Yunjing International Apartment.

An Liang was peeling shrimps for Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang. Facing Chen Siyu's inquiry, An Liang said casually,"Just answer it. What's the matter?""

"Oh oh!"Chen Siyu casually picked up An Liang's mobile phone and slid the screen to answer the call.

"Hello?"Chen Siyu didn't know how to address Huang Guoxiang, so he simply pretended not to know that it was Huang Guoxiang who was calling.

Hearing Chen Siyu's voice, Huang Guoxiang was stunned for a moment, and he took the initiative to say,"Hello, I'm Huang Guoxiang. I have something to see An Liang."

"He is peeling shrimps. I am not free at the moment. What can I do for you?"Chen Siyu asked back.

It was naturally impossible for Huang Guoxiang to tell the truth to Chen Siyu. He imagined An Liang peeling shrimps and couldn't help but smile.

An Liang wants to peel shrimps?

This is a good sign!

Because it means that An Liang's mentality is normal. Be willing to pay for your girlfriend, rather than not caring about her at all.

Such behavior also means that Anliang has a bond!

Anliang's feelings will anchor Anliang's behavior.

If a person like Anliang has no bonds, he can do whatever he wants. Acting recklessly is the greatest disaster!

"Regarding flying motorcycles, we plan to set up a flying motorcycle training center, so we need to discuss the specific situation, as well as the flying motorcycle driver's license test."Huang Guoxiang explained what can be said.

Anyway, this matter really needs to be discussed with An Liang.

"Wait a mininute."Chen Siyu clicked the speaker on the phone and took the initiative to repeat what Huang Guoxiang meant.

An Liang responded with a complaint,"Old Huang, I'm not free right now. I'll talk to you later. Hang up first!""

"OK! You peel the shrimp first, we'll talk about it later."Huang Guoxiang's tone was full of laughter.

Huang Guoxiang hung up the phone on his own initiative, and he couldn't help laughing.

In Room 8806 of Yunjing International Apartment, Chen Siyu took the initiative to say,"Where are you going to establish flight training? center?"

"It should be in the Fengning area at the northernmost tip of the imperial capital, more than 120 kilometers away from the center of the imperial capital."An Liang explained.

Chen Siyu looked disappointed,"Is it too far?"

"It's really a bit far."An Liang responded,"However, the flying motorcycle training center has its own particularities, and it needs a larger venue, so it was arranged in the Fengning area."

"Is it difficult to take the flying motorcycle driving license test?"Chen Siyu asked curiously.

Ning Ruoshuang was also curious,"Compared with a car driver's license, which one is more difficult?"

"We have not determined the specific test content yet, but I think it will definitely be simpler than the car driving license test. Because the intelligent control system of the third-generation flying motorcycle is very advanced, especially the image recognition processing system."An Liang explained.

The third-generation flying motorcycle integrates the image recognition technology of the lighthouse, uses a larger depth-of-field camera, and a longer-range lidar. It far surpasses the lighthouse in image recognition processing.

Coupled with the self-developed dark core technology Chip and control system, the intelligent control system of the third generation flying motorcycle is impeccable in terms of safety

"That would be great. I want to get a flying motorcycle driver's license. I will drive the flying motorcycle to school in the future to avoid traffic jams every day."Chen Siyu complained.

Ning Ruoshuang seconded,"I also want a flying motorcycle. It's really annoying to be stuck in traffic every day. The distance is obviously very close, but the traffic jam is very troublesome."

"As long as you pass the exam, I will definitely not stop you from using flying motorcycles."An Liang responded with a smile.

The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is already very safe and equipped with a variety of safety systems. As long as Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang pass the flying motorcycle driver's license test, An Liang will naturally not prevent them from using the flying motorcycle.

"When will the flying motorcycle training center open? Chen Siyu asked.

An Liang asked back,"Don't you need to practice piano anymore?""

"ah!"Chen Siyu looked helpless.

Ning Ruoshuang smiled. Her dance practice task was not as heavy as Chen Siyu's piano practice task. The main reason was that Chen Siyu had a clear goal, while Ning Ruoshuang's goal was more vague.

Ning Ruoshuang wanted to Going on the stage of the National Center for the Performing Arts is an important festival performance, but there are too many outstanding dancers in front of her. It is more difficult for Ning Ruoshuang to get on stage.

So Ning Ruoshuang can take time to learn flying motorcycles. drving license

"I have a half-day break every weekend, and I will use this half-day to study. Since it is simpler than a car driving license, I think I can pass the test easily."Chen Siyu said confidently.

This big cat in the imperial capital is a racing driver who was delayed by playing the piano, and An Liang also felt that she could pass the exam easily.

More than half an hour later, An Liang and the others finished their dinner, while Chen Siyu and Ning Ruoshuang cleaned up. At the table, he urged An Liang,"Master An, hurry up and contact Lao Huang. You two can discuss the flying motorcycle driver's license test. I want to get the flying motorcycle driver's license as soon as possible."

"Okay, okay!"An Liang sighed.

An Liang first put on a Bluetooth headset, and then used voice communication to contact Huang Guoxiang through the confidential communication software provided by the National Security Investigation Bureau.

Waiting for the voice communication to be connected, Huang Guoxiang spoke first

"Is it convenient to talk now? Huang Guoxiang asked.

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