Flowery Garden, underground garage of Building 1.

Li Xiyan wore a Dior white mulberry silk knee-length skirt, Gucci white shoes, and a white cap from Gongshang Bank. She looked a bit naive.

An Liang held Li Xiyan with his right hand. This little fool was wearing a Patek Philippe 7140G-001. The platinum dial looked very set off Li Xiyan's complexion.

"Baby, there's something about that hat of yours! An Liang said with a smile.

Li Xiyan responded,"I got this from my internship at my mother's place.""

"Well, let's go to the bar first. Brother Yuan and the others have already gone there first. An Liang greeted Li Xiyan to get in the car.

Li Xiyan glanced at the black Mercedes-Benz S450L and asked curiously,"Have you changed cars again?""

Before An Liang responded, Li Xiyan said in disgust,"This car is so ugly!"

The Mercedes-Benz S450L is still ugly?

According to Li Xiyan's aesthetics, the Mercedes-Benz S450L is too business-like and old-fashioned, and it is indeed ugly.

An Liang asked Li Xiyan to get in the car first, started the engine, and then explained,"The Lamborghini Urus was in a car accident. Brother Haiyang’s cheating problem..."

After An Liang finished speaking, Li Xiyan burst out laughing,"Isn't Brother Haiyang worse off than me?"


It seems like it is!

Yun Haiyang really seems to be a little trickier than Li Xiyan, huh?

At present, Yunhaiyang's car accident problem has spread to the field of urban off-road vehicles. Who knows whether Yunhaiyang will continue to spread in the future?

In fact, An Liang found that Yun Haiyang's driving skills were quite good. When he was at the Jinggang International Circuit, Yun Haiyang's lap time was not bad. The problem was that Yun Haiyang's luck was too bad.

Yun Haiyang encounters an accident every time. Is this the fate of the evil star?

Nearly half an hour later, An Liang arrived at the Surprise Bar. Sun Kemeng was already waiting at the door. When An Liang walked over with Li Xiyan in hand, Sun Kemeng greeted him attentively.

"Brother Liang, sister-in-law, good evening!"Sun Kemeng bowed in greeting.

An Liang waved his hand,"Brother Yuan and the others are here, right?"

"In card one."When Sun Kemeng responded, he still bowed and made an invitation.

An Liang said jokingly,"Xiao Sun, let me tell you something. Last time, my brothers said that you don't drink like Shengqing people. I'm not honest either, so why should I show off today? Sun

Kemeng nodded without hesitation,"No problem, brother Liang, don't worry, I will definitely sacrifice my life to accompany my big brother today!""

In fact, Sun Kemeng had already risked his life to accompany his big brother last time.

An Liang led Li Xiyan into the Surprise Bar, and the loud music immediately came over. Li Xiyan looked at the lively crowd, and she was a little eager to try.

An Liang joined in He reached her ear and whispered,"Want to jump a few times?"

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan nodded affirmatively.

"Then let's go jump a few times first."An Liang led Li Xiyan towards the dance floor.

The security personnel of Renyi Security Company quietly blended into the dance floor, protecting An Liang and Li Xiyan in the middle to prevent accidents. The so-called accident The situation is not a safety issue, but that there are always some people on the bar dance floor who cannot control their hands, and An Liang hates this behavior.

In order to avoid further follow-up problems, he prevents problems from happening in advance.

Because there are people from Renyi Security Company Security personnel surrounded and protected Li Xiyan, who jumped for a while under the leadership of An Liang, then pulled An Liang back to the booth.

Li Cunyuan took the initiative to speak,"Hello, sister-in-law, I am Li Cunyuan"

"Brother Yuan, I remember you."Li Xiyan said in response.

An Liang laughed and said,"Our Xiyan is a top student, from Fudan University, and has a good memory! Qian Xiaogang gave a thumbs up,"

Sister-in-law, you're awesome!" Yun

Haiyang sighed,"I envy my sister-in-law. I am such a bad student. I just passed the make-up exam yesterday. I shed tears just talking about it.""

I have to say that the three of them, Li Cunyuan, are all good actors. Their acting skills are very good, and they don't show any flaws at all. Just after ten o'clock in the evening, Li Xiyan received a call from Liu Ling.

Naturally, Liu Ling asked Li Xi When will Yan go home?

Li Xiyan has only been here for less than an hour. Why is she willing to go home?

Faced with Liu Ling's inquiry, Li Xiyan directly handed the phone to An Liang, and she leaned into An Liang's ear to complain. He said,"Mom is so annoyed. Now if you ask me when I will go back, tell her.""

An Liang took the phone and put it to his ear, so that he could hear Liu Ling's voice in the noisy bar.

"Auntie, Xiyan and I will come back later. We will leave from the bar at eleven o'clock and arrive home before twelve o'clock. An Liang said loudly.

After hearing An Liang's response, Liu Ling sighed,"Please be safe!""

"Don't worry, Auntie, there's absolutely no problem."Anliang promised swornly.

In Shengqing, what else can go wrong with Anliang?

Shengqing is the second headquarters of Renyi Security Company. Besides Tailande, Renyi Security Company has the strongest power in Shengqing.

Renyi Security Company With the support behind Anxin Investment, the penetration into Shengqing has already begun. Currently, Renyi Security Company has considerable power in Shengqing. It is even negotiating with Gongshang Bank and is preparing to cooperate with Gongshang Bank to undertake the cash escort business of Gongshang Bank..So what can go wrong in Shengqing?

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