Facing Liu Ling's final offer, Ji Yunjie's expression changed.

‘Ji Yunjie: Wait a moment, Manager Liu, I need to think about it’

‘Liu Ling: No problem! '

Liu Ling guesses that the other party needs to discuss with the senior management of Xiaguo Bank Beixin Branch, right?

In fact it is so!

Ji Yunjie contacted Vice President Sun Heng. This Sun Heng was a cousin of Liang Youxin of Sail Dynamics. It was precisely because of this cousin relationship that the loan was finally facilitated.

Ji Yunjie reported the relevant information to Sun Heng one by one and waited for Sun Heng's decision.

Sun Heng was silent for a moment before responding,"Did the other party guess it?"

"Yes."Ji Yunjie answered affirmatively.

"Then promise the other party!"Sun Heng responded

"clear."Ji Yunjie didn't ask any more questions. He understood what Sun Heng meant.

Since Liu Ling guessed the answer, let Liu Ling also benefit, so that the benefits would be shared and the purpose of mutual confidentiality would be achieved.

Ji Yunjie quickly contacted Liu Ling

‘Ji Yunjie: Manager Liu, we have agreed to your quotation. When will we sign the contract?’

‘Liu Ling: You can do it today’

‘Ji Yunjie: Then where do we sign the contract?’

‘Liu Ling: Starlight Center, Kuchiki Teahouse’

‘Ji Yunjie: No problem. After the two parties agreed, Liu Ling sent a message to An Liang again and reported the results.

It is naturally impossible for An Liang to participate in the signing in person. If An Liang were present, I am afraid that the signing would be automatically suspended.

After all, what if Ji Yunjie knew An Liang?

The combination of the land use rights of AXA Construction and the Sail Power production base is very easy to associate, right?

The main reason is that AXA Construction has the ability to change the nature of the land!

There is a certain distance between Beixin District and Beiyu District. Liu Ling drove to Starlight Center first and booked room 188 of Kuchiki Teahouse. While waiting for Ji Yunjie, Liu Ling continued to send messages to Yue Sijun.

‘Liu Ling: Manager Yue, have you thought about it?’

‘Yue Sijun: Still under consideration, your quotation is too low’

‘Liu Ling: 30 million is our final offer. If you don’t agree, we will terminate the negotiation. Yue

Sijun looked at the message Liu Ling sent. She didn't think Liu Ling was deliberately trying to scare her. She guessed that something had happened.

Yue Sijun was also a human spirit. She guessed that since Liu Ling had contacted her, was it possible that Liu Ling had also contacted Ji Yunjie?

Based on this speculation, Yue Sijun sent a message to Ji Yunjie

‘Yue Sijun: Manager Ji, you also received the message from Manager Liu, right?’

‘Ji Yunjie:?’

‘Yue Sijun: Manager Liu wants to take over the debt of Fengfan Power at a low price. '

Ji Yunjie has reached an agreement with Liu Ling. What's more important is that Liu Ling has analyzed the whole matter thoroughly. He has no room for resistance, so he is not ready to trick anyone.

‘Ji Yunjie: Manager Liu did contact me, and we have reached a cooperation agreement’

‘Ji Yunjie: Manager Yue, the 22,000 motorcycles in your hands are hot potatoes. It will be difficult for you to deal with them yourself. If you hand them over to an import and export trading company, the price will be ridiculously low.’

‘Ji Yunjie: If the price is right, you can also cooperate with Manager Liu’

‘Yue Sijun: Aren’t you curious about what trump card she has?’

‘Ji Yunjie: I am only concerned about the situation of Sail Power. Now Sail Power is in dire straits and we just want to stop the loss.’

‘Ji Yunjie: Sorry, Manager Yue, I still have things to deal with. '

Ji Yunjie didn't lie. They just want to stop their losses and lose part of their funds. It's better than being trapped.

‘Yue Sijun: Thank you, Manager Ji, for disclosing the information.

After the exchange between Yue Sijun and Ji Yingjie, they both sent messages to Liu Ling respectively.

After Liu Ling read the message, she first replied to Ji Yunjie

‘Liu Ling: Thanks to Manager Ji for speaking up’

‘Ji Yunjie: You’re welcome’

‘Liu Ling: I look forward to meeting Manager Ji. Our cooperation will definitely achieve win-win results.

Looking at Liu Ling's reply, Ji Yunjie breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Ling said win-win, which means that Liu Ling will not reveal her speculation, let alone cause trouble for them through the supervisory committee.

After Liu Ling and Ji Yunjie finished exchanging information, they checked Yue Sijun's information.

‘Yue Sijun: Manager Liu, our cooperation can be further discussed.’

‘Liu Ling: 29 million. '

Liu Ling didn't say anything more and directly lowered the quotation by 1 million to express her dissatisfaction. She believed that Yue Sijun understood what she meant.

When Yue Sijun saw Liu Ling lowering the price, she understood that Liu Ling knew about her inquiry about Ji Yunjie.

‘It seems that Ji Yunjie and Liu Ling have indeed cooperated! Yue Sijun sighed secretly.

Faced with Liu Ling's offer of 29 million, Yue Sijun wanted to be angry, but she knew not to be angry, because this price was probably the highest offer currently.

Although the import and export trading company had previously quoted 28 million, Yue Sijun understood that he had not agreed to the import and export trading company's quotation at that time. If he asked for it again now, I am afraid that the import and export trading company's quotation would drop to 25 million again.

After all, finding it again means there is no other channel.

Since there is no other channel, you deserve to be bullied, right?


The author of Humble Fight: I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve, good health, success in everything, and prosperity in the Year of the Ox!

In view of the activities of ancestor worship, visiting relatives, necessary social interactions, etc. during the Chinese New Year, we may need to take some time off and reduce updates, so please forgive me.

Happy New Year to everyone again!

February 11, 2021 07:21:14, good morning.

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