.

But Yao Qi said it herself,"I contacted the exhibitors, and they had already arrived in advance and were asking me when I would arrive.

An Liang responded,"About half an hour."

After responding, Anliang asked curiously,"Why are you contacting the exhibitor?""

"There are phoenix crowns and harems on display, as well as Tang Dynasty Dunhuang Feitian costumes. I plan to set up a clothing studio to try to make these two styles of ancient costumes and sell them through online channels." Yao Qi explained.

This Yao Qi really has an ulterior motive!

"Whether it is Fengguan Xiapei or Dunhuang Feitian suit, their prices are not affordable for ordinary people, right?"An Liang reminded Yao Qi.

The total price of a set of Fengguan Xiapei is as high as 3.03 million, and the Dunhuang Feitian suit is also 120,000. Who will buy it at this price? The main consumer group of ancient style clothing is young people, and the age distribution of users is more The situation of people under the age of twenty means that the consumption power of users is relatively low.

An Liang wondered how many people, except Yao Qi, would buy a set of 3.03 million Fengguan Xiapei?

I am afraid that there are not many people in the entire Xia Kingdom. Yao

Qi responded,"Yes, you are right. But they are just exhibits, mainly used to show the strength of our clothing studio."

Yao Qi continued,"Our clothing studio mainly adopts the boutique model, and the price is slightly higher. For example, for the Dunhuang Feitian suit, we sell about 12,000 sets to external parties, and the quality is close to the exhibition models. About eighty/eighty."

The exhibition-style Dunhuang Feitian suit costs 120,000 yuan. If the price is 12,000 yuan and the quality is restored to about 80%, An Liang thought that someone would be interested.

"Can you get 80% of the effect at just 10% of the price? An Liang asked curiously.

Yao Qi responded affirmatively,"There is no problem at all!""

"We can think about it in another way. If the quality of the 12,000 yuan version of Dunhuang Feitian Server is set to 100%, then further improvement on 100% quality will be a case of excellence, which will naturally cost more."Yao Qi explained.

An Liang nodded in understanding. Just like the zero-hundred acceleration time of a car, when the zero-hundred acceleration time enters within three seconds, it is very difficult to increase it by 0.1 seconds every time.

After reaching the tip, if you continue If you want to reach a higher level, you really have to pay more.

This is how difficult it is to strive for excellence!

Yao Qi continued,"The situation is the same for Feng Guan Xia Pei. Our exhibition model uses twelve dragons and nine phoenix crowns, and It is made of pure gold and uses a gold wire seamless weaving process. Both the material and the craftsmanship are of the highest quality."

"For the officially sold version, we can freely customize the options, from the top-level twelve dragons and nine phoenix crowns to the entry-level double phoenix crowns, and even the materials are open to customization, from entry-level brass to gold plating, to 10,000 pure gold customizations. All choices are left to consumers themselves. Yao Qi added

"Xialei can also be shrunk. The Xialei on display is made of silk gauze, but the official version can be completely replaced by artificial silk. The pendant can also be customized from pure gold to ordinary materials. Yao Qi added

"According to our plan, the cheapest Fengguan Xiapei can be reduced to 30,000 yuan with a big shirt, which is only one percent of the original price. In addition to the difference in metal material, other textiles Basically, 277 has about 70% quality."Yao Qi concluded.

If you follow Yao Qi's plan, it seems that the problem will not be big, right?

Yao Qi added,"Our clothing studio will adopt the pre-order model, pre-sale at 30% of the full price, and pay We will start production only after you have paid the pre-order deposit to ensure that you will not lose money. An

Liang said jokingly,"What if someone paid a 30% deposit in advance and then ran away?""

"Then we laughed to death!"Yao Qi said happily,"Our profit on a piece of clothing is basically only 20%. According to our rules, once the deposit is placed, it will not be refunded. We are equivalent to making 30% in vain."

"But you made the product."An Liang pointed out the problem.

Yao Qi nodded,"We did produce the product, but the product can still be sold. All the products we produce will be sealed and stored with nitrogen. Under normal conditions, there will be no problems for three years, so We have plenty of time to sell again."

Loss money?

That's impossible!

Can you buy with the spirit of selling?_16

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