Ambulances are not free!

Many people don’t know this, right?

The use of ambulances is divided into emergency and non-emergency. Emergency ambulances are subsidized by the court, so the price is relatively cheaper, but non-emergency ambulances are much more expensive.

Taking Imperial City as an example, in the case of first aid, the basic fee is 120 yuan, plus the price of 4.5 yuan per kilometer, and the service fee of the on-board medical staff.

The service fee of the on-board medical staff includes pre-hospital treatment and even the cost of carrying a stretcher, such as the stairwell, which also costs money to carry down from the fifth or sixth floor.

In non-emergency cases, the cost will be higher.

What Qian Xiaogang means is that ambulances have to charge money anyway, so can ambulance flying motorcycles also charge money?

Since the ambulance flying motorcycles can be charged, then Dream Future Graphene Technology Group can sell the ambulance flying motorcycles more expensively to hospitals, right?

An Liang denied,"It's not necessary."

An Liang continued to analyze,"If we develop an ambulance flying motorcycle and sell it to the hospital at a high price, this part of the cost will eventually have to be borne by the patient. If you are a hospital, when faced with an ambulance flight When the motorcycle usage fees are high, will you blame us?"

Qian Xiaogang was stunned for a moment.

Li Cunyuan sighed and said,"The hospital will 100% throw the blame on us!"

Yun Haiyang agreed,"And the hospital will make more money from it!"

An Liang added affirmatively,"We will take the blame, and they will make the money. This Isn't this kind of thing what we are good at? How could we let others treat us like this?"

Qian Xiaogang responded sheepishly,"Hey, I've fallen into Qian's eyes again. Thanks for reminding me, brothers."

"Brother Liang, what are your plans for the ambulance flying motorcycle?"Qian Xiaogang asked.

An Liang responded,"Refer to the fire protection version and the power grid maintenance version, which are also sold to hospitals at a relatively low price, but the cost of using the ambulance flying motorcycle is determined by us, and we have to do this. Become a public welfare undertaking rather than something that makes money"

"good idea!"Qian Xiaogang explained.

Li Cunyuan seconded,"Our economic foundation is already very good, and now we should start to build a reputation. Yun

Haiyang chuckled,"If you want to make money, isn't there the US stock market?" An

Liang responded with a smile,"The U.S. stock market has not been peaceful recently. The hot money from our Xia Kingdom has been fighting fiercely with the financial institutions of the Bald Eagle Country. A large number of retail investors from the Bald Eagle Country have been bloodbathed. We don't want to be involved in this recently.""

The storm caused by An Liang in the US stock market has not subsided. Xia Guo Hot Money and Bald Eagle Country's financial institutions are becoming more and more tacit. The two parties seem to be fighting to the death, but in fact they are jointly harvesting Bald Eagle Country's retail investors.

Bald Eagle Country Financial institutions have little sympathy, even if they are blood-washing the retail investors of the Bald Eagle Country, or even if they join forces with the capital of the Xia Kingdom to blood-wash the retail investors of the Bald Eagle Country, they are still able to do it.

For those Wall Street devils, all they want is money.!

An Liang has his own bottom line.

An Liang does not think he is a good person, but he is not a bad person either. He abides by the attitude of doing something and not doing something.

In An Liang's view, making money through flying motorcycles in a special industry is not allowed. way.

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is not mainly engaged in flying motorcycles. Flying motorcycles are even just a small side project of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. Dream Future Graphene Technology Group does not rely on flying motorcycles to make money at all, so naturally it is willing to cherish them. Reputation.

When Anliang and the other two were discussing the rescue of the flying motorcycle, the official blog of Beiyu District No. 1 Hospital also posted information


Beiyu District No. 1 Hospital:

Thanks to @深圳火中心, thank you to @梦futuregraphene, the patients are out of danger!

Fortunately, the Shengqing Fire Center used a firefighting flying motorcycle to transport the patient. If the patient had delayed for another ten minutes, his life would have been in danger.

After experiencing this incident, our medical system also noticed the efficient role of flying motorcycles in the field of emergency rescue.

May I ask if @DreamFuture Graphene can develop a medical version of a flying motorcycle?


An Liang also saw the Weibo message posted by Beiyu District No. 1 Hospital. He smiled to himself. The other party was indeed a professional medical institution. It was just a firefighting flying motorcycle that performed an emergency rescue, and he realized the advantages of flying motorcycles in the medical field.

Especially in Shengqing, when there is a long-term traffic jam, once an emergency occurs, the efficiency of the flying motorcycle far exceeds that of an ambulance!

As for the medical helicopter?

Medical helicopters exist in some developed countries, but they are not suitable in Shengqing, not only because helicopters are expensive, but also because helicopter-related supporting facilities are incomplete.

Most hospitals don’t have helipads at all!

Although helicopters can also be parked directly in parking lots or open spaces, management is cumbersome and accidents are prone to occur.

The flying motorcycle is different, it is more convenient to manage.

So Beiyu District No. 1 Hospital hopes to dream of a future where Graphene Technology Group will develop a medical version of a flying motorcycle.

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