The banquet hall of the Spanish royal family.

After An Liang asked back, the Life Winner System issued a task prompt. In such a situation where one fish and three fish were eaten, An Liang naturally had to complete the task.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Lenore responded affirmatively,"I hope to get Mr. An's help."

Listening to Lenore's frankness, An Liang laughed,"No problem!"

Both Philip VI and Queen Lydia An Liang was stunned for a moment, did he agree so simply? this...

Seems a little strange?

"Thanks! Lenore responded happily.

Queen Lydia followed An Liang's topic and asked,"Mr. An, how much wine are you planning to import?""

An Liang did not answer directly, but changed the topic repeatedly and irrationally.

"Recently, some unpleasant things have happened between our Xia Kingdom and Da'ao Country, which has affected the trade exchanges between the two parties. In particular, Da'ao Country has unilaterally increased the price of iron ore to us. This is unacceptable. matter."An Liang explained.

Philip VI answered,"I know that Australia has indeed done a very bad job in this matter."

Philip VI continued,"We in the Western Hemisphere are also rich in iron ore resources. Although we cannot compare with Australia, we are also one of the ore suppliers of your Xia Kingdom. We can increase the share of iron ore products. , as well as the supply of copper ore and zinc ore."

An Liang sighed secretly, this Philip VI is too smart!

He just hinted at the iron ore problem, and Philip VI expressed his willingness to increase the supply of ore share. This is simply too considerate, right?

"Thank you, Your Majesty Philip. An Liang responded politely, and then continued to explain,"In view of Da'ao's behavior in increasing the price of iron ore, our Xia country should stop importing wine from Da'ao. The vacant share of this part of the market is ours." purpose this time."

When An Liang's words fell, whether it was Philip Sixty-Twenty or Queen Lydia, both of them breathed heavily. What's the market share of Great Australia?

Last summer, the country imported 62 million liters of wine from Great Australia. The total amount has reached 200 million Xia Guoyuan. If this market share is given to the Spanish half,...

The Spanish royal family, which facilitated this trade cooperation, will gain great prestige in Western Spain!

Queen Lydia glanced at Lenore first, and she secretly sighed in her heart. Fortunately, she didn't stop Lenore's email exchange with Anliang, so she got the reward now, right?

What a pity! Queen Lydia sighed secretly.

An Liang is good at everything and perfectly meets the prince's requirements. The only problem is that he is from Xia.

Queen Lydia sighed in her heart again.

If An Liang was Spanish, she thought it would be best for An Liang and Lenore to get engaged where they were, and get married as soon as Lenore comes of age and completes her studies.

But Anliang is from Xia country

"By the way, Your Majesty Philip, can your Spanish half export high-quality legal production area wine? An Liang asked.

An Liang continued to add,"The wines provided by Da'ao to Xia Guo cover all grades of wine from top to bottom. If the wine trade of Da'ao is transferred to your western half, we will definitely purchase high-grade wines." Low-end wines of all categories to meet the different levels of wine needs in our Xia Kingdom."

Philip VI responded affirmatively without hesitation,"Of course!"

In fact, high-end wines are more profitable!

"It would be great! An Liang responded,"Your Majesty Philip, I have a suggestion. Since our cooperation in the field of wine is relatively new, I suggest that we both hold a wine exchange and tasting together." An

Liang continued,"Your western half of the country will be organized by your royal family. I will arrange for the importers from the Xia Kingdom to come over. Both parties will participate in the wine tasting meeting, and then confirm the order on the spot at the tasting meeting.""

"What do you think?"An Liang asked back.

Such a proposal is tailor-made for the Spanish royal family. If the

Spanish royal family wants to gain prestige, this wine tasting is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. More importantly, it can This is an opportunity to increase Spanish wine exports several times.

Once completed, the Spanish royal family will gain huge influence in the wine industry!

Queen Lydia has a higher regard for An Liang, and she does not believe An Liang's proposal. It was said casually, and it should be a plan carefully planned by An Liang, right?

If not, how could this proposal hit the key points of their royal family?

So such a proposal is indeed tailor-made for the Spanish royal family, right?

Philip VI Shi Ye understands what An Liang's proposal means. The total value of wine exported by Da'ao to Xia Country far exceeds that of Western Ban Ya. If the Western Ban Ya royal family can bring over Da Ao's share, then for Western Ban Ya It’s so important!

"Mr. An, your proposal is very good!"Philip VI said affirmatively,"When will we hold this wine tasting party?"_

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