An Liang's attitude towards the keyboard warrior is very calm.

After all, they are just a group of dogs. Even if the dogs bark a few times, Anliang will just listen to the excitement. If he is happy, he will throw two bones and if he is unhappy, he will give him two sticks.

If the keyboard warrior really wants to hype up the topic of AXA's show, Anliang wouldn't mind learning from Penguin's operations.

Penguin's operation is naturally to silently collect evidence, then go through legal procedures, and use a professional legal team to target keyboard warriors, bringing the battlefield from the Internet to reality, allowing these unscrupulous keyboard warriors to have a taste of legal sanctions.

According to psychological research, most keyboard warriors have exactly the opposite personality in the real world. Most of them are timid and fearful, so they have a twisted heart and like to talk nonsense on the Internet.

But the Internet is not a lawless place!

After the signing ceremony, An Liang arranged a professional photography team for Li Xiyan to directly process and edit the video on site. AXA Construction prepared a celebration lunch at the Kairui Hotel. An Shengyu and Song Yi had another commercial exchange, and the employees of AXA Construction and Gong Gong Employees at Commercial Bank are also complimenting each other. just a momentIn the time, the professional photography team edited the news they just shot, including a three-minute long video, a 30-second short video, and a 10-second text message.

Li Xiyan watched the three videos one by one. She nodded in agreement and said,"These videos are all very well done!"

An Liang secretly smiled. This photography team is the news photography team of Shengqing TV station. How can they do this? Not good?

"Can this interview be used as summer homework? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan nodded affirmatively,"Yeah!" absolutely okay!"

"Our summer assignment will be published in the Journalism and Media Department group. Does the three-minute long video need to be modified?" Li Xiyan asked.

The three-minute long video contains all the interview records of An Shengyu and Song Yi.

An Liang shook his head,"There is no need to modify it, don't worry, if someone says that we at AXA are putting on a show, we at AXA will show it to them. have a look"

"Then I will send it to the group?"Li Xiyan asked again

"Um!"An Liang agreed.

Li Xiyan did not send it directly to the group. She first sent it to the counselor Jiang Xinjie and sent a message

‘Li Xiyan: Teacher Jiang, this is my summer homework, can you take a look at it?’

‘Jiang Xinjie: Wait a minute, let me take a look first. Jiang

Xinjie replied to the message first, and then checked the three videos sent by Li Xiyan. She took a look at the length of the three videos and knew that the quality of the summer homework sent by Li Xiyan should be very high.

After all, if it were not for high-quality summer vacation homework, there would actually be no need to divide it into a three-minute long video, a thirty-second short video, and a ten-second text message.

Jiang Xinjie first checked the ten-second text message. This text message only introduced the cooperation between AXA Construction and Gongshang Bank Beiyu Branch, and the contract was successfully signed.

The thirty-second short video introduces in more detail and includes specific cooperation content.

The three-minute long video completely reports the entire interview.

Jiang Xinjie's focus is not on the interview content of An Shengyu and Song Yi. Her focus is on the professionalism of the three videos, and why only Li Xiyan was invited to this cooperation signing ceremony?

Li Xiyan waited for five minutes and found that Jiang Xinjie had not replied to the message, so she sent another inquiry message.

‘Li Xiyan: Teacher Jiang, can I do my homework this summer?’

‘Jiang Xinjie: No problem at all!’

‘Jiang Xinjie: Very good!’

‘Li Xiyan: Then I sent it to the department group. I finally finished my summer homework.’

‘Jiang Xinjie: Wait!’

‘Jiang Xinjie: Is this news true?’

‘Jiang Xinjie: I just checked using a search engine, and there is no such news on the Internet.’

‘Li Xiyan: This news is true, but this signing ceremony was an internal signing and no news media was invited to report it. '

Internal signing?

Jiang Xinjie looked at the message Li Xiyan replied, and she became even more curious. Since the contract was signed internally, why could Li Xiyan report it?

Jiang Xinjie asked about her doubts. She was so cautious to ensure the authenticity and reliability of the news, so as to avoid accidents caused by Li Xiyan sending the news to the news media department group.

‘Li Xiyan: The news is true’

‘Li Xiyan: AXA Construction is my boyfriend’s family company’

‘Li Xiyan: My mother is the representative of Gongshang Bank. This cooperation was promoted by my mother and my boyfriend.’

‘Li Xiyan: When the cooperation was finalized, I was watching from the side’

‘Li Xiyan: My boyfriend knew about my summer homework, so he specially arranged for me to report on it to complete my summer homework. Jiang

Xinjie looked at the message sent by Li Xiyan. What else could she do besides being speechless?

Good guy!

Both parties to the cooperation are related to Li Xiyan!

The bank has Li Xiyan’s mother, and AXA Construction is her boyfriend’s company. Is this human talk?

Obviously knowing that Li Xiyan was telling the truth, Jiang Xinjie felt so angry!

Is this the invisible Versailles?

No wonder the videos Li Xiyan sent were all impeccable in terms of shooting and editing. I'm afraid they used a professional team, right?

‘Li Xiyan: Teacher Jiang, did you pass this summer homework? '

Jiang Xinjie can't complain!

If you can't pass this summer homework, who else can pass it?


Update time: May 7, 2021 00:03:20, good night.

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