In the US stock market, GameStop’s stock should be a standard junk stock!

Because GameStop’s performance is terrible, its future development potential is terrible, and its business capabilities are garbage. Under such circumstances, is it still not a junk stock?

However, the stock price of such junk stocks increased more than ten times in one trading day.

It’s simply incredible!

It can only be said that the power of emotions is really powerful. Retail investors came together to create a new miracle.

In this miracle, Anxin Investment Company bought a total of 23 million shares according to Anliang's instructions.

The number of 23 million shares is close to one-third of the total share capital of GameStop, but they are distributed among multiple accounts and do not reach the threshold of the US stock quotation system.

Anxin Investment Company is very familiar with this kind of operation because it has been done many times before and is already familiar with it.

The next day, it was close to eleven o'clock in the morning.

An Liang got up after sleeping for six hours. When he woke up, he saw that Fan Ping and Li Gang had sent him messages. Fan Ping and Li Gang actually woke up earlier.

So middle-aged people sleep less?

An Liang checked the information sent by the two people, which was mainly information from retail investors in Bald Eagle Country. This time around the operation of Game Station, retail investors expressed their victory in the gathered forum, and said that they would continue to focus on Game Station's financial operations. mechanism.

An Liang has already used [Advanced Designated Single US Stock Five-Day Trend Card] on GameStop. He knows the subsequent stock price trend, but he does not relax and still checks the information on the retail investor forum.

In the retail forum of Bald Eagle Country, An Liang saw a discussion post.

In this discussion thread, retail investors expressed an attitude. They know that GameStop's performance cannot support the current stock price, but they don't care about such a thing. Anyway, as long as they forcefully hold on and not sell GameStop's stocks, they will definitely be short sellers first. Can't hold it!

A large number of retail investors show that making money is not important, the principal is not important, what is important is defeating financial institutions!

Why should financial institutions harvest them if they want to?

Why don’t retail investors have the right to resist?

Why can they only be lambs to be slaughtered?

It is precisely because of such emotional problems that a large number of retail investors used GameStop as a battlefield and launched a counterattack against financial institutions.

Orange Financial was just unlucky at the right time.

Seeing such remarks, An Liang suddenly thought of a movie.

There is a line in the movie:


"Money is not important, and neither are you"

"So who matters?"

"It's important to me without you!"


This is the situation among these emotional retail investors in Bald Eagle Country. Money is no longer important. They just want to overthrow financial institutions.

Faced with such an idea, An An sneered in his heart!

Not to mention that Anxin Investment Company has entered the game this time. Even if Anxin Investment Company does not exist, there are still other financial institutions coming in.

Retail investors must have the consciousness of retail investors!

Do you really think retail investors can beat financial institutions?

Orange Finance is right!

Retail investors are just a plate of loose sand!

Although judging from the stock price trend in the next five days, Orange Financial may be overthrown by"a piece of loose sand", but that is just because Orange Financial itself is too weak.

The total capital of Xiangcheng Financial is over 10 billion US dollars. With such capital, it is just a little brother in the US stock market. It is understandable that it was defeated.

If Orange Financial is like Anxin Investment Company, which can mobilize more than 30 billion US dollars in funds with a little effort, it will not be easily defeated.

After An Liang read the information sent by Fan Ping and Li Gang, he took the initiative to send a message to Li Xiyan

‘An Liang: Honey, what did you eat for lunch today?’

‘Li Xiyan: I don’t know yet’

‘An Liang: Do you want to go out to eat with me?’

‘Li Xiyan: You want to harm me again!’

‘Li Xiyan: I finally lost weight’

‘Li Xiyan: So what should we eat for lunch? '

This little fool...

An Liang couldn't help but burst out laughing.

‘Anliang: What do you want to eat?’

‘Li Xiyan: Should we take Brother Yuan and the others with us?’

‘An Liang: No need, they probably haven’t gotten up yet’

‘Li Xiyan: Then...I don't know what to eat either’

‘An Liang: Steak? '

Beef is also low in fat

‘Li Xiyan: Okay, steak is fine too’

‘An Liang: Okay, you wait for me at home, I will come to pick you up right away. '

An Liang had dinner with Li Xiyan at noon and played two games at Li Xiyan's house in the afternoon before returning home to wait for the opening of the US stock market today.

Li Cunyuan and the other two couldn't wait to leave the Secret Garden Bar. They were completely addicted to it. An Liang could only lament that the three of them were too young and didn't know how to resist the temptation.

An Liang knows how to resist temptation!

All right...

It should be his ability to foresee danger that helped Anliang resist temptation, otherwise Anliang's backyard would definitely be in constant trouble.

After all, how can a man remain sane forever?

Men, it is always easy to make the same mistakes that men make.

Take Zhao Wanxi and Yao Qi as an example. Whether it is Zhao Wanxi or Yao Qi, their good looks are enough for Anliang to make mistakes at certain times. But fortunately, with the help of danger premonition ability, Anliang is confident enough. force.

Otherwise it would be miserable, right?

Night falls.

Sky realm.

An Liang began to pay attention to the US stock market in his bedroom. It was already close to 9:30 in the evening, and the US stock market was about to open again....


Update time: March 11, 2021 00:17:08, good night


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