Flowery Garden, rooftop of Building 1.

Li Yang and another male security guard had already left, leaving only two female security guards on site to handle the barbecue. They both had good barbecue skills, so they came to help An Liang handle the barbecue party.

An Liang is helping Li Xiyan apply sunscreen, while Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing are helping each other.

As for asking An Liang to help?

Feel sorry!

Mr. An is not that kind of person!

The main reason is that Li Xiyan is by his side, and An Liang cherishes the pure love between him and Li Xiyan, so his behavior is very restrained.

Li Xiyan helped Liu Ling apply sunscreen, and An Liang would not behave abnormally at all.

Of course, the exception is the gaze.

When Li Xiyan was applying sunscreen to Liu Ling, An Liang's eyes would glance over to her"naturally" from time to time.

To be fair, God favors this beautiful witch.

Because her skin is in pretty good condition, still white and firm, without any signs of sagging. More importantly, her figure is very exaggerated, surpassing Li Xiyan's level.

Mainly during the holidays, Li Xiyan eats and drinks a little bit, while Liu Ling always maintains good eating habits, plus daily yoga, so her body management is really impeccable.

At least in terms of figure, Liu Ling completely crushed Guo Yuqing!

After An Liang applied sunscreen to Li Xiyan, she entered the infinity swimming pool. Liu Ling, Yao Qi, and Guo Yuqing had already gotten out of the swimming pool, while An Liang was sitting on An Liang's lounge chair playing with her mobile phone.

An Liang checked the information about Neon on the Internet. Yesterday, Neon was attacked by a terrorist attack through network intrusion by the Dongming Holy King organization. Although the Dongming Holy King organization finally gave up the attack, this symbolized the beginning of the hacker organization's attack on the Neon court..

Originally, An Liang was thinking that after the Dongming Holy King organization took the lead in attacking the Neon Imperial Court, there should be some movement from other hacker organizations, right?

However, Anliang suddenly discovered that his prediction was wrong!

Because the Internet was peaceful, there was no hacker organization imitating the Dongming Holy King organization to attack the Neon Imperial Court.

What's happening here?

An Liang sends a message to No. 4 Tianji Shensuan

‘Number Zero: I just checked on the Internet, and it seems that no hacker organization is following up?’

‘Number 4: Yes, there are currently no hacker groups participating in the war.’

‘Zero: What’s the reason?’

‘No. 4: This...’

‘Number Zero: Say what you have to say.’

‘No. 4: BOSS, times have changed!’

‘Zero:? ? ? '

This sentence has always been An Liang's famous saying. He always likes to say this sentence, but it is finally his turn?

‘Number 4: As the times progress, so does the hacker community.’

‘No. 4: If time goes back twenty years...’

‘Number 4: If time goes back ten years and the Neon Court plans to dump nuclear contaminated wastewater into the sea, I believe that a large number of hackers will unite to attack the Neon Internet.’

‘Number 4: However, in today's era, in the hacker community, whether black hats, white hats, or gray hats, they are all more cautious and pay more attention to economic interests.’

‘No. 4: So it is basically impossible to get a response to the Dongming Holy King organization’s suggestions.’

‘Zero: Except for our bounty targeting the Neon Court, it is basically impossible for other hacker organizations to take action, right?’

‘Number 4: There is another way’

‘Number Zero: What can we do?’

‘No. 4: If we directly put a bounty on the Neon Court, they will definitely be targeted by the Neon Court, but we can attack in the east and in the west.’

‘Number Zero: How to conquer the east and attack the west? '

An Liang likes to leave professional issues to professionals. He is not a hacker himself, so he naturally doesn't understand the behavioral patterns of hackers, so he asked No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation.

After all, No. 4 Tianji Shensuan is a super hacker!

‘No. 4: We can ask the Dongming Holy King organization to come forward and offer a reward. The Dongming Holy King organization can completely indicate that they have received a commission and let them invade a certain network target of Neon. However, the strength of the Dongming Holy King organization is not enough to complete the task, so we will unite with other organizations. Hackers organize attacks together and then share the benefits’

‘Zero: What goals do you think are appropriate?’

‘No. 4: We have an insider in the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, so we can choose the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau’

‘No. 4: First of all, the security level of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau is very high, which is consistent with the difficulty of the mission. The Dongming Holy King organization will definitely not be able to break through the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau independently. '

This goal is in line with the Dongming Holy King organization's need to seek allies.

‘Number 4: Secondly, the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau has a very high security level within the Neon Court. They also hold a large amount of confidential information. If we can really break through the network security system of the Neon Intelligence and Investigation Bureau, it may be possible to find some Confidential Information’

‘No. 4: The next step is to attack the east and attack the west. The Dongming Holy King organization joins other hacker organizations to attack the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau. We can take the opportunity to attack the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Neon Court and take down the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to humiliate the Neon Court.’

‘No. 4: If the Dongming Holy King Organization and other hacker organizations really break through the network security system of the Neon Intelligence Investigation Bureau, we can even create something out of nothing!’

‘Number Zero: What can you create out of nothing? '

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