Dogs have very high IQs. They understand humans’ attitudes towards them, and they also have their own thoughts. Dogs can even have nightmares. When a new guide dog comes in, the former Labrador guide dog may become depressed. , or even behave abnormally.

If a visually impaired family whose Labrador guide dog retires buys a new guide dog and adopts a retired Labrador guide dog, what will happen to the former Labrador guide dog? For blind dogs, it is actually a kind of harm.

Dogs also compete for favors, right?

The once successful Labrador guide dog saw itself being replaced, and no one was sure whether it would undergo any unpredictable changes.

So usually, after a guide dog retires, it is not adopted by the visually impaired.

When a guide dog retires, its first right of adoption is the former foster learning family, that is, the family where it learned to get along with humans from 2 months to 1 year after it was born nine years ago.

If the family that once fostered the dog gives up the adoption, the second right of adoption is the guide dog training center. After retirement, the Labrador guide dog will use its spare energy in the training center to teach other guide dogs receiving training.

If the number of retired guide dogs in the training center exceeds the limit, the public will consider applying for adoption.

This is how a guide dog will experience three separations in its life!

The first is a foster learning home between 2 months and 1 year old, where they learn how to get along with humans. After living in harmony with humans during their teenage years, they say goodbye to their first owner.

The second time is when they are 1 to 2 years old. They receive strict professional training at the guide dog training center, but they still part ways.

If we say the first two separations, our feelings for each other were not deep, but the third separation was particularly difficult.

After all, they have been dependent on each other for many years and have absolute trust in each other, and then parting ways is a huge problem for both the visually impaired and the guide dogs.

It is precisely because of the three separations that guide dogs have been controversial.

Lighthouse has once again made up for this pain point!

The lighthouse is just a tool, its responsibility is to light up the dark world. If the lighthouse goes out, then find a new one to continue to dispel the darkness.

In this regard, lighthouses completely outperform guide dogs, because lighthouses have no emotional investment at all, only financial investment.

For any problem that can be solved with money, never invest emotions!

If you lose money, you can make it back. If you lose your relationship, you will lose it. It feels like your heart has been hollowed out. That feeling is really uncomfortable.


At around seven o'clock in the evening, Anliang and the other four were preparing to go from Shiliwan to Bar Street.

The three Li Cunyuan expeditions were successful and they found a new bar called 'Secret Garden'’

"Secret Garden? I think it’s pretty sexy just by the name! An Liang said jokingly.

Qian Xiaogang responded while driving,"It's really fun. The atmosphere of this bar is simply amazing. It's all my favorite style!""

"What style?"An Liang asked casually

"There are any styles, as long as you want, it can satisfy you."Yun Haiyang answered the call

"Damn it? An Liang was surprised,"Customized club?""

Li Cunyuan laughed, and he said with certainty,"Yes, Brother Gangzi can play in the customized club. He played the yellow group delivery boy yesterday, and the atmosphere group girl is also very good at acting."

"You still know how to play!"An Liang teased.

An Liang doesn't like these fancy things. Because of the existence of the interpersonal relationship scanning system, An Liang will subconsciously use it. If he sees someone who fails to pass the new three scores, An Liang will not be interested at all.

Brother Liang is very picky!

Playing around and stuff like that is not suitable for Brother Liang!

Compared with eating cold and cold food, An Liang prefers emotional communication.

"Brother Liang, my sister-in-law is not here today, shall we go play together?"Qian Xiaogang sent out the invitation.

Before An Liang could answer, Yun Haiyang answered,"I guess Brother Liang won't go."

"Congratulations, Brother Haiyang, you answered correctly!"An Liang said affirmatively.

Li Cunyuan changed the topic and complained,"Isn't the traffic jam in Shengqing too serious?"

After returning to the main city from Shiliwan, we were stuck in a traffic jam again, and it was a very heavy traffic jam.

An Liang said calmly,"This is what happens during the evening rush hour of our Shengqing Festival.That's it, it will be smooth after a while. Qian

Xiaogang sighed,"I used to think that the imperial capital had enough traffic jams, but now it seems that Shengqing is the king of traffic jams!""

"How can a navigation map that has been certified be fake?"An Liang complained.

The traffic jam in Shengqing has long been ranked first on the navigation map. He silently felt sorry for the drivers in Shengqing!

Yun Haiyang, who was in the passenger seat, looked out the window and suddenly pointed at the sky,"Hey! Is that a flying motorcycle?"

In the dog days of summer, when it was not completely dark at around seven o'clock in the evening, the long-endurance stable flying platform in the sky turned on the fire alarm lights and flew over the traffic. There was also a rectangular thing hanging below it, because it was a little far away. Far away, An Liang and the others didn’t see clearly what it was.

Qian Xiaogang watched the long-endurance stable version of the flying platform fly away unimpeded. He said with envy,"When will the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle be launched, Liang?" elder brother?"


Update time: March 3, 2021 09:11:46, good morning.

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