The rugged mountain road in Daliang Mountain.

Wells complained,"This mountain road is really bad!"

Chen Mo responded,"Normally, the economic development of Daliang Mountain is very backward, and the local government's fiscal revenue is also very low, so it is basically impossible to overhaul infrastructure."

Chen Mo added He said,"Actually, this situation is very good for us. The more backward the place, the easier it is for us to move."

Wells nodded,"According to your Xia country, we are going to deal with a group of bumpkins, and they are not easy to catch." ?"

"It must be at your fingertips!"Chen Mo responded.

While the two were chatting, they were looking forward to what kind of rewards they could get after grabbing the mountain jujube kernels, but they didn't even notice that there was a drone secretly observing them in the woods on the mountain roadside. For more than an hour , three deeply off-road modified Land Cruisers had traveled halfway.

However, the convoy suddenly stopped

"what happened? Wells asked.

The driver Noria responded,"There's a landslide ahead and the road is blocked. We can't get through.""

Wells and Chen Mo got out of the car together. They checked the situation ahead. Sure enough, it was a landslide, blocking the only way into the mountain.


Chen Mo and Wells looked at each other. It was obvious that their plan was very good and the success rate was very high, but now what the hell is a landslide blocking the road?

What a natural disaster!

More importantly, the place where the landslide occurred was out of the way. If they turned around and went back to contact the excavator and other rescue equipment, not to mention how much time it would take. Just the excavator entering the mountain to deal with the landslide would be enough. It may attract the attention of the local court.

That's not something Nova Pharmaceuticals wants to see.

Secondly, the mountain road is rugged and large excavators cannot get in. It would take at least four or five hours for a small excavator to come over, right?

"What do you think we should do now? Wells looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo thought for a moment before explaining,"After weighing the pros and cons, I think we only have two options at the moment.""

"First, we give up the mission temporarily and wait until the local court has dealt with the landslide before we can continue our operations later."Chen Mo explained the first choice.

"But there are too many variables in this choice, and there is the possibility of exposure, and there may even be other competitors waiting. Chen Mo added.

Wells answered,"What about the second option?""

"Let’s do it ourselves!"Chen Mo responded

"I took a look at the scale of the landslide. With twenty of us working together and three vehicles, I estimated that the cleanup could be completed within two hours."Chen Mo said predictably.

However, Chen Mo didn't know that this landslide was not an accident!

This landslide was designed by Renyi Safety Company and the scale of the landslide was planned. Chen Mo proposed that they clean it up themselves. Landslides are also the result of careful calculations by Renyi Safety Company.

All choices are compromises after weighing the pros and cons.

After weighing the pros and cons, the operators of Nova Pharmaceuticals determined that cleaning up the landslides themselves was the best choice. , they will definitely clean up the landslide themselves.

In fact, this is the case!

Wells thought about it for a moment, then responded,"Then let's do it!"

"Just after clearing the landslide, it was almost dark when we arrived at Yunpo Village. Wells added.

Chen Mo answered,"It's best to take action after dark!""

After Wells and Chen Mo decided, including the two of them, all the personnel of Nova Pharmaceutical Company began to take action. Fortunately, in order to dig out the alpine jujube trees, everyone prepared a multi-functional individual shovel, and they were cleaning It was convenient when there was a landslide.

But they didn't think of one thing!

All of them participated in cleaning up the landslide, but cleaning up the landslide was a waste of energy. After they cleaned up the landslide for two consecutive hours, they would definitely The physical strength will decrease, or even exhaustion.

Under such circumstances, what if the security personnel of Renyi Security Company attack?

I'm afraid they will not be able to resist?

Twenty operators arranged by Nova Pharmaceutical Company have joined the effort to clear the landslide. During the operation, small drones monitored their actions and relayed them to Renyi Security Company.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation even relayed it to An Liang and explained the situation.

An Liang checked on his mobile phone how the operators of Nova Pharmaceutical Company were handling the mountain. He couldn't help but laugh out loud about the landslide!

These guys were too miserable, right?

After they were plotted by Renyi Safety Company, they had to help Renyi Safety Company clean up the landslide before Renyi Safety Company would take action to catch them. this...

Grab the bamboo shoots!

It’s simply murderous and heartbreaking!

However, for Renyi Security Company, this is a situation where it kills two birds with one stone. It not only attacks Nova Pharmaceutical Company's operations, but also uses Nova Pharmaceutical Company's operators as laborers for free.

It can only be said that Nova Pharmaceuticals’ actions are doomed to be nothing but water in a bamboo basket....

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