"ah?"Li Xiyan had already taken out the lip gloss brush, but An Liang opened his eyes! An Liang glanced at Li Xiyan's movements and knew that this little fool was going to prank him again, just like he painted him last time Like a tiger. An

Liang asked with a hum,"What are you going to draw this time?""

"I'm not, I didn't, don't accuse me wrongly."Li Xiyan denied three times in a row.

Then there was no more!

She wanted to play tricks on An Liang, but An Liang in turn dragged her into the alliance game.

After waiting for the end of the alliance game and taking a shower and changing clothes, Li Xiyan no longer wanted to Moving, she hammered Anliang again.

At almost eight o'clock, Li Xiyan received a call from Guo Yuqing, and when she answered the call, she clicked on the loudspeaker

"Xiyan, are you and your boyfriend awake? Guo Yuqing asked.

An Liang answered first,"She is still sleeping.""

Li Xiyan laughed.

Guo Yuqing responded helplessly,"Did you get up so early?"

"Is there something wrong with Nuxia Guo?"An Liang asked back.

"We are reminding Xiyan about our shopping today."Guo Yuqing explained

"Where to go?"An Liang asked back.

"Are you going too?"Guo Yuqing asked the same question.

"Could it be that you are not welcome?"An Liang asked again.

Guo Yuqing responded affirmatively,"Not welcome, indeed not welcome. You and Xiyan have too much dog food. We may be hurt anytime, anywhere."

"Hey, if you say so, I will definitely come. I like to feed you dog food. An Liang laughed.

Guo Yuqing responded helplessly,"Okay, okay, you can come. By the way, our breakfast reservation is at Xiji Shrimp Dumplings next to the Magic City TV Tower.""

"Okay, we washed up immediately and got ready to go out."An Liang responded

"Okay, we are about the same. Guo Yuqing responded.

After ending the call, at Yao Qi's home, Guo Yuqing took the initiative and said,"An Liang is coming too." Yao Qi pointed out,"

It's completely expected.""

Yes! It's completely expected!

Yesterday An Liang and Li Xiyan were together, and today they asked Li Xiyan to go shopping. How could An Liang not come over?

Guo Yuqing thought about it for a moment before saying,"I'm going to make an appointment. Ma Yingjun."

Yao Qi was stunned for a moment, and then figured out the answer.

"Is it really necessary?"Yao Qi frowned.

Guo Yuqing sighed,"I didn't want to either, but he kept chasing after him and showed his perseverance. I had no choice at all."

Guo Yuqing continued,"I have told him that there is no possibility between us. I have the life I want, but he doesn't listen at all. What he means is that if we work hard together after graduation, we will definitely live a happy life. the life we ​​want to live"

"But it was a bit of a blow to him. Yao Qi reminded.

Guo Yuqing sighed,"There is nothing we can do about that." He didn't give me a choice. I made it clear, but why didn't he understand?"

Guo Yuqing told Ma Yingjun more than once that they were not suitable for each other and that what she wanted was something Ma Yingjun couldn't afford. But Ma Yingjun had no self-awareness at all and still persisted in her pursuit.

Under such circumstances, Guo Yuqing What can he do?

Guo Yuqing does not expect Ma Yingjun to be as rich as An Liang, but at least he must be well-off and worry-free, right?

For example, after graduation, he can have a wedding house and avoid the ups and downs of renting a house. Is this really a high requirement?

Guo Yuqing's appearance score is as high as 82 points, which is one of a thousand. This kind of appearance is already at the level of a fairy in the eyes of ordinary people.

Ma Yingjun knows that Guo Yuqing is beautiful, so he pursues her closely.

Then why can't Guo Yuqing choose? A partner with better conditions?

Yao Qi has a bad impression of Ma Yingjun. In fact, Ma Yingjun is not without self-awareness, but Ma Yingjun is using his friendship with Guo Yuqing as high school classmates to carry out moral kidnapping.

"I hope Ma Yingjun will change a little after this time. Yao Qi explained.

Guo Yuqing sighed,"I hope so too.""

Just after 9:15 in the morning, An Liang and Li Xiyan arrived at Xiji Shrimp Dumpling Shop. When they arrived, An Liang saw Ma Yingjun first.

An Liang took the initiative to say hello,"Classmate Ma! Ma

Yingjun also saw An Liang and Li Xiyan. He quickly came over to say hello,"Classmate An, are you here too?""

"Um! An Liang responded,"Nvxia Guo also made a date with you?" Ma

Yingjun nodded repeatedly,"Yes, yes, she made an appointment with me, but I guess I just came here to carry the bag." An Liang responded with a smile,"

I also carry bags." By the way, have you had breakfast?"

"Not yet, waiting for them to come over. Ma Yingjun responded

"Let's go in first, it's a little hot outside. An Liang suggested.

Ma Yingjun hesitated slightly,"It's not too bad, right?" An

Liang responded with a smile,"Then you continue to wait for them. Xiyan and I will go in first to see what delicious food this store has.""

"Well, that's fine, I'll ask them where they are." Ma Yingjun responded.

An Liang didn't say anything else. He led Li Xiyan into the Xiji Shrimp Dumpling Shop.

As soon as he entered the shop, Li Xiyan said doubtfully,"Yu Qing actually called this fat man over, how strange it is!"

Fat man?"

"..."An Liang was speechless.

Ma Yingjun is just a little fat, okay?

Forget it, it's better than fat and silly, right?

In the past, Li Xiyan commented that Ma Yingjun was fat and stupid!

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