The outside world knows very little about Renyi Security Company!

Even if Renyi Security Company grows wildly in the gray world, Renyi Security Company takes behind-the-scenes operations as its core philosophy and will not reveal any trace of the existence of Renyi Security Company.

Taking the Corea region as an example, when Renyi Security Company was operating in the Corea region, it was not Renyi Security Company at all, but code-named‘XDSS’of Deadlight Defense Security Company.

When Renyi Security Company was operating in South Vietnam, it also used the name of Ren'an Investment Company, a subsidiary of Tyrande Song Ren.

When operating in Europa, other code names were used, and the name of Renyi Security Company was not used at all.

Therefore, the outside world knows very little about Renyi Security Company.

Huang Guoxiang shook his head in denial,"You are not involved in the whole thing. We previously cooperated with the giant hardware company of the Bald Eagle Kingdom, the world's richest man, to develop a fourth-generation nuclear power plant. However, due to the interference of the Bald Eagle Kingdom's court, our cooperation was terminated."

"We are going to make a fuss out of this incident. We will announce to the public that Professor Yang Hong developed the fourth-generation nuclear power plant technology, and Mr. Guan also agreed to this."Huang Guoxiang added

"Since Sato has promised you in the future, I naturally have no objections. But I'm curious, what conditions did you agree to for him, and he was actually willing to give up such an honor? An Liang asked.

Huang Guoxiang responded with a smile,"We promised him that we would restore his honor after twenty years and help him avenge his revenge!""

"I see!"An Liang sighed

"Do you still have questions?" Huang Guoxiang asked

"It’s gone, so be it, I’ll hang up first."An Liang expressed his intention to end the call.

"etc! Huang Guoxiang stopped,"You don't have a problem anymore, I have a problem. Why is it that we are not included in the equity distribution of Dream Future Energy Group this time?""

"Yours or yours?"An Liang asked teasingly.

"Asking questions knowingly! Huang Guoxiang hummed,"What's the use of me coming?""

"It’s useless for your National Security Investigation Agency. You already own 9% of the equity of Dream Future Graphene Technology Group. You still want to own the equity of Dream Future Energy Group. That is completely idiotic."An Liang said calmly.

"Lao Huang, you understand these principles better than me, so you still need me to explain them?"An Liangcai was too lazy to elaborate.

The National Security Investigation Bureau is the top intelligence agency under the imperial court. Is it possible if the National Security Investigation Bureau has independent economic rights?

Of course it is impossible!

"If you want it privately, I can give you 0.01% of the equity."An Liang added

"You boy! Huang Guoxiang complained,"You have investigated me, but you think I don't know?""

"Each other!"An Liang responded without any embarrassment.

"Forget it, let’s not talk about it anymore, I will arrange Mr. Key’s affairs first."Huang Guoxiang responded, and after An Liang responded, he hung up the phone.

An Liang put down the phone and sighed softly,"This old Huang is also a pitiful person...."

It's approaching noon.

Xia Ruyi, Xia Hexin, and Bai Yue came over to call Anliang and pulled him up from the recliner.

An Liang yawned,"I actually fell asleep. It seems I slept too late yesterday!"

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin's faces turned red at the same time.

It seems like you slept very late yesterday?

"We have discussed it!"Xia Ruyi brought back the topic.

The two sisters of the Xia family had discussed with Bai Yue the matters related to the rural road connecting the county, so they approached An Liang to discuss the situation.

"What is the result?"An Liang asked back.

No matter what the result is, An Liang can accept it.

Anyway, the total investment in the entire road will not exceed 50 million Xia Guoyuan, and An Liang can invest fully. After all, it was this incident that triggered the acquisition of Arlia Sunset Canyon. Uranium mine rewards.

Xia Ruyi and Xia Hexin both looked at Bai Yue and motioned for Bai Yue to come.

Bai Yue responded to An Liang,"Classmate An, after discussing with the two Xia classmates, we finally decided to invest in proportion."

"We have calculated clearly that the total distance from the county seat to Yunpo Village is 51 kilometers of main roads and 986 meters of branch roads. From Yunpo Village to Anle Township is 19.2 kilometers of main roads."Bai Yue explained the data

"According to this data ratio, we ignore other factors, such as the difficulty of building roads, the difference in transportation material costs, etc., and the final ratio is 73% for me and 27% for two classmates Xia.%"Bai Yue told the result.

Xia Ruyi answered,"We agree with Mr. Bai's plan. This plan is quite good."

Xia Hexin seconded,"Quantitative calculations and quantitative investment ratios are indeed very good."

An Liang responded negatively,"It's not even close. Click!"

Bai Yue and the Xia sisters looked at Anliang together, waiting patiently for Anliang to tell him what happened.

Although the plan they discussed does have some minor flaws, for example, if the first half of the road is to be widened, there will definitely be more digging work, and the cost will definitely be higher.

Another example is the second half of the road. Because the distance is farther, the transportation cost will definitely be more expensive.

These are all details. The specific costs can only be calculated after they occur. It is impossible to determine them now.

But overall, the plan they discussed should be pretty good, right?

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