In the first bedroom of the ancient courtyard of Aman Yangyun Hotel, Li Xiyan is doing yoga.

An Liang watched with interest. He felt that Li Xiyan's yoga level was a little worse than Liu Ling's. Maybe it was because Liu Ling had been practicing yoga for a long time, and Li Xiyan only started studying for a semester?

"Well, Anliang, I ate too much and feel a little uncomfortable."Li Xiyan, this little fool, did eat a bit too much today.

An Liang responded casually,"Then practice yoga for a while, I'm just doing my work."

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang was checking the relevant information of the investigation by Renyi Security Company. According to An Liang's instructions, Renyi Security Company investigated the relevant situation of the red wine import and export company.

There are a total of import and export trading companies that import red wine from Da'ao. The three companies are Haiao Import and Export Trading Company, Xihai Import and Export Trading Company, and Tara Import and Export Trading Company.

The first two are local companies of Xia Guo, and the third Tara 637 Import and Export Trading Company is Xia Guohe Da. Australian joint venture.

In 2019, Xiaguo imported 62 million liters of wine from Australia, with a total import price of approximately 2.56 billion Xiaguo yuan. This is the third year after the two sides signed a free trade agreement in 2016. Great growth.

Currently, Da'ao's wine ranks second among Xia's wine importing countries. For Da'ao, Xia's wine is their most important wine exporter, and there is no one!

Among the three import and export trading companies, Hai'ao Company's share of import volume is only about 15%, Xihai Company's share of import volume is about 25%, and Tara Company's share of import volume is close to 60%, making them the absolute overlords. These three companies have a monopoly on imports and exports from Da'ao. To qualify for wine, other agents in the country get their goods from them.

After An Liang read the information, the Life Winner System issued a prompt.


Special mission: Luck battle!

Mission content: Ask the host to try his best to suppress Da'ao, so as to win Qi. In the battle for luck, the specific rewards will be settled based on the host's targeting of the Great Ao Country.

Looking at the tasks given by the Life Winner System, he raised his eyebrows. Originally, An㒵 was going to teach the Great Ao Country a lesson, but now he has triggered the Life Winner System As for the task of the Winner System, An Liang felt that he had to make good arrangements for Da'ao.

The producer sent a message to Renyi Security Company on his mobile phone, asking Renyi Security Company to come forward to acquire three import and export trading companies, so as to fully grasp the corresponding import and export authority. The three import companies Export trading companies have a complete agent framework and sales channels. As long as they control three import and export companies, they can control the sales of Da'ao country's wine in Xia country, and even strangle the channels for Da'ao country's red wine to be exported to Xia country.

Although other import and export trading companies can also apply to import wine from Da'ao, but whether the court will approve it is another matter.

Considering the current noisy situation in Da'ao, the court should not approve it, right?

It's close to eleven o'clock in the night.

An Liang has settled the layout in the red wine field. If nothing unexpected happens, An Liang is ready to make a breakthrough. He plans to give a little lesson to the red wine industry of the Great Ao Country.

"Baby, are you still practicing yoga?"An Liang asked

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan was indeed still practicing yoga.

An Liang walked over and hugged Li Xiyan,"Stop practicing. I feel bad for you when you are sweating all over."

Li Xiyan's face turned red.

In the spacious bathroom of the ancient courtyard, An Liang taught Li Xiyan yoga-related knowledge. Speaking of which, An Liang is also a yoga master. Ning Ruoshuang taught An Liang a lot of yoga knowledge.



Nothing else!

Near twelve o'clock, An Liang carried Li Xiyan back to the bedroom. The little fool cuddled up to An Liang. She already felt a little sleepy because Li Xiyan had a good biological clock habit.

"Anliang, I want to sleep."Li Xiyan yawned. An

Liang hugged her and said softly,"My dear, Goodbye."

Li Xiyan responded and fell into a deep sleep in less than three minutes. She slept relatively deeply, and her sleeping posture was inelegant. She felt a little unrestrained. Sometimes she would fight for the quilt with An Liang. After

An Liang got up early, Li Xiyan He would also make a big-shaped sleeping position in the bed, which was the standard Tiehanhan pattern.

An Liang also fell into sleep.

The next day, at nearly seven o'clock in the morning, An Liang woke up. He discovered Li Xiyan's magical sleeping posture. This little fool was actually sleeping on his side, with her legs resting on An Liang's belly, which was just in line with ergonomics. Fortunately, the first bedroom in the ancient courtyard had an extra-large bed, so even if Li Xiyan slept on his side, there would be no problem, otherwise he might fall..

An Liang got up first. Li Xiyan showed no sign of waking up. She was still sleeping soundly, and An Liang did not wake her up. After washing, An Liang began to check the information sent by Renyi Security Company.

Renyi Security Company transferred three import and export trade companies to Detailed information about the company was sent over, including the operating conditions and profitability of the three companies, as well as specific details related to shareholdings, etc.

Since Anliang wants to acquire these three companies, how could he not understand the corresponding situation?

_Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - ∪ collection, recommendation, and sharing!

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