National Security Investigation Service Headquarters.

After Huang Guoxiang received An Liang's call, he got up and left the office. When heading to the underground garage, Huang Guoxiang secretly wondered what An Liang wanted to do with him.

‘Could it be something Qin Tianxiang reported before? 'Huang Guoxiang secretly guessed.

When they were in his office before, although Qin Tianxiang took the initiative to reveal some information, Huang Guoxiang did not believe it all!

Huang Guoxiang is an old vixen. Huang Guoxiang will question the information An Liang exposes on his own initiative. An old vixen like him who has been doing intelligence work all his life can easily guess Qin Tianxiang's operation. It must be delayed intelligence.

‘Could it be that Renyi Security Company has captured the personnel sent by the Takar family and even asked for key information? 'Huang Guoxiang secretly guessed.

In less than half an hour, Huang Guoxiang approached Yunjing International Apartment. He called An Liang and waited for the answer. After waiting for the answer, he asked proactively,"I'll be there soon. Where can we meet?""

"Underground garage, in your car. An Liang responded, and then asked,"Is there anything wrong with your car?""

"no problem!"Huang Guoxiang's absolute guarantee

"OK! An Liang responded,"On the third floor, parking space F108, I'll come to you.""

"good."Huang Guoxiang responded.

An Liang hung up Huang Guoxiang's call, got up and went out. He took the elevator to the parking space F108 on the third floor of the basement. Huang Guoxiang happened to drive over.

When An Liang got into the passenger seat, Huang Guoxiang asked first,"What on earth is that? Things couldn't be explained clearly on the phone?"

"Not safe."An Liang responded

"Don’t you have our confidential communication software? Huang Guoxiang asked back.

An Liang installed the confidential communication software of the National Security Investigation Bureau, and he also used the confidential communication software in his daily communication with Huang Guoxiang.

"Still not safe! An Liang said cautiously,"This matter is too sensitive, so it's best if we talk face to face."

Huang Guoxiang tentatively guessed,"What's going on with the Thakar family?" An Liang nodded,"

Yes, Renyi Security Company caught the Thakar family's secret chess and interrogated some things.""

"If you're caught, you'll be caught. You're all pretending to be in our name anyway, right? Huang Guoxiang complained.

An Liang did not deny it,"Do you know what we asked?""

"oh? Huang Guoxiang asked,"Is there an accident?""

"To be honest, I have speculated on countless possibilities, including the situation where the Takar family is so crazy and has no brains that they actually send someone to assassinate me."An Liang sighed.

Huang Guoxiang asked with interest,"So what is the situation that you didn't expect?"

"you guess? An Liang said jokingly.

Huang Guoxiang refused,"You didn't expect it, and I certainly couldn't guess it either." I am very curious, what is going on, you can’t even imagine it!"

"The Thakar family also has thousand-year-old astragalus!"An Liang said astonishingly.

"What?"Huang Guoxiang was stunned for a moment.

"I said the Thakar family also has thousand-year-old astragalus!"An Liang responded

"impossible!"Huang Guoxiang denied

"Why is it impossible?"An Liang asked back.

Huang Guoxiang hesitated for a moment before responding,"We have investigated the Takar family and conducted an in-depth investigation. It is impossible for the Takar family to possess thousands of years of Astragalus."

"Do you have a hidden connection within the Takar family? An Liang guessed.

Huang Guoxiang did not admit it, but he also did not deny it."Anyway, we have investigated the Takar family.""

"What if it was your intelligence error?"An Liang asked back.

"Very unlikely..."Huang Guoxiang was a little hesitant

"However, according to the information we have received, it seems that the Thakar family really possesses thousand-year-old astragalus."An Liang confirmed his statement again.

As long as he completes the task and eradicates the Takar family, the Life Winner System will reward him with a thousand-year astragalus. So the Takar family has a thousand-year astragalus. Is that okay?

An Liang thinks there is nothing wrong with it!

"Lao Huang, I am telling you this information because I actually want to cooperate. We will cooperate with each other to target the Thakar family and snatch away the thousand-year-old astragalus from the Thakar family!"An Liang told his plan.

Huang Guoxiang was silent.

An Liang continued,"Currently, this information is only disclosed to you. However, I will definitely tell the three families of Li, Yun, Qian, and Zhao Wanxi in the future, and I will also Choose powerful allies in the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club. Huang

Guoxiang asked in confusion,"If you want to target the Takar family, with the power you control, you don't have to go to such trouble, right?""

"The power of your Renyi Security Company is shocking, especially since you have developed one organization after another in overseas areas. Although there is no definite evidence for these things, we monitor the flow of funds from Anxin Investment Company, even if those funds pass through the investment market It is a cover-up, but some traces can still be determined after big data inference."Huang Guoxiang added

"According to the power of Renyi Security Company, you only need to make a careful plan, and you can even wipe out the Thakar family in one fell swoop and plunge Xilabon into civil strife, leaving no time to take care of you."Huang Guoxiang added

"Under such circumstances, there is obviously no risk and high returns. Why do you want to tell me this piece of information?"Huang Guoxiang asked An Liang.

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