Nova Pharmaceutical Company has been very worried recently about the matter of Millennium Astragalus. If Nova Pharmaceutical Company really got the Millennium Astragalus, everything would be bearable. After all, it would have benefited!

However, Nova Pharmaceuticals rescued Jerryn, but did not obtain the Millennium Astragalus, and suffered harassment from a large number of gray hunters on the deep web. This was an unreasonable disaster.

However, no matter how Nova Pharmaceuticals revealed rumors that they did not obtain thousand-year-old astragalus, some people did not believe it.

Wave after wave of deep web gray hunters are trying to attack the internal network of Nova Pharmaceutical Company. Even though they know that Nova Pharmaceutical Company will definitely not save the thousand-year-old Astragalus information on the internal network, they just want to invade the internal network of Nova Pharmaceutical Company..

Under such circumstances, the intelligence agents of Nova Pharmaceutical Company obtained information about the high-mountain wild jujube kernels and provided evidence and the location of the high-mountain wild jujube kernels.

So Nova Pharmaceuticals was moved!

Nova Pharmaceuticals is very aware of the global market for hypertension drugs, especially drugs that completely cure hypertension. If an exclusive monopoly is formed, the revenue may even exceed 100 billion US dollars.

Unfortunately, Nova Pharmaceuticals only knows one but not the other.

If high-mountain jujube kernels could be supplied in unlimited quantities, it would not seem to be a big problem if the revenue in the global market reached hundreds of billions of dollars.

But the quantity of mountain jujube kernels is limited!

According to the reward tips of the Life Winner System, the annual output of high mountain jujube kernels is only 500 kilograms at most. Calculated based on the minimum effective dose of 10 grams, the total output is actually very small, theoretically only 25,000 servings.

Coupled with losses, etc., the actual number will continue to decline.

Isn't it ridiculous to achieve annual sales of hundreds of billions of dollars when the total output is so rare?

Alpine jujube kernels are not slices of thousand-year-old astragalus!

Hypertension cannot be cured, but it can be suppressed with medication.

However, Nova Pharmaceuticals does not know the annual output of high mountain Ziziphus seeds. They only know that Alpine Ziziphus seeds have miraculous effects on high blood pressure and can directly and radically solve high blood pressure.

Therefore, Nova Pharmaceutical Company arranged for investigators to go to Yunpo Village. They were prepared to be polite first and then attack.

If we can obtain high-mountain jujube kernels through negotiation, that will naturally be the best result.

But if it is impossible to obtain the high-mountain jujube kernels through negotiation, Nova Pharmaceuticals has a way!

Nova Pharmaceutical Company has deduced and analyzed the basic situation of the Millennium Astragalus Incident. According to their reasoning and analysis, it should be the nobles of the Xia Kingdom who murdered people and robbed the Thousand-Year Astragalus from Sila, India.

But in order not to take responsibility, the nobles of Xia State deliberately set up a trap to sell a small amount of thousand-year-old Astragalus to their Nova Pharmaceutical Company.

Then the situation became very clear. Their Nova Pharmaceutical Company was actively acquiring various miraculous drugs around the world. How could their Nova Pharmaceutical Company let go when faced with thousand-year-old Astragalus and there were actual cases of its efficacy? Pass?

So the nobles of the Xia Kingdom set up a trap to frame their Nova Pharmaceutical Company. They not only defrauded them of their money, but also shifted the responsibility to their Nova Pharmaceutical Company.

From the perspective of Nova Pharmaceutical Company, the most outrageous thing about the nobles of Xia Kingdom is that they have too dark hearts!

Not only did they leave the responsibility of robbing the thousand-year-old Astragalus to them, but they also took back the Thousand-year-old Astragalus from their hands. In the end, Nova Pharmaceuticals was blamed for losing both its people and money.

Isn't this too much?

This is too much!

Now after Nova Pharmaceutical Company discovered the Alpine Ziziphus Seed, they secretly learned an old saying from the Xia Kingdom: Learn from the foreigners and develop skills to control the foreigners!

Those Xia Yang people are engaged in conspiracy and tricks, and they, Nova Pharmaceutical Company, can also do it. They will be courteous before attacking, and try it out in the form of negotiation. If it doesn't work, they will learn from the operations in the Millennium Astragalus Incident.

Nova Pharmaceutical Company believes that their handling of the high-mountain jujube seed incident will be comparable to those of the nobles of the Xia Kingdom.

After all, in the Millennium Astragalus Incident, they were just plotted. At that time, the nobles of the Xia Kingdom were hiding their calculations in secret, so it was normal for them not to react.

But now they are hiding in the dark and calculating without any intention.

In this situation, can we quote the old saying of Xia Yang people: The mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows?

Their Nova Pharmaceutical Company is the oriole!

However, neither Zeng Bojun nor An Liang knew about Nova Pharmaceutical Company's plan.

Zeng Bojun didn't know that it was because Nova Pharmaceuticals hid it very well.

But Anliang doesn’t know...

An Liang was constantly rewarded with the ability to foresee danger by the winner system in life. Any thing that might be detrimental to An Liang could be discovered by An Liang in advance.

Although Nova Pharmaceutical Company's plan is not directly aimed at Anliang, people and things related to Anliang will be judged by the danger premonition ability. For example, when the little Hanhan Li Xiyan was in danger, the danger premonition ability was accurate. Prognosis is provided.

Now Nova Pharmaceutical Company is preparing a plan to learn from the foreigners and use their skills to defeat the foreigners, but it has not caused any feedback from the danger premonition ability. That is not because Nova Pharmaceutical Company is superior and has concealed the danger premonition ability, but because Nova Pharmaceutical Company's strategy has no effect on Anliang at all. threaten.

It's like a needle-punched fishing net. If it goes directly through the mesh of the fishing net, what harm can it do?

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