In the back alley of the National Conservatory of Music, in the Cantonese restaurant Jingxiangyuan, Anliang finished his last bite of claypot rice. Although he did not trigger the food reward of the winner system in life, the taste was really good.

"Siyu, how about you drive in a moment?"An Liang suggested.

"OK"Chen Siyu agreed obediently.

When heading to the Jingang International Circuit, Ning Ruoshuang sat in the passenger seat and An Liang sat in the back seat. He was calculating the annual output of holly seeds and peach gum on his mobile phone and how to distribute it. Question.

Currently, the annual output of holly seeds is only 100 kilograms. Previously, Anliang received a reward to increase the total output of holly seeds by 20%, so the total output was increased to 120 kilograms.

According to the random production increase compensation provided by the life winner system, There will also be an additional one percentage point floating point, which can be used for loss calculation.

If the annual output is 120 kilograms, and the minimum effective dose is 20 grams, the annual output of Dongqingzi Oral Liquid is 6,000 bottles.

Shiliwan The output of natural selected peach gum was originally 500 kilograms per year from four acres. Anliang still received a 20% increase in production, which means the total annual output is 600 kilograms, converted to 300 kilograms.

According to the minimum effective dose Calculated as 50 grams, although the annual output of natural peach gum is much higher than that of holly seeds, because the minimum effective dose has been greatly increased, the annual output of ready-to-eat peach gum is still only 6,000 cans.

However, the annual output of ready-to-eat peach gum is much higher than that of holly seeds oral liquid. There is an advantage.

Holly seeds only mature in winter, but peach gum is produced throughout the year. Although the yield is the highest in summer, it is also produced in other seasons, which is a resource that lasts all year round.

Anliang will use holly seeds oral liquid and ready-to-eat After calculating the quantity of peach gum, he began to think about how to set up a contribution system for redemption.

Currently, there are forty-eight official members of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

Among them, Zhao Wanxi represents four.

If the Dongqingzi Oral Liquid and Instant Peach Gum are combined The glue is evenly distributed to the forty-eight members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club, and each family can be assigned a very 'auspicious' number, that is, 250 shares!

However, Anliang cannot be distributed equally.

Let's not talk about the disadvantages of equal distribution. Let's just talk about Anliang. Wherever Sheng Yu's share is, it cannot be distributed equally.

An Liang's parents are still alive, and his father is kind and his son is filial. The family is harmonious. He is not an orphan. How could he forget An Sheng Yu's share?

Logically speaking, he Mom Sun Xia can't save her share.

Everyone has their own social circle. An Shengyu has An Shengyu's, Sun Xia has Sun Xia's, An Liang has An Liang.

Sun Xia has her own friends. , An Liang also needs to give Sun Xia a certain share to allow Sun Xia to socialize on her own.

An Liang estimated that holly seed oral liquid and instant peach gum would be given to An Shengyu and Sun Xia 500 copies each, and then they would make the internal decisions themselves. Coordination?

After excluding the shares of An Shengyu and Sun Xia, Anliang also needs to consider the shares of Li Cunyuan. Although Anliang's current status is very high, to some extent, it even surpasses Li Cunyuan and Yun Haiyang, as well as Qian Xiao The status of the Gangsan family.

But Anliang will not forget his roots!

It is not possible, not unable.

This is the essential difference.

Anliang is not a white-eyed wolf. For those who have helped him, Anliang cannot be ungrateful, unless the other party betrays him first , otherwise Anliang will only repay kindness with drops of water.

This is the bottom line of Anliang's life.

Anliang does not like people who have no bottom line for profit.

Because such people are terrible!

In addition to the three families of Li, Yun, and Qian, Anliang also We need to consider the four families represented by Zhao Wanxi. They also need some preferential treatment.

Anliang had previously officially opened up the peripheral organizations of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club and covered the contribution system. Naturally, he would also allow the peripheral organizations to redeem Dongqingzi oral liquid and instant peach gum.

Otherwise, there are no benefits for peripheral organizations, so why should others join?

Based on this consideration, Anliang decided to set the exchange price of Dongqingzi oral liquid and instant peach gum at 100 contribution points each.

This exchange price is a benefit for formal members of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

An additional 20% is added to the exchange price for members of peripheral organizations, that is, 120 contribution points can be exchanged for one share.

This additional price increase is exactly equal to the cost of transferring contribution points, so it eliminates the loophole in which members of peripheral organizations transfer contribution points and ask formal members to exchange them.

In addition, Anliang will set an exchange limit.

As a formal member of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club, the annual redemption amount is 100 copies, and each of the Dongqingzi oral liquid and instant peach gum is 50 copies.

The amount of exchanges among members of peripheral organizations dropped by half to 50 portions throughout the year, and they also split the shares of holly seed oral liquid and instant peach gum in half.

The 20% exchange difference, coupled with the annual limit of exchange, and double restrictions, completely closed the loopholes in the exchange of Dongqingzi oral liquid and instant peach gum.

An Liang sorted out the exchange plan for Dongqingzi Oral Liquid and Instant Peach Gum in his mind. After finally confirming that there was no problem, he sent a message to Zhao Wanxi to ask for Zhao Wanxi's opinion.

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