An Liang has made up his mind to enter the field of life sciences before, not only because life sciences have been booming year by year recently and it is a popular sunrise industry.

Also because Anliang has good enough hard conditions!

From holly seeds to the selected natural peach gum from Shiliwan, coupled with the thousand-year-old astragalus, and the golden Tai Sui that will appear in the future, these are all innate advantages.

Others start from scratch when studying life sciences, or even have no direction at all.

For example, the project of studying lighthouse jellyfish and trying to open the door to eternal life seems to have very high intentions. After all, by studying lighthouse jellyfish, it is even possible to achieve the goal of immortality.

But what’s the use of having high intentions?

Is there no research direction at all?

So far, human research on lighthouse jellyfish cannot even determine whether the lighthouse jellyfish is the original body or a new individual after rejuvenating.

If we use human beings as a metaphor, after human beings rejuvenate, will this human being still have the memory of the past? Will it even be the same human being as before, rather than a new human being?

Another example is the planarian regeneration project.

The intentions of this project are also very high.

Because planarians have a very powerful ability to regenerate severed limbs, even after the head is cut off, a new head can be regrown. More importantly, experiments have proven that the newly grown head still retains the memory of the past.

This is simply amazing!

If humans had such super regenerative abilities, their lifespan would naturally be greatly extended.

Human lifespan is limited by the Hayflick limit.

The super regenerative ability of planarians just makes up for the limitations of Hayflick limit.

However, like the lighthouse jellyfish project, the planarian regeneration project has indeed high intentions, but the research progress is almost non-existent. The planarian genes are too far apart from human genes and have no solubility at all.

It is almost impossible to incorporate the super regenerative ability of planarians into human genes.

The hard conditions An Liang possesses are different!

Taking Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum as an example, it has skipped the most critical step of how to effectively produce positive effects on the human body.

This is the most critical step!

Isn’t the lighthouse jellyfish’s rejuvenation mechanism amazing?

Of course it’s awesome!

The super regenerative ability of planarians is also very powerful.

However, their power is their business and has nothing to do with humans at all. The research on these projects has hit a bottleneck. The biggest problem is that they cannot produce positive effects on the human body.

Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum is different. It has been proven to have positive effects on humans. Now we just need to study this mechanism, right?

The Life Winner System has also shown that whether it is Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum, Holly Seed, or even Millennium Astragalus and Golden Tai Sui, they are all science, not metaphysics.

Therefore, through the path of science, we can certainly study the secrets of these things.

As for whether it can be researched with the current level of science and technology, that is not within the scope of discussion for the time being.

Although An Liang felt that with the current level of science and technology, it was very likely that it would not be possible to research it, but precisely because of this, it was necessary to slowly study it, eventually improve the level of science and technology, and then study and obtain the results.

Doesn’t every human science and technology appear in this way?

Going back twenty years, humankind's technological level was completely unable to manufacture five-nanometer computing processors. However, humans devoted themselves to studying EUV/extreme ultraviolet lithography technology and finally realized the technology to manufacture five-nanometer computing processors.

An Liang believes that as research continues, he will one day be able to solve these life science problems and become a giant in the field of life sciences.

In the Shiliwan Temporary Life Science Research Center, facing An Liang’s inquiry, Bian Xiaogang responded,"This is the genetic sequence of peach gum."

"No more studying holly?"An Liang asked casually. Bian Xiaogang complained,"The research on holly seeds has reached a deadlock. It is completely challenging the existing biological science and technology theory. For example, after genetic testing, the daughter plants I bred from cuttings are the same as the mother plant. It's different. In this case, I'm still not sure what happened."

"The second and more ridiculous problem is that in the sub-plants produced by large-scale cutting breeding, it is found that traits are separated, which is completely unreasonable."Bian Xiaogang continued to complain

"I don't understand biology."An Liang responded.

Bian Xiaogang was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly,"Anyway, Dongqingzi's research project has stalled, and our breeding plan has completely failed."

"This matter is strictly confidential! An Liang responded,"And the relevant information has been tampered with. I want to make it appear that everything is normal in the research on holly seeds, and there is no problem with the sub-strains you cultivated." Bian Xiaogang hesitated,"

Mr. An, this is your plan."..."

"Isn't this obvious? An Liang sneered,"I'm going to lie!""

"..."Bian Xiaogang was speechless.

Why did An Liang say the deception so confidently?

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