It’s close to ten o’clock in the morning, Beiyu District, in front of Kairui Hotel.

The signing representative team of Ansheng Construction Company was personally led by An Shengyu, accompanied by An Liang, plus Tao Shizhong, Lu Sili, and three legal staff, a total of seven people arrived.

In fact, the contract signing team of the Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank arrived earlier, but they did not enter the Kairui Hotel, but waited in the Kairui Hotel's open-air parking lot.

When the team from AXA Construction Company arrived, the team from Beiyu Branch saw them, then pretended to have just arrived and got out of the car, saying hello from a distance and walked over.

The two teams met by chance at the entrance of Kairui Hotel, and An Liang took the initiative to say hello,"Xi Yan!"

Li Xiyan looked shy when she heard An Liang's greeting.

An Liang walked directly to Li Xiyan, and then led her back to the contract signing team of Ansheng Construction."Dad, let me introduce to you. This is Li Xiyan, my high school classmate and my girlfriend."

Li Xi Although Yan is usually a bit naive, now she greeted politely,"Hello, Uncle An!"

An Shengyu nodded with satisfaction,"Hello."

Song Yi, the branch manager of Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank, looked at this situation , he showed a smile, they just won this round, right?

An Liang introduced Liu Ling to An Shengyu. An Shengyu secretly marveled at the similarity between Liu Ling and Li Xiyan, but he didn't think too much and just greeted everyone to conference room No. 1.

In the No. 1 conference room, Li Xiyan is directing a four-person photography team. This is the professional photography team provided by An Liang to record the signing ceremony.

Originally, Li Xiyan planned to use her mobile phone to take pictures, but An Liang rejected it because it was too unprofessional.

The signing time agreed by Ansheng Construction is 11:18 am. This is Anshengyu's request to get good luck through the homophonic pronunciation of '1118'.

Although there is still more than an hour before the signing time, teams from both sides have started working. Three legal staff from the Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank took out two copies of the contract and handed them to the legal staff of AXA Construction Company for review.

Even though Anliang had taken back the cooperation agreement drafted by Beiyu Branch of Gongshang Bank to AXA Construction Company last night, AXA Construction's legal staff had already studied the cooperation agreement and determined that there was no problem, but he still had to be careful today. Check the cooperation agreement carefully.

After all, there was no problem with yesterday’s cooperation agreement. Who can guarantee that there will be no problem with today’s cooperation agreement?

As the saying goes: You must not have the intention to harm others, and you must not have the intention to guard against others.

Trust is trust, rules are rules.

There should be no missing step in the legal process. Instead, we should treat villains first and then gentlemen, so as to avoid any problems.

AXA Construction's legal staff carefully checked the cooperation agreement, checked both cooperation agreements one by one, and compared them word for word to avoid differences between the two contracts.

If the two contracts are different and a contract dispute arises, it will be very troublesome to deal with, so the legal staff of AXA Construction are very careful.

For nearly an hour, three legal personnel from Ansheng Construction reported back to Anshengyu, saying that there was no problem with the cooperation agreement.

An Shengyu read it over in person and once again confirmed that there was nothing wrong with the cooperation agreement, then he looked at Song Yi and said,"President Song, there is nothing wrong with this cooperation agreement. We at Ansheng can sign it."

Song Yi laughed," So shall we sign the contract now?"

"Um!"An Shengyu definitely agreed.

Although the signing ceremony agreed by both parties was at 11:18 in the morning, the signing ceremony was just a show for the camera. Even the signing document was an entertainment joke, just a sign. , let the camera capture it.

Ninety-nine percent of all signings on camera are just for show. The real contract has been signed long ago, so how can it be possible to actually sign the contract on camera? In less than two minutes, AXA Construction and Gongshang Bank Beiyu Branch signed a cooperation agreement respectively on behalf of An Shengyu and Song Yi.

"Thank you Mr. An for taking care of me!"After signing the agreement, Song Yi said politely.

An Shengyu responded with a smile,"We should thank President Song for taking care of our Ansheng."

Both of them complimented each other. As the saying goes, it is a normal thing for people to carry each other in a sedan chair. In business cooperation, business flatters each other. Isn't that a very normal thing? How can there be a fool who makes enemies everywhere in the real world?

That kind of fool has no chance to make enemies everywhere. Because a fool has no chance to develop, and has long been nipped in the bud.

"Auntie, congratulations!"An Liang took the initiative to congratulate Liu Ling.

Liu Ling responded reservedly,"Thank you."

Li Xiyan stood next to Liu Ling. She said in a low voice,"This time, mom should be able to compete for the vice president, right?

An Liang looked at Liu Ling in surprise,"Auntie wants to compete for vice president?""

Liu Ling nodded,"Some things happened to the previous manager of the credit department, Shen Muyang, after he was promoted to vice president, and his performance was relatively ugly. If I make good performance, I will naturally have the opportunity to compete for the vice president position."

"Then congratulate Auntie on her promotion in advance!"An Liang said with a smile.

"Just have a chance."Liu Ling is humble.

"So congratulations in advance. An Liang looked at Liu Ling and added,"I think Auntie's chances are very good!" Liu

Ling raised her eyebrows. Is An Liang hinting at something?

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