Huang Guoxiang watched the second video sent by An Liang. With the information revealed in this video, he felt a sense of enlightenment, because this video connected all the causes and consequences.

Employers from India, weapons-grade drones, electromagnetic weapons, and Dream Future Graphene Technology Group, all of these are directly connected in series.

The initial situation was that Indian border patrol agents were attacked by weapons-grade drones near Mount Keri. Only one investigator of the twelve-man team survived and happened to record it all.

In view of the high probability that weapons-grade drones use electromagnetic weapons, Xia Guo’s high-profile announcement of shipboard electromagnetic weapons, and the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group is the only supplier of graphene batteries in the world.

So is it any surprise that India is investigating Dream Future Graphene Technologies Group?

Huang Guoxiang thought about it for a moment, and then contacted Zhao Xingguo, the Secretary of the Central Committee. He reported the information, and then added,"Shall I contact the military for verification?"

Zhao Xingguo responded affirmatively,"Let's get in touch!"

However, The result of the contact was not ideal, because the military denied that they were responsible for the operation and stated that they were not aware of the operation.

Huang Guoxiang directly sent the video to the military, hoping that the military would conduct an internal self-examination.

This matter can be big or small. If done well, it can be made into a confusing account.

But if not done properly, it may become a big problem!

Huang Guoxiang contacted An Liang again and waited for An Liang to get through. Huang Guoxiang spoke first,"Where did you get this video?"

"Tyrande's channel. An Liang didn't hide it,"Lao Song from Ren'an Investment Company gave it to me. You should know him, right?""

"certainly. Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively,"Can you ask from what channel he obtained this piece of information?""

"Okay, wait a moment, I'll call you and ask." After An Liang responded, he hung up the phone and then contacted Song Ren.

Song Ren quickly answered the phone and took the initiative to speak,"Brother, is there anything else?"

"Brother, from what channel did you get the message you sent me through a confidential email?"An Liang asked.

Song Ren didn't hide it,"My father's friend is a member of the Indian National Defense Department. This video was secretly recorded by the other party, so the second half ended suddenly. At this point ,

Song Ren said jokingly,"By the way, brother, this piece of information cost 3 million US dollars, will you reimburse it?"

An Liang responded affirmatively,"Of course no problem!""

"Haha, I'm kidding, brother, next time you come to Tyrande, let's have a good drink."Song Ren responded with a smile.

"OK!"An Liang agreed.

An Liang is a real master of drinking!

An Liang ended the call with Song Ren. He used the voice call function of the National Security Investigation Bureau's confidential communication software to contact Huang Guoxiang again. Waiting for Huang Guoxiang to get through, An Liang told Song Ren the channel through which he obtained the intelligence. For a moment

"Lao Huang, I suspect you are messing with me on purpose!"An Liang complained.

Huang Guoxiang immediately said in the negative,"No, I just asked the military and they denied this operation and said they did not know about this operation."

"Do you believe?"An Liang asked back.

"I believe! Huang Guoxiang said affirmatively,"We have always followed the strategy of defensive counterattack. If others do not attack us, I will not attack others. This is our basic rule.""

"We are different from the Northern Bear Country, which likes to take the initiative, while we prefer passive counterattacks. Huang Guoxiang added.

An Liang fell silent again,"If it's not you, and it's not me, then who is it?""

"have no idea. Huang Guoxiang also responded negatively,"Can you hand over those two suspicious foreigners to us?""

"Of course, if there are no accidents, your people should have investigated the specific location."An Liang responded

"Do you need to let your people go?"Huang Guoxiang said casually

"Haha, Lao Huang, you always lack a little sincerity. I am sincere to you from the bottom of my heart, but you start playing tricks on me again."An Liang said jokingly

"What's the meaning?"Huang Guoxiang pretended to be confused.

"Spare our people? An Liang sneered,"I'm afraid that after I let him go, you will secretly monitor me and follow the clues to investigate and find out more information, right?" Huang Guoxiang responded negatively,"

I don't have such an idea.""

"hehe! An Liang chuckled,"Don't worry, the personnel from Renyi Security Company have left.""

"..."Huang Guoxiang fell into silence.

It turns out that Anliang is half a step ahead again!

"Lao Huang, this matter is left to you to handle. Find out who is behind the scenes and dare to plot against us!"An Liang said softly.

"Don't worry, you don't need to talk about this matter, we will investigate it clearly. After all, it is provoking a dispute between our Xia Kingdom and India, and we will investigate it seriously! Huang Guoxiang said with certainty.

"Remember to tell us the latest news."An Liang responded

"OK!"Huang Guoxiang agreed.

An Liang hung up the voice communication. When he put down the phone, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly....


Update time: March 6, 2021 03:13:58, super good morning!

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