Anliang's rise is too fast. If you say that no one is jealous, you must be deceiving yourself.

But every step An Liang takes, he will share interests and win over interpersonal relationships. In the process of rising, An Liang has attracted a huge interest group, and this interest group eventually expanded into the Heavenly Bai Yujing Club!

An Liang controls the Tiantian Baiyujing Club and can easily cope with the pressure from all parties. This is the role of the Tiantian Baiyujing Club.

Like brand flagship stores, most brands choose to build their flagship stores in bustling commercial centers. If they rely on retail, these brand flagship stores will definitely not be profitable.

But the purpose of a brand flagship store is not to make a profit at all. It is just to promote the brand value and convey brand goodwill. As for retail, it is completely incidental business.

Take Apple's flagship store as an example. Their flagship stores are all decorated at a first-tier level. The price of a piece of floor-to-ceiling window glass starts at 600,000, but the number of retail stores in the flagship store is really not many.

After all, this is the Internet age.

Tiantian Baiyujing Club is equivalent to the brand flagship store. It does not exist for profit, but because of its existence, it can make profits from other channels.

If Anliang hadn't built his own interest group, I'm afraid he wouldn't have gotten to where he is today!

Yun Xiyue did not continue to ask An Liang what he thought. She looked at two loads of red peaches and made a rough estimate. They probably weighed more than twenty kilograms.

"How should these peaches be stored? Yun Xiyue asked.

An Liang clapped his hands and said,"Hey, I forgot about this question.""

"I acquired a pharmaceutical company to process Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum and Holly Seeds. You should know that, right?"An Liang asked back.

"Jingjing Pharmaceutical Company? Yun Xiyue asked back

"Um! An Liang responded affirmatively,"They have nitrogen-charging preservation technology. We send the peaches there, encapsulate them through nitrogen-charging preservation technology, and then put them in the refrigerator. They can be stored for two or three months without any problem.""

The refrigerator is different from the refrigerator!

The top-level refrigerator has extremely strong freshness-locking ability. An apple can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a year, which is impossible for ordinary refrigerators.

Coupled with the nitrogen-charging freshness-locking technology, these peaches can be stored in the refrigerator for more than a year. If they are stored for two or three months, that is indeed no problem.

But An Liang doesn’t believe that they can be stored for two or three months.

Let alone two or three months, it is just one month, and only the naughty child can eat it alone, I’m afraid Have you finished eating?

It's past nine o'clock in the morning.

An Liang took Yun Xiyue and the naughty child to the Mulingshan Entrepreneurship Incubator. At the Jingcui Pharmaceutical Company, a total of twenty-three kilograms of peaches were packaged using nitrogen-filled preservation technology.

"Mr. Wang, are there any peach gum today?" An Liang asked.

Wang Anfeng immediately responded,"Twenty-two bottles were produced today."

"Bring me twelve bottles."An Liang ordered

"Please wait. Wang Anfeng responded.

After a while, Wang Anfeng brought over twelve bottles of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum. These peach gums were naturally packaged with nitrogen-filled preservation technology, but the outer packaging was very plain and unpretentious. After all, it was not sold to the public. It requires fancy and exquisite packaging.

An Liang handed twelve bottles of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum to Yun Xiyue,"The function of these peach gums is not only to replace holly seeds, but also to clear away heat and cough, nourish qi, and relieve stress." effects, these effects have been scientifically proven."

Yun Xiyue looked at An Liang with complicated eyes. Of course she knew about Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum. She also knew that a can of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum was hard to find.

Whether it was in Shengqing or the Imperial Capital, it was leaked to the outside world. There are only a handful of Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gums.

Even if you want to redeem Shiliwan Natural Selected Peach Gum at Tianshang Baiyujing Club, you need 100 contribution points. Twelve bottles are 1200 contribution points, which is not easy to obtain.

"Thanks!"Yun Xiyue responded as calmly as possible.

An Liang smiled and waved,"You're welcome."

"Can Xinxin eat these peach gums?" Yun Xiyue asked

"You can eat it, but it’s not necessary. It’s better for her to eat peaches."An Liang responded

"Oh, I see."Yun Xiyue nodded.

"Brother An, why is it not necessary?"Yun Xin was being held by An Liang, and she asked curiously

"Because Xinxin is still very young, she really doesn't need it. An Liang responded,"When Xinxin grows up, I will give you more peach gum, okay?""

"Uh-huh!"Yun Xin nodded happily. She stretched out her little finger to make a 'pull hook' motion,"Then let's pull the hook. If Brother An doesn't keep his word, he's a puppy!"

"Okay, okay, let's pull the hook."An Liang flirted with the naughty child with a serious look on his face, and listened to the naughty child saying hook-up nursery rhymes. He finally determined that if An Liang changed his mind, it would be a puppy.

"Do you believe it now?"An Liang pinched Yun Xin's little face.

Yun Xin nodded,"Brother An is the best!"

Yun Xiyue watched the interaction between Yun Xin and An Liang, and she sighed secretly in her heart again. If An Liang was not so outstanding, if An Liang was just an ordinary person, then she would have a chance, right?

After all, for ordinary people, if they marry Yun Xiyue, that means fighting for fifty years less, who wouldn't want to?


Update time: May 21, 2021 00:02:33, good night, fellow thieves.

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