Stop the madness of the Neon Court?

Of course there is a way!

"Didn’t you just say that?"An Liang responded pretending to be confused.

"we just..."Yao Qi was a little confused, but she understood the meaning the next moment,"Are you saying that there were external forces that continued to put pressure on Neon, which eventually caused the Neon court to abandon the plan to discharge nuclear contaminated wastewater?"

Such a statement is a sign of high emotional intelligence!

Just now, Guo Yuqing meant to ask extreme environmental protection organizations to increase their efforts against the Neon Court.

Although it is a good thing for extreme environmental protection organizations to target the Neon Court, the existence of extreme environmental protection organizations is also controversial, so it is irrational to publicly support extreme environmental protection organizations.

In view of this situation, Yao Qi described extreme environmental protection organizations as 'external forces' and described the hacking behavior of extreme environmental protection organizations as 'continuous pressure', which is a kind of language art with high emotional intelligence.

"That's right!"An Liang confirmed Yao Qi's intention.

"If the external pressure is too great and the foreseeable losses are too high, even exceeding the economic costs saved by the nuclear wastewater discharge plan, as well as the accompanying internal civil pressure of Neon, will the Neon court seriously consider the nuclear wastewater discharge plan? feasibility?"An Liang was also very careful in choosing words and sentences.

Yao Qi resisted the urge to roll her eyes at An Liang. She once again thought of the situation in Baosheng.

Baosheng continued to be under external pressure, which led to huge internal civil pressure.

The Yao family in Yao Qi's family is Zhiyuan. The shipping company is a key link in targeting Baosheng, so she is very clear about the dire straits in Baosheng, and she is also very aware of how much pressure there is on the people within Baosheng.

Although Neon is much more powerful than Baosheng, it is simply impossible. Blocking Neon is like blocking Baosheng, but targeting Baosheng is an overt action, while targeting Neon can use gray means.

These are two essential differences!

Overt means must follow the rules of the game and abide by the law. Regulations and gray means behind the scenes are not needed.

Guo Yuqing answered on the side,"So it is necessary for extreme environmental protection organizations to increase their efforts and further cause huge losses to Neon, so that Neon can make concessions, right?"

An Liang smiled and said nothing.

Yao Qi didn't answer either.

Li Xiyan continued,"Let's think about where to go this afternoon. Yao

Qi took advantage of the topic and said,"Mr. An, where are you going to take us this afternoon?"

An Liang laughed evilly,"I'm going to take you to see a big baby this afternoon!""

Li Xiyan snorted softly,"What big treasure?"

Guo Yuqing answered quickly,"Wow! Mr. An, I think you have a problem. Are you implying something colorful?"

"Yo ho! An Liang responded,"Can you guess this?"

An Liang continued,"I'm going to take you to see a big golden baby!" Li Xiyan suddenly had an idea,"

Is it the big golden rooster?""

"..."An Liang was speechless.

God rides on the big golden rooster!

Yao Qi couldn't help but laugh. She responded,"It should be the Golden Eagle Observation Deck in Lanshan Mountain. It is the highest observation point in the main city of Shengqing. The night view is very beautiful, right?"

An Liang nodded,"Yes.."

Li Xiyan looked embarrassed. This little fool was an out-and-out Shengqing person, but he got his name wrong.

"Are you going to take us to see the night view? Yao Qi asked.

An Liang waved his hand,"It's just a joke!""

"If we want to see night scenes, we can completely use the firefighting version of the flying motorcycle."An Liang added.

Although the Golden Eagle is indeed the highest viewing point in the main city, if there is a flying motorcycle, it is definitely more comfortable to use the flying motorcycle to watch the night view.

"I am going to take you to visit the mountain gorge. We will start from our Shengqing Liangjiang Confluence Port and go all the way to the mountain gorge. It is estimated that the round trip will take six days. Do you have time?"An Liang asked.

Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing were originally very excited when they heard about visiting the mountain gorge, but the round trip took six days, which made both of them look helpless.

"No way. Guo Yuqing responded helplessly,"We will go back the day after tomorrow."

Yao Qi agreed,"Yes, we will go back the day after tomorrow.""

"It's summer vacation time now, right?"An Liang asked casually

"Although we don’t have as many things to do as Mr. An, we still have things to do, right?"Guo Yuqing said with a hum.

An Liang complained,"I think you are messing with me on purpose! Guo Yuqing still hummed,"

Can this be discovered?""

"After all, she is Nvxia Guo!" An Liang teased.

Guo Yuqing responded seriously,"I have to go back to deal with my summer homework. I have made an appointment for an interview in Shanghai. After completing my summer homework, I have to continue to discover news on my own."

Guo Yuqing is very clear about the difference between herself and Li Xiyan.

Li Xiyan has Anliang to pave the way. Once she graduates, whether Li Xiyan wants to take the news media route or other routes, Anliang will provide her with help.

But Guo Yuqing can only rely on herself, so during the summer vacation, Guo Yuqing not only completes her summer homework, but also digs out news by herself and adapts to the future workplace in advance.

This is what Guo Yuqing envies most about Li Xiyan!

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