In the WeChat group of Tianshang Baiyujing Club, except for a few people who bubbled up, An Liang knew that there must be people diving. This is the norm in Tianshang Baiyujing Club, and some people always like to dive.

Facing Lin Yili's inquiry, An Liang sent a message

‘An Liang: This afternoon, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle will undergo qualification testing and verification at the Golden Port International Circuit, and court staff will participate.’

‘An Liang: Although we have repeatedly tested the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle to confirm its stability, safety, and performance testing, in order to prevent any eventuality, we must be prepared with both hands.’

‘An Liang: So the club announced a group mission to ensure that the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle successfully passes the quality certification and successfully obtains the certificate and sales license.’

‘An Liang: The total contribution of this task is 10,000. After the members participating in the task make their contributions, they will be publicly judged by nine contribution evaluators, and the results will be made public and accepted for questioning.’

‘An Liang: Contacts who want to participate in the mission@胡小鱼’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: Brother Liang, can I participate by myself?’

‘An Liang: Does your family have related relationships?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: If allowed, our family will directly undertake this task and pass the test 100%!’

‘Lin Yili: @胡小鱼: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, the goddess Xiaoyu holds her hand high. The deluxe version of the third-generation flying motorcycle is already perfect. It can definitely pass with its strength. Give it to our family. Our family lacks a little contribution.’

‘Ye Xiangyu: We also lack something’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: @李明飞: Registration has been received’

‘Lin Yili: @李明飞: I vomited, so you quietly participated?’

‘Hu Xiaoyu: @平正峰: Registration has been received’

‘Ye Xiangyu: @平正峰: I didn’t expect that a guy like you, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, would sign up secretly like this. '

Ten thousand contribution points is not much for An Liang, but for many members of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky, it is not a small amount. Even if everyone shares it together, how can they let go of a good thing they picked up for free?

The luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle can definitely pass the test in terms of quality. If coupled with the operation of the Bai Yujing Club in the sky, wouldn't it be a 10,000 percent thing?

When members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club were signing up one after another, An Liang received a message from Huang Guoxiang

‘Huang Guoxiang: Can we participate in your club mission?’

‘An Liang:?’

‘An Liang: This is a welfare mission, and peripheral members will definitely not be allowed to participate.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Discriminating against peripheral members?’

‘An Liang: Are you going to withdraw from the peripheral organization?’

‘Huang Guoxiang:...’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Why don't you play according to the routine?’

‘An Liang: Has the matter of that key gentleman been settled? '

The key man is naturally Sato Mirai, a key figure related to the fourth-generation nuclear power plant. He is the key to unlocking future energy.

‘Huang Guoxiang: Still processing’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Dealing with the breeding identity is very complicated. We need to reversely reshape the identity, bring everything about Mr. Key into the breeding identity, and establish relevant real interpersonal relationships.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: It still needs some time to process’

‘Huang Guoxiang: In addition, after analysis by our experts, we recommended that Mr. Guan undergo plastic surgery to completely change his appearance. What do you think?’

‘An Liang: Have you discussed plastic surgery with Mr. Guan?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Of course! The other party means to implement your decision. '

Yasuo thought about it and realized that the matter of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant must not be hidden. Once the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is made public, Sato will definitely receive great attention in the future.

Someone who is interested will definitely investigate Sato Mirai carefully and investigate all aspects of Sato Mirai. In order to avoid accidents, An Liang feels that Huang Guoxiang's proposal is a good one. He can use plastic surgery to change his face to avoid facial recognition and avoid conflicts with neon lights..

Although An Liang is not afraid of neon lights. After all, there is a winner system in life. An Liang is really not afraid of neon lights.

But what about Neon's aim at Sato Mirai?

‘An Liang: Since it is the suggestion after analysis by your experts, then follow the expert suggestions.’

‘An Liang: I'll leave this matter to you, okay?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Of course, no problem!’

‘Huang Guoxiang: But you also have to arrange the corresponding contribution, right?’

‘An Liang: [Dislike]’

‘An Liang: Something is wrong with you!’

‘An Liang: What is the use of your contribution points?’

‘Huang Guoxiang: Are peripheral members also eligible to redeem Millennium Astragalus slices?’

‘An Liang: Yes, but there is no discount, and only a total of ten pieces of redemption quota are open to peripheral members.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: I have a thought’

‘Huang Guoxiang: We will solve all the problems of Mr. Key. Remember to arrange for a contribution evaluator to record our contribution.’

‘An Liang: OK, OK!’

‘An Liang: Get it done as soon as possible. We are establishing the Dream Future Energy Group here. At that time, the equity subscription quota will be divided according to the degree of contribution.’

‘Huang Guoxiang: No problem. '

After the two sides finished the exchange, the corners of Anliang's mouth turned up slightly. Because of the magical reward of thousand-year-old astragalus, the contribution system of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club was launched smoothly, and it skipped the development stage directly, winning everyone's support and playing more and more important roles. the more important role.

An Liang was naturally very satisfied with this situation!

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