In the corner of the Starbucks coffee shop, a secret transaction was going on, and no one was paying attention.

After the IT man personally pushed the suitcase to judge, he greedily responded,"Not enough!"

"This is just the deposit. After delivery, there will be four more copies."The man with glasses responded.

"Still not enough."The IT male lion opened his mouth.

The man with glasses snorted,"Don't you know the current situation?"

The IT man was silent.

The man with glasses continued,"I must remind you that the airport, train station, and bus station in the imperial capital are all secretly blocked. On the surface, there seems to be no problem, but in fact the security inspection is extremely strict."

"In addition, there are people inside the Imperial Capital who are secretly investigating the whereabouts of that thing. With the analysis of comprehensive big data, it will be a matter of time before you are found out."The man with glasses added

"Our quotation is for five boxes. After all, we still need to break through the blockade. These things are very troublesome!"The man with glasses responded.

"I'm sure you are well aware of the power they possess."The man with glasses stared at the IT man.

The IT man hesitated for nearly a minute before agreeing, but made a new request,"Pay the money first, and then deliver the goods!""

"Do you think that's possible?"The man with glasses asked back.

"Of course it's possible!"The IT man responded bluntly,"We are afraid that you will take advantage of others. You are not good people."

The man with glasses responded with the same answer,"This is also our worry. You are not good people either. What if you take the money and disappear?"

The IT man responded,"I have the goods."

After finishing speaking, the IT man opened the computer bag and motioned for the other party to check.

The man with glasses said cautiously,"How do I know if it is genuine or fake?"

"Then cancel the transaction."The IT man closed the zipper of his computer bag, then stood up and prepared to leave.

"etc."The man with glasses asked to stay.

The IT man stared at the other person,"What else can you do?"

The man with glasses took a deep breath before responding,"No problem, pay the money first and then deliver the goods, but the delivery location is right here, you are the hostage."

"good!"The IT man agreed.

"How do we pay? asked the man with glasses

"On the third floor of the underground garage, there is a black business car with the license plate number Emperor A·XX404. The car key is on the ground inside the right rear wheel. You put the five suitcases in and the car keys into the car. We made sure that the money is fine. Naturally it will be delivered."The IT man explained.

And continued to add,"You should have seen clearly just now. In addition to the goods, there is also a small toy in the bag. If you want to cheat or have other tricks, you will definitely not be able to get the goods. We will also I will fight you till death."

The man with glasses responded,"Don't worry, we just want a smooth transaction."

"hope so."IT man responded

"I'll go deliver the box first. My friends will be watching you from outside. I hope you won't be unfriendly in any way.Behavior."The man with glasses reminded me

"Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you here."The IT man responded.

The man with glasses did not respond again. He just pushed the suitcase and left.

Fortunately, the suitcase had pulleys, otherwise it would be impossible for ordinary people to take it away.

After the man with glasses left the coffee shop, he asked through the wireless headset,"What you just said Did you all hear that?"

An English message came from the wireless headset immediately,"We have controlled the surveillance system at the target location, but we found that someone took control of the surveillance system earlier than us, and the other party also set up loop playback for the surveillance system, thus blocking the surveillance system. You guys An action you can take with confidence"

"receive."The man with glasses responded.

In less than ten minutes, four men pushing 28-inch suitcases arrived at the underground garage one after another, and put the suitcases into a business car with the license plate of Emperor A·XX404. The wireless headphones worn by the man with glasses A message came from the phone,"Should we continue to monitor this car?"

"certainly! The man with glasses responded,"You monitor this car, and I'll go back and guard the target.""

When the man with glasses returned to the coffee shop, the IT man was still in his original corner position, but he didn't drink yogurt or coffee.

"Don’t drink yogurt? asked the man with glasses

"Fear of poisoning."IT man's generous response

"So cautious!"The man with glasses teased

"After all, we are not a normal transaction."The IT man said calmly, and then added,"Cancel your monitoring."

"What?"The man with glasses asked knowingly.

"You are monitoring the vehicle through a security monitoring system."The IT man got straight to the point.

"We've already paid the money, it's time for you to deliver the goods, right?"The man with glasses said in a nonchalant way.

"It's not safe yet. The IT man responded calmly,"We'll wait until we move.""

After finishing speaking, the IT man clicked on his mobile phone.

A new message immediately came from the wireless headset worn by the man with glasses.

"Something is wrong. That commercial vehicle has turned on autonomous driving. It has left the parking space and is heading to the garage exit. Should we stop it?"The bespectacled man's accomplice asked.

The bespectacled man stared at the IT man,"What do you mean?"

"I said, it's not safe yet. When we transfer the funds safely, I will naturally hand over the goods to you. I am here and the goods are here. If you are sincere in the transaction, what are you afraid of?"The IT man asked pointedly.

The man with glasses took a deep breath before lowering his voice and responded,"Let it go!"

They completely missed the fact that the commercial vehicle can drive automatically!

It was obviously an ordinary commercial vehicle, but it was actually modified with an autonomous driving system. The other party was really careful and the strategy was very superb.

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