An Liang explained the benefits of AXA's acquisition of Fengfan Power one by one, and hoped that Liu Ling would help contact the other two banks that had been cheated, so as to help them"unwind".

This is to let Liu Ling participate in it, let Liu Ling play a role, so that Liu Ling can willingly accept this plan.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, Liu Ling instantly understood what An Liang meant,"The other two banks are really anxious, especially Shengqing Commercial Bank. If AXA wants to take over, just negotiate with them and you should be able to further lower the price. An

Liang asked,"How much does Auntie think the price can be lowered?""

"If Shengqing Commercial Bank is more ruthless, it can lower the price by 10 million!"Liu Ling explained

"As for the Xia Guo Bank Beixin Branch, they have obtained the production base of Sail Power. As long as AXA comes forward, they will know that AXA is interested in the land, and it will be difficult to lower the price. Liu Ling said analytically.

"What if your Gongshang Bank comes forward to connect with Xiaguo Bank?" An Liang asked casually.

Before Liu Ling could answer, An Liang continued,"I will communicate with President Song and ask you to help us obtain the Sail Power debt held by the other two banks."

"You have lowered the price, and we at AXA will give you a 25% share."An Liang added

"For example, the land use rights of the Sail Power Production Base are mortgaged by Xiaguo Bank for 170 million. If you negotiate for 10 million, we, AXA, will give you Beiyu Branch a share of 2.5 million. If you negotiate for 20 million, We will give you 5 million."An Liang gave an example.

Liu Ling became excited!

The land use rights of the Sail Power Production Base are of great use to AXA, but they are a hot potato for Xiaguo Bank. What are they doing with it?

Before Liu Ling answered. , the service staff of Zhen Steamed Fish Restaurant brought the dishes ordered by Li Xiyan, and An Liang greeted Li Xiyan and Liu Ling to eat first.

Nearly an hour later, Li Xiyan was full again, and was completely obsessed with losing weight. She forgot about it. Fortunately, the dishes were all non-fat. Otherwise, Li Xiyan would have to work hard to lose weight again, right?


In the living room of Li Xiyan's home, Anliang and Song, the branch manager of Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank As Yi communicated, he sent the solution to the sail power problem.

The matter of sail power was actually a big problem in Song Yi's heart!

Song Yi knew the relationship between An Liang and Li Xiyan. Because of this relationship, Song Yi He has also been thinking about how to deal with the sail power issue.

Now that An Liang has revealed the information, everyone is happy, right?

In fact, Song Yi's heart is full of shock, An Liang is actually willing to pay for Li Xiyan!

That is more than With a capital of 500 million, Anliang was actually willing to pay for Li Xiyan. Even if they followed Anliang's operation, Ansheng would make a fortune, but Ansheng could use the same funds in other places to obtain other benefits.

Anliang After the exchange with Song Yi, Song Yi personally contacted Liu Ling by phone, explained the situation in a friendly tone, handed over the negotiation to Liu Ling, and promised one-fifth of the bonus. For example, Liu Ling led the team The price was lowered to 10 million. According to the agreement, Ansheng will hand over a share of 2.5 million to Beiyu Branch, and Liu Ling can get a bonus of 500,000.

"Manager Liu, handle this matter well, it will be a huge achievement!"Song Yi said hintingly.

Since it is performance, it means credit, and it also means a change in position!

"Okay, President, I will handle it seriously."Liu Ling responded.

After ending the call, Liu Ling was filled with sighs. This time Fengfan Power filed for bankruptcy, in her opinion, it was obviously a dead end. She was even ready to welcome the end of her career and accept the patrol. The results of the investigation.

Who knew that after An Liang's handling, he actually broke the deadlock and turned the deadlock into a happy game.

After all, it is a high bonus and a hint of promotion. Isn't it a happy game?

According to An Liang Anliang will use 600 million funds to complete this plan.

Before the plan is implemented, Anliang will sign an agreement with Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank. Anliang will store 220 million funds in Beiyu Branch, allowing Beiyu Branch to acquire Xia Guo The debt of Fengfan Power held by the bank's Beixin Branch and Shengqing Commercial Bank.

After the Beiyu Branch handles the debt acquisition issue, the Beiyu Branch will put pressure on Fengfan Power, and finally allow AXA Construction to successfully take over Fengfan Power.

The entire The process is all operated and carried out by the Beiyu Branch, and AXA Construction will only appear as a collaborator at the end, saving the Beiyu Branch like a savior. To put it simply, the blame lies with the Beiyu Branch, and AXA Construction is the one The last rescue was not about adding insult to injury.

‘This is the magic of money! Liu Ling sighed secretly in his heart.

The deadlock was solved so easily. Is it really the magic of money?

"Auntie, I’ll leave the rest to you. An Liang looked at Liu Ling and said.

Liu Ling responded with twinkling eyes,"Don't worry, we will handle the follow-up matters." Li

Xiyan said next to An Liang,"Now that the work has been taken care of, let's go swimming on the roof!""

An Liang naturally agreed. This proposal is really good!


Update time: February 9, 2021 07:19:18, good morning.

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