Emerald community, atrium garden.

Liu Yuanbin controlled the long-endurance stable flight platform to land slowly. The three people suspended by the safety ropes landed first. Liu Yuanbin signaled them to untie the safety ropes and stay away from the long-endurance stable flight platform to avoid accidents.

After the three people untied the safety rope, Liu Yuanbin controlled the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform to land on the ground.

Until this moment, Liu Yuanbin breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just now, Liu Yuanbin was afraid that the long-lasting stable version of the flight platform would suddenly strike in the air. Wouldn't it be a tragedy for all of them?

Fortunately, we landed safely!

When Liu Yuanbin landed safely, he discovered that a large number of onlookers had gathered around him, and these onlookers were all holding up their mobile phones to take pictures.

This situation should be a characteristic of this era.

Don’t panic when something happens, take a video with your phone first!

The slightly obese young man who had just been rescued took the initiative to ask,"Is this your new fire rescue equipment?"

In view of the good performance of the long-endurance stable version of the flight platform, coupled with the large number of onlookers around to take videos, Liu Yuanbin's answer was naturally representative Fire protection system.

So Liu Yuanbin responded affirmatively,"This is the fire-fighting version of the long-lasting and stable flight platform, from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group." The slightly obese young man answered after Liu Yuanbin responded,"It uses graphene battery technology, right?"

Liu Yuanbin responded in a routine manner,"For specific information, please consult the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Please step back. I am going to return to the fire center to stand by."

After finishing speaking, Liu Yuanbin rearranged the three safety ropes and put them away, and then drove the long car. The endurance stable version of the flight platform returned to Dongsandao Fire Center.

On the way back, Liu Yuanbin found that the LCD screen of the long-endurance stable flight platform issued a prompt.

‘warn! Please return to the factory to check the motor damage after turning on the overload mode!"

Looking at the warning prompts on the LCD screen, Liu Yuanbin was originally on tenterhooks, but the stable flight of the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform made Liu Yuanbin's heart drop again.

It took more than six minutes to return to the Dongsandao Fire Center. This was because Liu Yuanbin reduced the flying speed to avoid high-power operation of the motor and prevent accidents.

When Liu Yuanbin landed at the Dongsandao Fire Center training base, Li Youde took the initiative to come over and ask,"How is the situation?"

"A little hiccup, but all went well!"Liu Yuanbin quickly explained the situation.

Li Youde breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard that Liu Yuanbin rescued five trapped people at once.

"It seems that this long-lasting stable version of the flight platform really plays a huge role in our fire protection system!"Li Youde sighed.

Liu Yuanbin personally carried out the rescue mission, and his feelings were even deeper. He said with certainty,"Its effect is indeed very huge!"

Liu Yuanbin continued to add,"If it were not for the flying motorcycles in this rescue operation, based on the traffic jam during the evening rush hour, I am afraid that all five trapped people would have to go out...."

According to the previous situation, if the firefighting forces really did not arrive at the scene in time, the consequences would be self-evident.

"One more thing, Director Li."Liu Yuanbin explained the overloading matter in detail, and started the long-endurance stable version of the flight platform and asked Li Youde to check the warning message.

Li Youde responded,"I will contact the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group.

After a while, Li Youde contacted Tang Minglang, a relevant person at Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Li Youde explained the situation and finally asked,"Mr. Tang, do we need to send it back to your company?""

Tang Minglang is the after-sales person in charge of the firefighting version of the long-endurance and stable flight platform. He responded,"How long has your long-endurance and stable flight platform been overloaded?"

After Li Youde asked Liu Yuanbin, he responded,"Less than three minutes."

Tang Minglang laughed,"It turns out it's less than three minutes, so it doesn't matter at all. I'll teach you to enter the engineering mode, and then you can test the power output through the extreme ascent speed and extreme acceleration to judge the condition of the motor."

"As the name suggests, the long-endurance stable flight platform mainly pursues stability, so even in overload mode, it is easy and enjoyable to hold on for half an hour."Tang Minglang added

"You should test it first. If you are not confident, you can fly it to our headquarters tomorrow. Tang Minglang added, and then added,"If you want to come over, remember to inform us in advance. Our headquarters has a no-fly zone.""

When Li Youde was communicating with Tang Minglang, a large number of videos of the firefighting version of the long-lasting stable version of the flying platform rescuing people had appeared in the short video app.

Liu Yuanbin was filmed by a large number of onlookers when he was rescuing people, and he even rescued people on the roof of the building. At that time, someone was filming the rescue process on the roof of the building next door.

A large number of videos about the long-life stable flight platform were circulated on the short video app, and there were also related hot searches on Weibo. For a time, the long-life stable flight platform was It caused a heated discussion on the Internet!

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