Nao Mukahara knew very well what Chichi Aikawa meant.

If the M1043 train behind them rear-ends their M1114 train at a speed of 140 kilometers per hour, it will be a super car accident!

Xiang Yuanzhi immediately tried to speed up the M1114 train, but he found that it could not be accelerated. The M1114 train was controlled remotely. Whether it was accelerating or decelerating, it was not controlled by Xiang Yuanzhi.

"Can't speed up!"Nao Xiang immediately explained the situation to Chichi Aikawa.

Chichi Aikawa had predicted such a result a long time ago, and he had no surprises. He could only comfort Nao Xiang,"We are already arranging ground management at the Hearts station, and we are trying to move your two trains together. Diversion, especially after your train M1114 slows down, we have a chance to intercept you."

This is the solution that Chichi Aikawa deliberately said!

Chichi Aikawa deliberately told the solution to the hackers behind the scenes, so that the hackers behind the scenes would change their plans and at least increase the speed of the M1114 train to avoid the rear-end collision of the M1043 train.

If the hackers behind the scenes There was no movement, so Chichi Aikawa could only carry out the deliberately exposed plan and forcefully stop the M1114 train at Shinjuku Station.

Although there is a risk in forcing a stop, the risk is far less than that of the M1043 train that was hit at a speed of 140 kilometers per hour. A rear-end collision.

Of course, the best case scenario is that the hacker behind the scenes adjusts the plan to increase the speed of the M1114 train to avoid a rear-end collision between the two trains.

Chichi Aikawa's idea is very good, but the No. 4 Tianji Divine Calendar simply ignores him..

In fact, the fundamental reason is that Anliang had already ordered No. 4 to be polite before fighting, thereby creating a Stockholm cluster and putting pressure on the Neon Court.

So no matter how Chichi Aikawa handles it, no matter how trains M1043 and M1114 are handled , the final result can only be a near miss.

Chichi Aikawa found that there was still no response from the hacker behind the scenes, so he could only bite the bullet and implement the plan of forced parking.

On the M1043 train, Goro Sakuda found that the speed of the train had increased to 125 kilometers per hour, this speed is already a bit dangerous.

When Sakuda Goro was frightened, the train announcement suddenly made a warning sound

"Good evening fellow travelers, we are the Dongming Holy King Organization and we have declared responsibility for this attack."An electronically synthesized voice sounded on the radio.

Some young passengers on train M1043 immediately panicked, because they knew what the Dongming Holy King Organization meant on the Internet, and they also understood that the other party had announced unlimited attacks on Neon on the Internet.

"First of all, please accept our apology for putting you in danger because of the Neon Court." Electronically synthesized voices continue to be heard on the radio

"Your Neon Court ignored ordinary people, which made our Dongming Holy King organization very angry, so we planned this attack to try to give the Neon Court a warning."The electronically synthesized voice continued.

Some passengers on train M1043 had already begun to cry.

"According to statistics from the safety monitoring system on the train, the total number of passengers on this train is 173, including 11 children, a pregnant woman, and more than 40 elderly people. Is this statistic accurate?"The electronically synthesized voice asked.

But no one answered.

The electronically synthesized voice continued to sound on the radio,"According to the original plan, we will control the M1043 train to continue to accelerate, and eventually reach a speed of 140 kilometers per hour, rear-end collision with the M1114 ahead. train."

Original plan?

Some eager passengers have renewed hope.

"But our Dongming Holy King Organization is different from your Neon Court. Your Neon Court can discharge nuclear-contaminated wastewater into the sea for your own selfish purposes, regardless of how many ordinary people around the world suffer from it."The electronically synthesized voice condemned the Neon Court.

This is obviously a show!

This show is to better cultivate the Stockholm Syndrome and embarrass the Neon Court.

"Our Dongming Shengwang organization has determined the above passenger information after searching the situation of train M1043. We are not willing to plan terrorist attacks against children, and we are not willing to involve pregnant women, so we will do so in a minute. Cancel this attack and release control of the train."The electronically synthesized voice added.

"At the same time, we will also release the control authority of the M1114 train and completely terminate this attack. Please forgive us for the panic our attack has caused you."The electronically synthesized voice sincerely apologizes.

"But please note that the attacks organized by our Dongming Holy King will not stop. The next attack will carefully select targets, try to target the Neon Court itself, and avoid collateral damage as much as possible."Electronic synthesized sound supplement

"Finally, I wish you can forget this nightmare, or understand the beauty of life through this nightmare. Goodbye, and never see you again."The electronically synthesized voice said farewell.

The next moment, a ten-second countdown sounded.

When the countdown ended, Sakuda Goro immediately tried to pull the brake lever to slow down the M1043 train.

If it was before, no matter how he pulled the brake lever , none of them had any effect.

Now as he pulled the brake lever, he clearly felt the presence of damping, and the dashboard showed that the speed of the train was reduced, so the hacker who invaded them really released control?

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