How huge is Xia's electricity market?

In 2019, Xiaguo Power Grid's annual turnover reached 2.66 trillion Xiaguo yuan, and its annual sales were 4.45 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity, but its profit was only 77 billion Xiaguo yuan.

At first glance, the profit of 77 billion Xia Guoyuan seems to be quite a lot?

Compared with Xia Guoyuan's operating income of 2.66 trillion, the profit is horribly low!

Xiaguo Power Grid's profit margin is only 2.895%.

The annual interest rate for large bank deposits will exceed 3%.

With this comparison, we can know how low the profit margin of Xiaguo Power Grid is, right?

Xiaguo Power Grid is a people's livelihood enterprise established by the state. It not only provides high-quality and stable power supply services, but is also very low-priced. This situation is very rare in the world.

So do the keyboard warriors on the Internet know this?

The relevant information about Xiaguo Power Grid is actually public information and can be easily found, but many people choose to turn a blind eye and just take it for granted.

An Liang had previously donated a power grid repair version of the flying motorcycle to the power grid system because he knew about the situation in Xia Guo's power grid.

Zhao Wanxi also knows this situation!

So Zhao Wanxi knows very well that if Xia State's energy structure is switched to a fourth-generation nuclear power plant, to what extent can the cost of electricity prices be reduced after the efficiency is increased a hundred times?

To what extent can Xiaguo Power Grid's profits rise?

Dream Future Energy Group is just like its name, with a real future to look forward to!

‘Zhao Wanxi: There is one more thing, I almost forgot to tell you’

‘An Liang:?’

‘Zhao Wanxi: About the application plan of fourth-generation nuclear power plants’

‘Zhao Wanxi: I have obtained top-secret information. Apart from me, Mr. Keyword, Zhongshuge, and the three related experts, you are the only one who can know it.’

‘Zhao Wanxi: Is your confidential communication software safe?’

‘An Liang: Don’t worry!’

‘Zhao Wanxi: OK, I’ll pass it on to you right away’

‘Zhao Wanxi: After you read it, please finalize the equity allocation of Dream Future Energy Group.’

‘An Liang: OK! '

An Liang guessed that this top-secret information would be hugely involved and might even affect An Liang's judgment on equity allocation, so Zhao Wanxi reminded An Liang to definitely consider the issue of equity allocation.

After Zhao Wanxi sent the top-secret information, An Liang immediately checked it.

This top-secret information records the application plan of the fourth-generation nuclear power plant, which is not only used as a power plant, but can also be invested in the military field and transportation field.

Taking the military field as an example, Xia has never had a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier because it does not have the technology to ship small, high-power nuclear power plants.

Although Xia Guo has aircraft carriers, conventional aircraft carriers and nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are completely two different things.

To put it a bit too much, conventionally powered aircraft carriers are small pistols, while nuclear powered aircraft carriers are heavy machine guns. There is an essential difference between the two.

This essential difference comes from battery life.

Conventional aircraft carriers use traditional fuels, which makes it impossible for them to sail across the ocean, let alone fight in the ocean. Even if they are followed by supply ships, they cannot go to distant areas to perform missions.

Only nuclear-powered aircraft carriers can do this. After all, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers are not hampered by endurance and can even sail around the world.

If the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is placed on an aircraft carrier, it will be a good thing that surpasses the current nuclear-powered aircraft carrier.

Because the current nuclear reactors of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers need to be maintained and replenished with nuclear fuel, each maintenance and replenishment of nuclear fuel is very troublesome and there are also safety issues.

But fourth-generation nuclear power plants do not. Once deployed, they do not need to replace nuclear fuel for decades.

It is equivalent to the fact that the nuclear fuel does not need to be replaced from the launch to the decommissioning of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, and there is no issue with endurance. It can also be used as a maritime energy supply center to provide energy for various electric unmanned ships and drones.

If the offshore combat effectiveness of the traditional aircraft carrier group is set to 100, and the ocean combat effectiveness is set to 1, then the offshore combat effectiveness of the active nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is almost 100, and the ocean combat effectiveness is also 100.

But the aircraft carrier group supported by fourth-generation nuclear power plants can play new tricks. With the support of various electrification solutions, whether it is offshore or offshore, the combat effectiveness will soar to 200 or even more.

The fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology can be said to be a perfect solution to Xia Guo’s urgent needs!

In addition to applications in the military field, there are also applications in the transportation industry. Since fourth-generation nuclear power plants can be mounted on aircraft carriers, can they also be mounted on commercial ships?

The biggest expense for ultra-large freighters is fuel costs. If the fourth-generation nuclear power plant is applied to ultra-large freighters, will it directly dominate the ocean transportation industry?

By the same token, in terms of land transportation, what if fourth-generation nuclear power plants are applied to trains?

Xiaguo and Europa currently have land railways. If nuclear-powered trains are developed through fourth-generation nuclear power plants, won’t the train transportation industry also be dominated?

Xia's high-speed rail also uses electric power technology. What will happen if a fourth-generation nuclear power plant powers the high-speed rail?

Based on cheap electric energy, the development of the entire Xia Kingdom will soar into the sky on a rocket!

An Liang looked at the information in the top-secret information and sighed. It turned out that the fourth-generation nuclear power plant could change so much, but he did not change the equity distribution plan of Dream Future Energy Group.

Because the more this happens, the more An Liangcai wants to distribute it like this!

Eating alone?

Since the fourth generation nuclear power plant is so important, if you still think about eating alone, you are definitely asking for death!


Update time: April 28, 2021 00:04:19, good night.

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