Facing Chen Siyu's inquiry, An Liang denied it without hesitation,"Teacher Sun is wrong!"

"How could I influence your piano practice? An Liang rubbed Chen Siyu's slender fingers,"I came to the Imperial Capital this time mainly to test drive the luxury version of the third generation flying motorcycle, and to participate in formulating the examination rules for the flying motorcycle driver's license.""

"ah! Chen Siyu immediately asked,"Has the third-generation flying motorcycle been made?" An

Liang nodded affirmatively,"Well, the prototype has been made. It still needs to pass multiple flight tests and collect user experience feedback before it can be finalized.""

Chen Siyu sat upright in An Liang's arms. She looked at An Liang from a close distance and said coquettishly,"I want to take the test too!"

An Liang stretched out his hand and pinched Chen Siyu's fair cheek. He said teasingly,"Look, you are the one who wants to be lazy!""

"It’s not your fault!"Chen Siyu threw the blame and said,"If you hadn't come to test the flying motorcycle, I naturally wouldn't have participated."

This big cat in the imperial capital is indeed the woman of the pot-throwing king, isn't she?

She is very skilled at throwing pots!

"Has Teacher Sun arranged any rest time?"An Liang asked

"Half day off every Sunday afternoon."Chen Siyu responded

"Okay, the testing of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle will be scheduled for Sunday afternoon at the Golden Port International Circuit." An Liang explained.

Chen Siyu responded cheerily,"Okay, okay, my husband is great!"

An Liang couldn't help but pinched Chen Siyu's tender face again. This big cat in the imperial capital has completely learned bad things. Call her husband when there is something, Master An when nothing happens, right?

"Ding dong~"

The doorbell rang.

"It should be a food delivery service."An Liang said casually.

Chen Siyu got up from An Liang's arms. She walked to the entrance and saw through the visualization system that it was indeed the butler who was delivering the food, so she opened the door and let him in. The food delivery service of Yunjing International Apartment is very detailed. It was very good, and the food delivery staff were female, so they were more friendly.

Under the command of Chen Siyu, the food delivery staff placed the dishes that An Liang had just ordered on the table, and then left quietly.

After closing the door, Chen Siyu He said,"I'm going to call Shuangshuang.""

"Well, she was a little slow to take a shower."An Liang responded casually.

Chen Siyu walked to the master bedroom. She knew that Ning Ruoshuang needed more time to take a bath, because Ning Ruoshuang practiced dancing very seriously every day and would inevitably sweat, so she had to take a longer bath. It took less than two minutes. At that time, Chen Siyu came out with Ning Ruoshuang. Ning Ruoshuang was wearing pajamas. An Liang glanced at Ning Ruoshuang and smiled.

Ning Ruoshuang's face turned red at An Liang's gaze.

"Shuangshuang, come here."An Liang greeted Ning Ruoshuang.

Ning Ruoshuang will not be fooled!

"Master An, I'm so hungry, let's eat first!"Ning Ruoshuang responded with rejection.

An Liang didn't care either. This Bingshan girl could escape the first grade of junior high school. How could she escape the fifteenth grade?

Since she's hungry, let's eat first.

An Liang accompanied Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang to eat. At the time, at the headquarters of the National Security Investigation Bureau, Shi Feng repeatedly confirmed a piece of gossip. He thought carefully before deciding to report to Huang Guoxiang.

This time to report the work, Shi Feng cautiously went to Huang Guoxiang's office. In the office, Shi Feng spoke first,"Boss Huang, is it convenient to discuss things here?"

Huang Guoxiang clicked a button on his desk, and the originally transparent floor-to-ceiling window glass became opaque. It was an electrochromic glass curtain wall.

"Is there anything important?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"Krishan thing. Shi Feng responded,"Previously, near the Keri Mountain on the border, a group of Indian patrols were mysteriously attacked. Boss Huang still remembers this incident, right?""

"certainly! Huang Guoxiang responded affirmatively,"Aren't those drones already confirmed to be fake?""

"Those drones are indeed fake. Shi Feng replied,"What I want to talk about this time is not about drones, but why they were attacked.""

"Why were they attacked? Huang Guoxiang asked.

According to the analysis of experts from the Xia Kingdom think tank, the motive of those drones attacking Indian patrols may be to provoke disputes between India and Xia Kingdom, so as to make a profit.

It is precisely because of this Regarding the speculation, neither Xia nor India acted rashly to prevent a third-party mysterious person from reaping the benefits.

Shi Feng lowered his voice,"I just confirmed a piece of gossip on India's Internet."

"Boss Huang, I know that hearsay is unreliable, so let me explain in advance that this is just a hearsay." Shi Feng added a reminder.

"Just say it!"Huang Guoxiang snorted.

Shi Feng took a deep breath, and he responded,"According to the gossip I found on the Indian Internet, this time the Indian patrols went to Mount Keri, but it was not for Patrol, but looking for a legendary thing!"

"Something from legend? Huang Guoxiang wondered,"What legendary thing?""

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