This was the case when I once dreamed that Graphene Technology Group would allocate equity in the future!

The valuation in the first round is very low, and the amount of money invested in the first round of preemptive subscription rights is relatively small, which naturally means greater benefits.

"You gave us first-round pre-emptive rights, but will you give other members first-round pre-emptive rights? Zhao Wanxi continued to ask.

An Liang shook his head,"Of course not!""

"But that's not fair, right?"Zhao Wanxi responded,"Although there is no such thing as fairness, we must at least create a sense of fairness within the club."

"Especially when we just implemented the contribution system." Zhao Wanxi added.

After Zhao Wanxi's reminder, An Liang suddenly realized,"So when allocating the cake of the new company, we will use the contribution system to make a fuss."

"The new company is a win-win project. I call on you to donate your own resources, which will turn into contribution values, and then subscribe for the corresponding shares through the contribution values. This is very fair. After all, you will get something for your work. The more you pay, the more you will get. many,Nor can I find fault with things that are unfair."An Liang smiled again and again.

"This is fair!" Zhao Wanxi responded.

Huang Guoxiang answered,"We provide breeding status, provide safe houses, and provide various safety guarantees. Should it be considered a contribution, right?"

"But you are not members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club?"An Liang responded jokingly.

"..."Huang Guoxiang looked at An Liang speechlessly, because he was indeed not a member of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky.

"Didn’t you open up peripheral organizations?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"Your contribution system also covers peripheral organizations. When we join your peripheral organizations, the numerous security guarantees we provide can be counted as contributions, right? Huang Guoxiang added.

An Liang nodded affirmatively,"Yeah!" no problem!"

"Should I still leave this matter to you?"An Liang looked at Zhao Wanxi beside him.

"good!"Zhao Wanxi responded,"Li Cunyuan, Yun Haiyang, and Qian Xiaogang, the three of them should not be able to provide much help in this incident. Their shares..."

An Liang responded,"I will transfer some contribution points to them to protect their share."

"In fact, you don’t have to be like this. Everyone knows that your kindness is repaid by the spring. No one will say that you are ungrateful."Zhao Wanxi sighed.

An Liang smiled and said nothing.

This is called buying horse bones for a thousand gold!

"Lao Huang, you will take care of the breeding and identity matters, and Zhao Wanxi will take care of the preparations for the new company."An Liang ordered

"What is the name of the new company?" Zhao Wanxi asked.

An Liang thought about it for a moment and then responded,"Dream Future Energy Group mainly operates fourth-generation nuclear power plants. According to the plan, relying on the fourth-generation nuclear power plants, we will establish a new ultra-high-speed charging network to connect with Dream Future Energy Group. The future graphene technology group will be seamlessly linked."

Dream Future Graphene Technology Group produces graphene battery-related products, and Dream Future Energy Group provides electric energy. The two parties can indeed seamlessly cooperate.

Especially flying motorcycles based on graphene batteries, and electric vehicles based on graphene batteries in the future. Cars, all of which require the support of an ultra-high-speed charging network.

At least currently, the traditional charging network cannot handle the ultra-high power requirements of graphene batteries.

Zhao Wanxi imagined the future of Dream Graphene Technology Group and the wireless Dream Future Energy Group. She nodded affirmatively,"The two companies do make up for each other!" I will handle it as soon as possible, and the corresponding contribution statistics will also be handled carefully."

"Well, I believe in your ability."An Liang responded

"Lao Huang, regarding the breeding status and safe house, I will ask Qin Tianxiang to contact you, and you will handle it."An Liang added

"OK!"Huang Guoxiang responded

"Then I'll leave first, and I still have to deal with the exchange of thousand-year-old astragalus slices. An Liang explained, then looked at Zhao Wanxi,"Are you staying here, or should I take you back?"

Zhao Wanxi stood up and said,"Send me back!""

An Liang and Zhao Wanxi left the National Security Investigation Bureau headquarters together. Huang Guoxiang immediately contacted Qin Tianxiang, and the two parties coordinated to deal with Sato's future affairs.

On the way to send Zhao Wanxi back to the small courtyard, Zhao Wanxi took the initiative to say,"I After learning about the fourth generation nuclear power plant, its excellent performance far exceeds that of the current nuclear power plant. You can definitely become an energy giant with the help of it!"

"Don't you want to get more benefits?"Zhao Wanxi probed

"My dad once said that you can't make enough money, only by win-win cooperation can you go further and more steadily!"An Liang responded calmly.

Zhao Wanxi suddenly changed the topic,"You are good at everything, but you are too carefree!"

"Regarding this issue, I can only say that our understanding is different."An Liang told Yang Guo's fallacies again.

"Being passionate does not mean being carefree, and being dedicated is also being ruthless."An Liang sighed.

Zhao Wanxi rolled her eyes at An Liang,"You are lying!"

"Unreasonable? An Liang denied,"I don't think it's unreasonable!""

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