In the ICU ward, Sun Jingye completed the examination for Zhao Zhuangkang. He looked shocked because the examination results showed that Zhao Zhuangkang was in very good condition, just like a normal person.

More importantly, Zhao Zhuangkang's health is particularly good!

"How's it going?"Zhao Xingguo looked at Sun Jingye's changing expression and asked about the situation.

Sun Jingye hesitated for a moment before responding,"Mr. Zhao, I want to check again."

"no problem." Zhao Xingguo responded.

Zhao Zhuangkang said a little dissatisfied,"I feel very good now!"

"dad!"Zhao Xingguo showed a helpless look,"Health comes first. Zhao Zhuangkang nodded,"

Check quickly, I'm really hungry now!""

In fact, Zhao Zhuangkang is really hungry. Because the thousand-year-old Astragalus consumes a lot of energy when helping Zhao Zhuangkang recover, Zhao Zhuangkang feels hungry. This is the body's instinct to eat to replenish the lost energy.

Sun Jingye immediately rechecked , this time the examination was a little faster, and only the key examinations were done. The final result was the same as before. Zhao Zhuangkang's condition was completely restored, almost like a normal person.

This time Zhao Zhuangkang asked first,"What is my condition?" how? Sun

Jingye responded thoughtfully,"Mr. Zhao's condition is very good. Comprehensive analysis shows that Mr. Zhao's physical condition has almost completely recovered, even reaching the level of what it was thirty years ago.""

"Um?" Zhao Zhuangkang was stunned, and then responded affirmatively,"Yes, yes, yes, I feel the same way, as if my whole body is relaxed! Sun

Jingye hesitated for a moment and asked again,"Mr. Zhao, if you still have similar Chinese medicinal materials, I suggest you use them on Mr. Zhao again. If there is still such a good effect, we can even verify and arrange surgical removal for Mr. Zhao." Shrapnel in the body."

Zhao Xingguo did not give an answer immediately. Since the thousand-year-old astragalus is so precious, he was not sure whether An Liang would be willing to give out more.

If Zhao Xingguo himself asked An Liang for more thousand-year-old astragalus, it would be somewhat inappropriate to let Zhao Wan If Xi communicates with Anliang, it will be easier to succeed, right?

So what bad intentions can a dignified first-rank official have?

"Since there is no problem with my condition, can I eat now?"Zhao Zhuangkang once again expressed that he wanted to eat. He was really hungry.

Sun Jingye responded affirmatively,"Mr. Zhao can eat some light and non-greasy food. If Mr. Zhao is not allergic to seafood, he can now eat some high-protein seafood"

"That's good, I really like seafood. Zhao Zhuangkang responded.

Zhao Wanxi said from the side,"There is a seafood restaurant diagonally opposite us. Let me make a reservation first. We have been there for about ten minutes. What would grandpa want to eat?""

"Fish, shrimp and crab are all ok." Zhao Zhuangkang responded,"As long as I can fill my stomach, I haven't been so hungry for a long time."

Sun Jingye was taking off the electrode patch from Zhao Zhuangkang. After taking it off, Zhao Zhuangkang got out of bed and stood up on his own without the help of Zhao Xingguo and Zhao Dongliang.

When Zhao Zhuangkang and his party walked out of the ICU ward, An Liang and Huang Guoxiang Just after they finished talking, they naturally saw Zhao Zhuangkang walking out of the ward.

Huang Guoxiang looked at Zhao Zhuangkang blankly. When Sun Jingye said that Zhao Zhuangkang's condition had improved greatly, Huang Guoxiang was already surprised. Now Zhao Zhuangkang can actually get out of bed by himself, and Walk out of the ward.


It was just like what An Liang said, it was simply a miracle!

Faced with Zhao Zhuangkang walking out of the ward, Anliang was not surprised at all, because there was such record information in the experimental records given by the Life Winner System.

An Liang took the initiative to say hello,"Hello, Grandpa Zhao. My name is An Liang, and I am Zhao Wanxi's friend."

Zhao Zhuangkang followed the sound. He looked An Liang up and down, and finally nodded with satisfaction,"What a good boy, he is worthy of our family." Wanxi!"

"grandfather!"Zhao Wanxi's face turned red with embarrassment.

An Liang scratched the back of his head with his right hand, showing a simple and honest expression, like a simple and honest young man.

"Xiao An, I'm going to have something to eat, will you go?"Zhao Zhuangkang took the initiative to invite.

An Liang readily agreed,"Okay, I just didn't have lunch. I want to eat more later."

"Haha, old man, I want to eat more too!"Zhao Zhuangkang laughed heartily. He liked An Liang's straightforward performance.

Zhao Zhuangkang and An Liang were chatting and walking outside the hospital. Mainly, Zhao Zhuangkang was asking An Liang, such as An Liang's age, where he was from, and what he did. It was a standard parent question.

An Liang answered honestly, and his answer satisfied Zhao Zhuangkang.

In less than a quarter of an hour, everyone arrived at the Imperial Seafood Restaurant. Zhao Wanxi had already reserved a private room, and An Liang was left by Zhao Zhuangkang. On the left, Zhao Wanxi sat on the right of Zhao Zhuangkang.

The dishes Zhao Wanxi ordered were basically steamed vegetables, and they were low in oil and salt, so as to take care of Zhao Zhuangkang's taste.

After all, Zhao Zhuangkang had just recovered from a serious illness!

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