An Liang checked the prompts of the Life Winner System.

Wealth, honor, benevolence and righteousness?


There is nothing wrong at all, this is indeed Anliang!

‘Special reward? 'An Liang continued to check the details of the special rewards.


Tai Sui Immortality:

The elixir of immortality in ancient legends—Golden Tai Sui!


If you eat 10 grams of Golden Tai Sui, you will gain 1 year of life.


Based on individual genetic differences in humans, the longest life span is the Hayflick limit data.

Annual output:

100 grams

Annual growth:

If gold Tai Sui is not destructively collected, the output will increase by 100 grams every three years until the annual output increases to 1,000 grams.

Growth environment: anaerobic and anaerobic, high nutrition, high mineral water environment


An Liang looked at the details of the special reward 'Tai Sui Immortality'. He was stunned for a moment. It was actually a life span reward?

Anliang once received a life-span reward. The total supply was 226 months, and the corresponding reward was 226 tablets of Millennium Astragalus. After taking each tablet, you will gain one month of life extension.

This time the reward is actually extended for one year?

More importantly, the annual output is 100 grams. Eating 10 grams can extend your life by one year. Does that mean Anliang can live forever?

Although there is a term 'limit' in the information given by the Life Winner System, Anliang did not study biology, so how did he know the meaning of Hayflick's limit?

An Liang immediately asked the Life Winner System if it could achieve eternal life.

However, the Life Winner System gave An Liang a head-on blow!

Based on the information fed back by the Life Winner System, An Liang understood the meaning of Hayflick's limit. In the field of biology, it refers to the limit of the number of divisions of normal body cells in vertebrates.

The Hayflick limit of humans, depending on individual genetic differences, is that the number of cell divisions is about 40 to 60 times, and each time is about 2 years.

Because of the Hayflick Limit, the current Guinness World Record for the oldest person is 134 years old.

So Anliang's dream of eternal life was shattered!

Faced with this situation, An Liang continued to ask the Life Winner System if he could know his own Hayflick limit in advance, as well as the specific time of each Hayflick limit.

However, the Life Winner System directly stated that Anliang was not near the end of his life, and the system was unable to obtain relevant information.

Regarding this answer, An Liang was both relieved and regretful.

Seeing that the Life Winner System was not dumb this time, An Liang asked again why Golden Tai Sui had the effect of extending people's lives.

Modern science has proven that Tai Sui and bird's nest are the same type of IQ tax.

Modern science believes that Tai Sui is a large slime mold complex, and its medicinal value is still a mystery. Anyway, limited research has not found that Tai Sui has any miraculous effects.

In addition, in view of individual differences in complex slime mold, it is not recommended to eat Tai Sui, because who knows if Tai Sui is a poisonous mushroom?

Modern science recommends collecting and studying Tai Sui instead of simply eating Tai Sui.

Faced with An Liang's inquiry, the Life Winner System responded with a word of caution, indicating that Golden Tai Sui contains special NAD-Plus substances.

NAD-Plus substance is a special substance discovered by the Nobel chemist in 1904. It can effectively resist aging and is found in a variety of vegetables and fruits.

For example, edamame, broccoli, yellow fruits, avocado, tomatoes, etc.

However, these vegetables and fruits contain too little NAD-Plus. If you want to supplement NAD-Plus through edamame, adults need to eat at least 32 kilograms a day, or eat 54 kilograms of broccoli.

An Liang added another question, what if you eat more Golden Tai Sui, for example, two servings a year, or even more?

The Life Winner System responded without stinginess. Even if you eat two servings, it will still only have the effect of one serving, and it can only extend your life for one year. After all, NAD-Plus substances cannot exert better effects after they reach a sufficient concentration.

So one serving is enough, two servings is a waste!

An Liang calculated it, and found that ten cents per year seemed not enough?

An Liang will definitely want to take a bite!

An Shengyu and Sun Xia must also have a portion, that is, three portions have been consumed and seven portions are left.

Li Xiyan, Chen Siyu, Ning Ruoshuang, the two sisters from the Xia family, and the little vixen, this is already six people, and there are still many people who need to be arranged.

For example, Liu Ling?

This is the time when Liu Ling, a beautiful witch, needs golden Tai Sui, right?

Another example is Liang Xue. Although she has the lowest status among Anliang women, she is still an Anliang woman, so she can’t live without her, right?

Plus the preparatory staff, such as Song Qian?

What if Zhao Wanxi can also accept An Liang's love?

Add another Yao Qi? as well as...

Just Anliang's woman is not enough to allocate, not to mention the extended family of the woman's parents and the interest groups on Anliang's side.

The quantity of this Golden Tai Sui is far from enough!

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