Small wealth depends on luck, and medium wealth depends on opportunities.

As for being rich and wealthy?

Not only do you need the right time and place, but you also need to know how to be a good person in order to gain a foothold in this complex world, and eventually move up step by step, and eventually become rich.

Whether it is Mr. Da Ma, Mr. Pony, or other wealthy and powerful gentlemen, which one does not know how to behave?

An Liang can reach this stage, and he also knows how to behave, otherwise he would have been eaten to the bone!

An Liang's ability to never forget his roots allowed An Liang to quickly establish himself in the imperial capital circle. Big bosses in the imperial capital circle were willing to be friends with An Liang because of his ability to never forget his roots.

Even though An Liang is now very powerful, has a strong ability to withstand risks, and even has the ability to flip a table, An Liang is still willing to not forget his roots.

Because Anliang knows how to develop and grow more safely and remain standing.

It is not difficult to develop and grow, but it is difficult to remain standing!

This is why it is easier to conquer a country than to defend it, but it is difficult to defend a country.

To conquer the country, you only need to consider the issue of"attack".

But there are too many problems in defending the country.

Anliang has gradually passed the stage of conquering the country and has gradually entered the stage of defending the country. How to expand the territory while guarding the country is what Anliang needs to consider.

Based on this situation, Anliang must need allies, rather than pushing allies away and letting allies become enemies.

That's a stupid thing that makes relatives hate and enemies enjoy!

This time the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club changed its contribution system, the most affected ones were actually the marginal members. They consumed resources but did not make any contribution.

For example, during the Tesla operation, there were cases where members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club re-entered privately. These fringe members and restless members were the biggest victims of the contribution system.

The Tiantian Bai Yujing Club was originally a loose organization, and not every member was of the same mind as Anliang.

Through the restriction of the contribution system, fringe members and restless members will be greatly restricted. Even if the other party continues to be on the fringes of the Heavenly Baiyujing Club, the benefits the other party obtains from the Heavenly Baiyujing Club will also be significantly reduced.

An Liang planned to distribute the benefits allocated from this part to the core members of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club, thus optimizing the structure of the Tianshang Baiyujing Club.

This is the reason why Li Cunyuan proposed the contribution system.

Whether it is An Liang, Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang or Qian Xiaogang, they all know the advantages of the contribution system. As the founding members of the Bai Yujing Club, how can their interests be harmed?

We are all smart people!


At nearly five o'clock in the evening, An Liang received a call from Li Xiyan. He naturally swiped the screen to answer the call.

"Hey, baby."An Liang spoke first.

Li Xiyan's voice came over,"Help!"

"ah? An Liang asked doubtfully,"What happened?""

The danger premonition ability did not detect that Li Xiyan was in any danger, and An Liang was not nervous at all.

If Li Xiyan was really in danger, the danger premonition ability would definitely send out a reminder, just like before.

Li Xiyan complained," My mom is crazy! Our dinner in the evening was a cup of yogurt, a section of steamed yam, and half a steamed corn. The same thing was done in the morning and at noon. It was so hard for me!"

An Liang laughed out loud when he heard Li Xiyan's complaints!

Isn't this Liu Ling too cruel?

In order to maintain his figure, Liu Ling's diet management is very strict

"dare you laugh! Li Xiyan said with a hum,"You and Brother Yuan are eating, drinking and having fun outside, while I am suffering at home. I am so miserable!""

"Okay, okay, honey, auntie will go to work tomorrow, and we will eat out at noon tomorrow."An Liang explained.

"By the way, honey, have you lost weight? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan hummed,"Of course!" After being tortured by my mother for two days, I lost two pounds!"

"Haha, aunt is so powerful?"An Liang teased

"My mother is simply a devil!"Li Xiyan complained.

In the past, Li Xiyan had no choice, so she could only accept Liu Ling's cooking skills.

Now that Li Xiyan has a choice, she is naturally willing to go out to eat with An Liang.

"What are you eating tonight?" Li Xiyan asked.

An Liang said without any concealment,"I live in Shiliwan. We eat there in the evening. Today we have braised pig's feet, beggar's chicken, fried potatoes, roasted pepper preserved eggs, and Chive omelette, all are homemade dishes here."

The cured pig's trotters are smoked from the farm pigs, the beggar's chicken is the farm chickens, and the rest are from the farmers here without chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

"Ahhhh! Li Xiyan complained,"I want to eat it too!""

"Then come over?"An Liang teased

"I don't have a driver's license!"Li Xiyan felt wronged

"So in your sophomore year, honey, you must work hard and get your driver's license."An Liang said encouragingly.

"well!"Li Xiyan said with a sigh,"I'll hang up now. My mother asked me to practice yoga. I have no mentality anymore. See you tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah, see you tomorrow, come on baby! An Liang said encouragingly.

After hanging up the phone, Li Cunyuan asked jokingly,"Where's the inspection?" An

Liang denied,"It's impossible. Our Xiyan doesn't know how to check on the police. She just complained about her poor food at night." An

Liang casually talked about the situation.

Li Cunyuan said trembling,"Isn't my sister-in-law's mother too scary?"

Qian Xiaogang seconded,"If I eat like this for a day, I will collapse!""

Yun Haiyang sighed,"It's hard to bear!"

An Liang also feels that Liu Ling is very difficult to resist!


Update time: February 27, 2021 09:44:09, late good morning, it’s the weekend, you know, back pain.

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