In the VIP room of Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank, An Liang couldn't help but burst out laughing while listening to Song Yi's words.

This Song Yi is really very convincing!

As Song Yi said, real estate companies have rules for real estate companies. For example, when real estate companies need funds, they are naturally the first to go to banks to borrow money.

The key is that Song Yi is right, the benefits obtained by leaving the funds in Anxin Investment Company are greater!

At present, the annual rate of return of Anxin Investment Company is 20%. The five-year loan promised by Song Yi has an annual interest rate of only 4.75%. Needless to say how to choose?

If calculated based on 1 billion, Anxin Investment Company can earn 200 million a year, while Beiyu Branch's annual interest is only 47.5 million. There is a huge gap between the two!

What's more, how can the investment in a large comprehensive commercial center be only 1 billion?

Facing An Liang who was laughing, Song Yi continued,"How about Mr. An consider taking a loan from our Beiyu branch to develop a sail power production base?"

An Liang responded smoothly,"How much money can you borrow?"

"If Mr. An is involved, we have no quota limit."Song Yi responded first

"Governor Song is really good at talking!" An Liang said with a sigh.

This Song Yi really has high emotional intelligence!

The so-called An Liang's participation is actually An An Li's investment as a guarantee.

But directly saying that An Xin Investment is a guarantee seems a bit philistine, so An Liang's participation is used as a substitute.

Song Yi said with a normal expression,"If only AXA Construction is involved, it depends on how AXA Construction uses the sail power production base.

Facing Song Yi's probing, An Liang said calmly,"We at AXA are planning to change the land use rights of the sail power production base to commercial land." Song

Yi was inevitably a little disappointed.

If it were residential land, the risk would be lower for banks.

An Liang continued,"We at AXA plan to build a large comprehensive commercial center and a 50-level office building. That is the future headquarters of our AXA Construction, and the excess floors will be leased to the outside world."

The so-called 50-level office building is not a 50-level office building, but a new office scene that integrates the five elements of Oxygen, OfficePark, Open, Own, and Opportunity. Instead of Former 5A-level office building

"Our estimated development capital is 2 billion to 3 billion, but we will invite partners, including Chengyuan Real Estate, Mingde Real Estate, etc., which are our core partners of AXA Construction."An Liang added.

Song Yi quickly explained,"If it is only 2 billion to 3 billion in funds, our Beiyu Branch can provide it independently, and the annual interest rate will be reduced to 4%. An

Liang neither agreed nor refused. He responded casually,"As for the cooperation, I still need to discuss it with my dad before making a decision. President Song, we are only dealing with the Fengfan Power acquisition case today.""

After An Liang finished speaking, Tao Shizhong, the new financial director of AXA Construction, took Lu Sili and two legal staff into the VIP room.

Tao Shizhong took the initiative to say hello,"Mr. Xiao An, we are here.

Lu Sili and the two legal staff also greeted him politely,"Hello, Mr. Xiao An.""

Most people in Ansheng Construction Company call An Liang 'Mr. Xiao An'. After all, An Shengyu is 'Mr. An'. Who makes An Liang the son of An Shengyu?"

"Uncle Tao, please sit down first." An Liang responded to the greeting.

After Song Yi greeted Tao Shizhong, he took the initiative and said,"I'm going to see if the relevant documents and contracts are ready. Mr. An, please wait a moment."

"Um! An Liang nodded.

When Song Yi left the VIP room, An Liang asked casually,"What is my dad busy with?""

Tao Shizhong responded,"We are checking the safety issues. The Xicheng development plan not only includes us, AXA, but also other construction companies, so the safety issues are more complicated."

An Liang nodded. An Shengyu attaches great importance to safety issues, so there has not been a single safety accident since the establishment of Ansheng Construction. This is simply incredible.

Less than five minutes later, Song Yi took Liu Ling and two legal staff The officer walked into the VIP room with five document bags in his hand. He placed these document bags on the table and pushed them towards Anliang.

"Mr. An, these are relevant contract materials, including the mortgage contracts of our three banks, the sales contract of Sail Power, and the supplier’s confirmation letter."Song Yi explained.

Lu Sili and two legal staff immediately began to check. All contracts and documents were clear and clear. There were no text traps or any vague terms.

After more than half an hour of confirmation, An Sheng Construction's legal staff and Lu Sili both confirmed that there was no problem with the contract.

An Liang represented Ansheng Construction, and Song Yi represented Gongshang Bank Beiyu Branch. The two parties signed the final contract.

Ansheng Construction finally paid 269 million yuan. It purchased all the assets and debts of Fengfan Power at a price of 1 yuan, and obtained mortgage contracts from three banks.

The extra 1 yuan was the quotation for Fengfan Power's remaining assets of more than 40 million yuan.

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