Li Hongyan naturally understood what An Liang meant, and he took An Liang to visit the quantum computer project department of Xiong Zhang Company without refusing.

"Our quantum computer project follows the mainstream direction, choosing the superconducting solution led by Big Blue and Google, and trying to innovate."Li Hongyan explained

"Have you considered Honeywell's ion trap solution? An Liang asked back.

Li Hongyan shook his head,"No!""

"The research and development costs of the ion trap solution are too high. Unlike Honeywell, we have a lot of research and development funds, and our research and development funds are far behind."Li Hongyan added.

After hearing Li Hongyan's words, An Liang sighed secretly, this is the biggest problem of Xiongzhang Company!

"Mr. Li, have you discovered a problem? Your Xiongzhang Company's stall is too big, and your operating income cannot support your R&D investment."An Liang said sharply.

"If I remember correctly, your quantum computer project only started in 2018, right? An Liang asked.

Li Hongyan nodded,"Yes, we only entered the field of quantum computers in March 2018, but we are confident that we can catch up.""

An Liang didn't answer the call at all.

To catch up?


You started later, have no core technology, and are reluctant to invest in research and development funds. Are you more determined to catch up?

"What does Mr. Li think of Honeywell’s ion trap technology? An Liang asked.

Li Hongyan thought silently for a few seconds before responding,"In the field of quantum computers, ion trap technology has more advantages than superconducting technology, especially in terms of full connectivity, making it more Good use of qubits"

"There is a problem with the connectivity of superconducting technology. If you want to ensure the application of 20 qubits, you need at least 30 qubits. This is far inferior to ion trap technology."Li Hongyan analyzed.

After An Liang waited for Li Hongyan to finish speaking, he responded calmly,"I don't even understand the technical issues Mr. Li mentioned. I only know that Honeywell's quantum computer technology should be the best in the world. exist."

Li Hongyan did not refute.

Although the quantum computer alliance between Big Blue and Google started earlier, for quantum computers starting from scratch, everyone is on the same starting line, and no one has an accurate research and development direction. I dare to say that my direction must be correct.

For example, the superconducting solution is indeed inferior to the ion trap in terms of full connectivity, but who can say that the superconducting solution is definitely not good?

It can only be said that in terms of full connectivity, it is indeed inferior. It’s just an ion trap solution.

But currently, quantum computers in the direction of ion trap research and development are indeed the best in the world.

"What does Mr. An mean?"Li Hongyan was a little confused.

"Last year, Mr. Malaysia’s Ari company developed a quantum computer with 11 qubits, while yours only has 9 qubits. As for technology-leading companies like Big Blue, at the beginning of last year, they took A commercially proven version of a 20-qubit quantum computer has been developed."An Liang narrated the information.

An Liang didn't understand technology, but he knew how to know yourself and your enemy and win every battle.

"You started late, your technology is backward, your R&D investment is small, and your operating income is growing slowly. Instead of spreading your limited R&D funds across multiple fields, it is better to invest your precious R&D funds in the areas you are good at."An Liang suggested.

"For example, in terms of artificial intelligence systems, the outside world has underestimated your company, Xiongzhang Company. You are definitely the world's top level in artificial intelligence systems. After all, you have a large amount of user data, and the information obtained through search engines provides your artificial intelligence system with A large amount of learning materials are provided, which are your advantages."An Liang broke the news directly.

Xiong Zhang Company is indeed very strong in artificial intelligence systems.

Otherwise, An Liang would not have stared at Xiong Zhang Company to poach employees, and Li Hongyan would not have asked An Liang to complain face to face. It was not An Liang's poaching behavior that caused Xiong Zhang Is the company under great pressure?

"Mr. Li, I believe you understand better than I do that failure to advance will lead to retreat in the tide of the times. Although your artificial intelligence projects are currently at a world-class level, more and more giant companies are increasing their investment. If you stay where you are, If other companies are making progress, it means you are regressing."An Liang said bewitchingly.

Li Hongyan remained silent and did not speak. He had to admit that An Liang's remarks were very convincing.

"Giving up non-core businesses and retaining the competitiveness of core businesses is actually a very correct choice. An Liang added,"Take Mr. Xiao Ma as an example. Their family has various advantages and has made great achievements in the past, but they still lost in the Weibo project.""

"Not only the Weibo project, but also the shopping project failed miserably!"An Liang cited another example.

"Because whether it is a Weibo project or a shopping project, it is not the core business for Mr. Xiao Ma, but it is the core business of others. How can they not fail if they use their shortcomings to compete with other people's strengths?"An Liang teased

"Mr. Li, this is what you are doing now. The quantum computer project is not your core business at all, and it is a weak business. Besides consuming your precious R&D funds, what else can it do?"An Liang asked.

After asking, the Life Winner System immediately issued a prompt

‘Ding! '

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