Flying motorcycles are a new thing.

Although there are various reports about flying motorcycles in the news, and there are also reports about individual aircraft overseas, flying motorcycles are still a new thing to ordinary people.

Even though the fire-fighting version of the third-generation flying motorcycles has been deployed in the four cities of Imperial Capital, Magic City, Shengqing and Tianfu, and has conducted many rescue missions, ordinary people still have no chance to come into contact with flying motorcycles.

In view of the unfamiliar situation in the market, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle does not need to set up a physical store at all, and only online channels are enough.

"When will we get the flying motorcycle?"Chen Siyu asked casually.

An Liang discovered Chen Siyu's little thought. The big cat in the imperial capital asked about 'us', not 'I'. She pulled Ning Ruoshuang to increase the weight.

An Liang secretly smiled, and on the surface He responded calmly,"When did you pass the flight test at the flight training center to get the flying motorcycle?""

"When will the flight training center be?What about openness?"Chen Siyu added the inquiry

"within a week!"An Liang answered affirmatively.

"That would be great!"Chen Siyu said happily,"According to my flying level, I will definitely pass the flight test easily."

This is not because Chen Siyu is selling melons to Wang Po, but Chen Siyu's flying skills are indeed very good.

According to Chen Siyu's strength, I am afraid that after the flight training center is opened, she can successfully pass the exam

"I'll fly two more circles!"Chen Siyu added.

Ning Ruoshuang seconded,"I'll go practice too."

An Liang waved his hand and motioned for them to go by themselves. He took out his mobile phone and posted information through the Dream Future Graphene official blog account.


Dreaming about future graphene:

Long time no see everyone!

But I didn't miss you.

There is only one thing announced today. Our group’s luxury third-generation flying motorcycle has passed the quality certification of the imperial court and will soon obtain a product certificate and sales license.

Therefore, we are about to sell the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle. Interested consumers please pay attention to the updates on our official website.

The detailed parameters of the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle were revealed in advance, as follows:


Deluxe version of the third generation flying motorcycle:

Maximum speed: 260km/h

Endurance time: 120mins

Maximum load: 200Kg

Flight altitude: 200 meters

Maximum ascent speed: 20 meters/second in 3 seconds

0-100 time: 9 seconds

100-60 Time: 3 seconds

60-0 time: 2 seconds

Battery capacity: 200Kwh


The pre-sale price is the same as the previously announced price, which still starts at 9.98 million Xia Guoyuan.

A special benefit is announced: consumers who book a flying motorcycle with full payment will receive reimbursement of transportation expenses to and from the imperial capital across the country, as well as a week's accommodation in a five-star business suite.

Imperial City will open a flight training center within a week. After passing the flight test at the flight training center, you will obtain a flying motorcycle license and use the flying motorcycle legally.

Friendly reminder: If you cannot pass the flight test at the Flying Motorcycle Training Center within a week, there must be an IQ problem. Our company will sympathetically provide you with a full refund.


The operation of the flying motorcycle is really very simple!

In particular, the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle uses an intelligent control system to assist driving, making it easier to control the flying motorcycle.

If you can't learn to control a flying motorcycle in a week, you really have a problem with your IQ.

The Dream Future Graphene official blog account has not appeared on Weibo for a while. Now that it has reappeared, it has directly started to stir up troubles, causing people to repost it one after another.

The most popular comment is the voice of the majority of melon-eating people


Xin Dafu:

Why are there no benefits for forwarding the lottery?

There is no flaw in my IQ. I can definitely learn to control the flying motorcycle within a week. Please forward the lottery to receive a luxury version of the third generation flying motorcycle!

A heartfelt thank you


A large number of melon-eaters liked this comment, hoping that the official of the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group would see it. What if they really gave away a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle?

Naturally, An Liang saw the most popular comment. As for the proposal of giving away a luxury version of the third generation flying motorcycle, An Liang could only say that these people were thinking too much.

Because An Liang knew that even if he really gave away a luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle, it would most likely be resold after these people won the lottery, so why bother?

However, since the people who eat melons are clamoring for benefits, An Liang posted another Weibo post


Dreaming about future graphene:

Everyone wants to forward the benefits of the lottery?

No problem at all!

Our family has always been very lively. Since everyone’s voice is so loud, we will do a repost lottery as a benefit.

Please forward this Weibo post. We dream that in the future, Graphene Technology Group will provide a luxury version of the third generation flying motorcycle.....Vouchers!

Face value of voucher: 15 yuan off 9.98 million.

This kind of discount far exceeds that of Lamborghini. Their voucher is 5 yuan off 5 million. Our discount exceeds theirs by more than 50%.

Welcome to forward the lottery, the winning rate is 100%!

The winning rate is so high, if you ask, you are arrogant, and you are not short of money!


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