Shiliwan, Taoyuan.

Li Xiyan wondered if An Liang wanted to play pranks on her, because Li Xiyan knew that peaches were not delicious, but the peaches in the peach orchard did not look like peaches because they were larger.

The security guard picked a bright red peach and said in response,"These peaches are indeed very delicious. Professor Bian has also confirmed it and collected most of the ripe peaches to make wine.""

"Since it tastes good, let’s pick more. Li Xiyan responded.

Then Li Xiyan, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing directed two security personnel to pick the ripe peaches. They were not afraid that they would not be able to eat them all. Anyway, the security personnel just said that these peaches It can also be used to make wine.

By the time An Liang arrived, Li Xiyan and the others had arranged for security personnel to pick more than thirty red peaches, and decorated the bamboo baskets.

"You picked so many, can you finish them all? An Liang asked casually.

Li Xiyan responded affirmatively,"Of course I can finish it!"

Guo Yuqing seconded,"Mr. An, your peaches are so delicious!""

"Are these peaches really plum peaches? Yao Qi also expressed surprise,"They taste very good. Not only are they full of peach aroma, but they also taste very good. They have a sweet and sour taste, which is far better than the peaches or other peaches on the market.""

"Have you eaten? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan nodded affirmatively,"Well, it is indeed delicious. I will bring some back to my mother later.""

"I'll try it. An Liang responded,"I've only heard that it's delicious before, but I haven't actually eaten it yet.""

Actually, An Liang had eaten it when he was a child.

The taste of the peach was really bad, rather sour and a bit astringent.

When two security guards heard An Liang wanted to taste the peach, one of them took out a folding knife and prepared to peel the peach.

An Liang stopped him. He said,"I'll do it myself."

The security personnel immediately put away the blade of the folding knife and cleaned the peach with a wet wipe before passing it to An Liang.

An Liang took the folding knife and the red peach, and he peeled the peach neatly.

Judging from the feel of the peeling, It was judged that the peach was a crisp peach.

An Liang asked while peeling,"Baby, do you still want to eat it?"

Li Xiyan responded affirmatively,"Yeah, I want to eat."

Guo Yuqing answered on the side,"Mr. An, we also want to eat.""

"Mr. An won’t favor one over the other, right? Yao Qi asked.

An Liang laughed and said,"Congratulations, you guessed it right. I will treat one more favorably than the other.""

"If you want to eat it, peel it yourself. An Liang added,"The great man once said that if you do it yourself, you will have enough food and clothing!""

When An Liang finished speaking, he had already peeled the peach and cut it into two parts, one large and one small. The larger part contained the peach core and the smaller part was all peach flesh.

An Liang will all The peach meat portion was handed to Li Xiyan, and then she turned the folding knife over, handed the handle to the security guard, and signaled the security guard to clean the blade.

"You two can’t even peel a peach, right?"An Liang said teasingly.

Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi both looked at An Liang helplessly. Is this guy's desire for survival too strong?

Li Xiyan's eyes were full of smiles.

The security personnel cleaned the folding blade and put away the blade. Then she cleaned up a peach with a wet wipe, and then handed it to Guo Yuqing and Yao Qi together.

Guo Yuqing took the peach and the folding knife, and she seemed to be talking to herself,"Isn't it great to have a boyfriend?

An Liang answered,"It's really amazing to have a boyfriend!""

"Right, baby? An Liang looked at Li Xiyan with a smile.

Li Xiyan nodded affirmatively,"Yes, having a boyfriend is really amazing!""

"..."Guo Yuqing was speechless, she was single, why would she want to provoke?

Yao Qi sighed secretly in her heart. She thought An Liang was perfect, except for being a bit of a playboy, but it didn't seem unacceptable?

After An Liang teased Guo Yuqing, he took a bite of the white and rosy peach flesh. The sour taste in his memory no longer existed, and turned into a mixture of sweetness and fruit acid. Coupled with the crisp texture of the flesh, the taste of the peach was so delicious. The overall taste is great

"Does it taste good? Li Xiyan asked from the side.

An Liang nodded,"It's indeed very good!" An

Liang continued to instruct the security personnel,"Pick more and pick all the mature ones. I will also take some back.""

"OK"The security personnel responded, and then called more security personnel through the intercom to pick peaches.

An Liang knew why the taste of peaches had become better, because he had received corresponding rewards before. These peaches have the effect of activating blood circulation, dredging meridians, and enhancing physical fitness, so It just tastes better, right?

"Anliang, do you want to dig out the root of the ear?"Li Xiyan asked beside An Liang

"OK, I'll go with you."An Liang responded with a smile.

"Uh-huh!"Li Xiyan's eyes lit up, and she was obviously very happy that An Liang could accompany her.

Because this is an ordinary and extraordinary happiness.

Picking out the roots of ears is ordinary, but An Liang's participation is extraordinary. After all, An Liang controls The value of wealth is very high, and the value of time is also very high. He is also willing to accompany Li Xiyan to dig out the roots of his ears. There is no other explanation except true love.

That’s why it is extraordinary!

After An Liang agreed, the four left Taoyuan, and then under the leadership of Li Xiyan Went down to the field behind Taoyuan to dig for roots.

Li Xiyan wanted to eat the roots. She thought the roots were delicious. In addition, An Liang accompanied her to dig the roots, so Li Xiyan laughed and laughed along the way.

Yao Qi also blended in, and only Guo Yuqing wore a mask of pain, because Guo Yuqing didn't like Zheergen, and she felt Zheergen had a strong smell.

More importantly, even if she only had Zheergen, she had to keep eating dogs. Food, who can withstand this?

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