National Security Agency headquarters, secret test site.

Facing Li Cunyuan's request for help, An Liang responded,"The four of you have collected two pieces of thousand-year-old astragalus. I suggest that you decide one piece by rolling dice at a time, and after you get one piece, you cannot participate in the second round of dice."

An Liang continued to add," We all have a very good relationship, don’t let this incident cause a rift in our relationship."

Li Cunyuan and Huang Guoxiang all nodded in agreement.

"I think it’s ok! Li Cunyuan responded.

Huang Guoxiang seconded,"No problem.""

Yun Haiyang and Qian Xiaogang naturally seconded the proposal.

Hu Xiaoyu answered,"The three of us and the freely allocated 1% will be auctioned together, right?"

"Yes. We are auctioning a total of two pieces, including the piece that the three of you put together, and the piece that is distributed freely. The first piece of Millennium Astragalus is limited to our internal participation, and the second piece allows everyone in the Tianbai Yujing Club to participate. An Liang explained.

Zhong Guangrong interrupted,"Can we also participate?""

"certainly!"An Liang nodded.

"The internal auction will begin immediately. In order to avoid embarrassing bidding sessions, our auction adopts a secret auction method. In order to ensure fairness and prevent joint cheating, the fourth highest price will be selected as the final transaction price in the secret auction."Anliang draws up the rules.

If the open auction method is adopted and the higher bidder gets it, it may harm harmony.

Anliang's purpose is to build interest groups to form a stable alliance, so it is naturally impossible to adopt the open auction method.

"Brother Yuan, Brother Haiyang, and Brother Gangzi, the three of you should not join forces to cheat! An Liang said jokingly.

Li Cunyuan also responded jokingly,"If the second highest price or the third highest price is chosen, the three of us will jointly raise a high price and then roll the dice internally to solve the problem.""

The joke between An Liang and Li Cunyuan dispelled the concerns of others. They also understood what An Liang meant by choosing the fourth-highest price for the secret auction. This secret auction method was not harmful to friendship, was more fair, and convinced everyone.

Zhao Wan Xi asked,"Will the auction of the second thousand-year-old Astragalus be auctioned secretly?"

"We will change the auction method for the second thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus, and I will talk about it in the confidential group of Tianshang Baiyujing Club soon."An Liang responded.

Every member of the Tiantian Bai Yujing Club has installed the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company. Some confidential information is communicated in the confidential group.

Daily chats are in the WeChat group

"You should first consider how much you want to bid. After I have made arrangements with the members of the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club, we will begin the secret shooting of the first thousand-year-old astragalus."An Liang reminded the members present to consider the price issue.

Because it was a secret auction and the fourth highest price was taken as the transaction price, everyone present was thinking alone.

An Liang was sending messages in the confidential group of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club

‘An Liang: @Everyone: Attention all members, please contact your acquaintances to pay attention to the information in the confidential group. We have an important thing to announce.’

‘Liu Neng: It’s coming, it’s coming’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Silently come to the front row’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: Activist reporting’

‘Li Mingfei: Waiting’



The members of Tiantian Bai Yujing Club appeared one by one.

An Liang explained that he was going to auction a thousand-year-old Astragalus root, and then added the rules of the auction.

‘An Liang: This auction adopts secret auction method’

‘An Liang: This secret auction allows any quotation, including as low as 1 yuan and as high as 100 million yuan, to become a quotation. We will randomly select one of the quotations for judgment.’

‘Anliang: If the randomly selected quotation is higher than the average quotation of everyone combined, the quotation will be approved and the transaction will be completed smoothly.’

‘Anliang: If the quotation is lower than the average quotation, the quotation will not be allowed and the next quotation will continue to be randomly selected.’

‘An Liang: In order to ensure fairness, we will set a specific time point. You need to complete the quotation and submit the quotation at the corresponding time point. The specific time point has not yet been determined. Please start thinking about how much you want to quote now.’

‘An Liang: Friendly reminder, please do not collude with each other to cheat. If you are caught, you will be disqualified from the auction and a certain amount of contribution will be deducted according to the severity of the case.’

‘An Liang: Do I make it clear about this secret filming of slices of thousand-year-old Astragalus membranaceus?’

‘Li Mingfei: I understand very well, and I am trembling. This secret shooting method is poisonous, tests luck, and tests the level of the quotation.’

‘An Liang: The main thing is to prevent everyone from being harmonious.’

‘An Liang: After all, if you get angry, I'm afraid someone will shout out the price of 100 million or 1 billion, and then they will definitely be dissatisfied.’

‘An Liang: In order to avoid such embarrassing situations, we chose to shoot in secret’

‘Pang Zhengfeng: Brother Liang is awesome!’

‘Zhou Ronghua: Brother Liang is mighty!’

‘Yang Yi: I admire Brother Liang’s foresight!’

‘Li Feng: This kind of secret shooting is indeed very fair. Thumbs up for Brother Liang! '

This secret auction method, both active members and fringe members, all support it, because this secret auction is indeed fair and full of variables, rather than making the auction items a taboo for the core members.

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