Facing An Liang's inquiry, Xia Ruyi made no serious guesses.

"Could it be that you want to give yourself to your sister? Xia Ruyi joked.

An Liang hugged her and said,"Oh, do you need to take care of it?" Xia

Ruyi snorted,"I'm not afraid of you!" Xia

Hexin's face turned slightly red. She rested her pillow on An Liang's shoulder obediently and whispered,"We don't need gifts. You have been very good to us."

Xia Ruyi agreed,"Yeah!" Yes, we don’t want any birthday gifts. Isn’t this small building our birthday gift?"

Xia Ruyi continued,"Thank you for your tolerance for us. We came to teach this time and spared your trouble."

This time, Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin's teaching support was as if they were traveling. Anliang had arranged everything for them, whether it was accommodation, food, or security personnel. They were also equipped with high-speed Internet so that they could stay in the mountains. It is also seamlessly connected to the prosperous world.

The teaching life of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin caused a sensation in Tianfu Normal College. After all, the teaching life of other people was really terrible, but the teaching life of Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin was simply terrible. Called dreamy.

An Liang kissed their little faces respectively,"You go back and put on a thin coat, and we'll go to the roof!""

The night in the mountains is a bit cool, and coupled with the mountain breeze, if it is the same as during the day, you may catch a cold.

After Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin changed into thin coats, An Liang also changed into a long-sleeved T-shirt.

Even An Liang With the blessing provided by Bai Yue, there is a constant blessing effect of being immune to all diseases, but An Liang still will not deliberately seek death. The basic rule is that he will not die unless he commits suicide. There is a small garden on the roof of the three-story building. An Liang and the Xia family The sisters were sitting on the sofa enjoying the cool air. He pointed at the stars in the night sky and sighed,"Such stars in the sky can only be seen in the mountains."

There is too much light pollution in the night sky in the city, and you can't see the stars in the sky.

I'm afraid many people in the city don't know what the stars in the sky look like, right?

Xia Ruyi leaned against An Liang, and she also looked at the stars in the sky,"Well! There are no such stars in Tianfu. Looking at these stars, there is a feeling that the soul is being purified and washed."


_ Silence our cell phones so that waiting for birthday greetings will not ruin our alone time. Xia

Ruyi and Xia Hexin both rolled their eyes at An Liang, but they obediently obeyed An Liang's overbearing arrangements.

After they silenced their phones, An Liang continued,"Do you want to watch a fireworks?""

"Um! Xia Ruyi's eyes lit up.

Xia Hexin responded negatively,"This is a forest area and it is forbidden to set off fireworks.""

According to the law, it is prohibited to set off fireworks in forest areas.

Daliang Mountain is a standard forest area. If fireworks are set off, if an accident occurs, it will cause very serious losses.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is necessary to set off fireworks in the forest area It's impossible. Even if An Liang can do it, the pressure on the fishing boat will be huge. Xia Hexin is unwilling to let Anliang take the risk.

An Liang tightens Xia Hexin's right hand in relief, and he orders through the wireless headset,"let's start!"

Following An Liang's instructions, the dark sky in front of An Liang and the Xia sisters suddenly flashed with the effect of fireworks blooming, but the sound of the fireworks exploding was not heard for a long time.

"Um?"The two sisters of the Xia family were surprised to see the fireworks blooming in the sky.

In the night sky, the gorgeous fireworks were still blooming, one after another, but there was still no sound, as if the mute button had been pressed.

"What kind of fireworks are those?"Xia Ruyi was curious

"You'll find out later."An Liang responded.

The abnormal situation in the sky also attracted the attention of Kang Yujia and Xu Nuo. They stood on the balcony and watched. Although they were also wondering why the fireworks did not explode, their focus was more on this fireworks. It should have been set off by An Liang for Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin, right?

Yunpo Village.

Bai Yue, who had fallen asleep, woke up again because of the lively noise of other villagers. She also saw the fireworks show in the sky, and she sighed secretly. , and quickly regained their composure.

Why should I feel sad when I know I am not qualified?

So do I still have extravagant hopes?

The fireworks show continued, attracting the attention of Anle Township, Liehuo Township, and the surrounding mountain people. The forest patrol reported the situation, but the forest patrol said everything was normal.

At ten minutes past ten, the fireworks show that was originally held came to an abrupt end, but the next moment, an even more shocking situation occurred!

A scene similar to a meteor shower actually appeared in the sky.

An Liang reminded"He Xin, Ruyi, don't you make a wish?""

Xia Hexin and Xia Ruyi quickly put their hands together, closed their eyes and made a wish.

After ten seconds, they both opened their eyes together.

An Liang asked with interest,"What wishes did you make?"

"You guess? Xia Ruyi hummed.

Xia Hexin did not tell An Liang.

An Liang hugged them both,"I can't guess your wishes, but I can fulfill your wishes!""


Update time: April 26, 2021 00:03:35, good night.

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