In the eyes of ordinary Xia people, 2020 is a peaceful and prosperous year.

However, there is a saying that goes well, there is no quiet time, but there are people who carry the burden for you.

The Xia Kingdom is one of the safest countries in the world, so most ordinary people in the Xia Kingdom think the world is safe, but in fact it is not.

In the global shipping industry, even in the era of 2020, pirates are emerging one after another on the high seas. Various countries have warships to escort them, maritime security companies to escort them, and so on.

If An Liang really dared to go to the high seas to salvage sunken ships by just arranging salvage ships, then other people around with ulterior motives would also dare to come and see what An Liang wanted to salvage.

If the sunken treasure is discovered, An Liang must be attacked.

That’s why An Liang wouldn’t be foolish enough to salvage sunken treasures alone!

Although shipwreck treasures are great, don’t be too greedy.

Almost half an hour later, after finishing a meal of yellow croaker noodles, An Liang basically had a preliminary salvage plan for the sunken treasure. As for the follow-up plan, he still needed to find time to go to the imperial capital to further improve it.

After An Liang finished eating the yellow croaker noodles, he put down his chopsticks, looked at Yao Qi and Guo Yuqing who had not yet finished eating, and proactively asked,"Guo Nuxia, Yao Qi, are you going home this afternoon, or are you going to the track with us?"

Yao Qi glanced at Li Xiyan. Does she know how Li Xiyan is learning to drive? It makes the coach's scalp numb. How can Li Xiyan go to the track like this?

There must be something good to watch!

An Liang also saw Yao Qi's eyes

"Is it convenient for us to go to the track together? Yao Qi asked.

An Liang responded affirmatively,"No problem.""

"Then we want to go to the track." Yao Qi responded.

Guo Yuqing seconded,"Then let's follow Mr. An to see the exciting racing. Mr. An, do you want to participate?"

"certainly!"An Liang responded affirmatively.

An Liang's driving skills are at the professional elite level. When he was at the Imperial Capital Golden Port International Circuit, An Liang's lap speed was at the level of a professional player.

Among amateur players, An Liang is a crushing presence.

"Looking forward to Mr. An’s performance!"Guo Yuqing responded with a smile.

But An Liang knows what Guo Yuqing really means. This guy is also looking forward to Li Xiyan playing, right?

To be honest, An Liang is also looking forward to it!

He wants to see how good Li Xiyan is. , to make the coach's scalp numb.

After almost another quarter of an hour, Li Xiyan and the others finally finished eating the yellow croaker noodles. An Liang did not pay in advance, and gave Yao Qi the chance to pay.

But Guo Yuqing took the initiative to pay, and she After settling the bill, he truly expressed his heartache,"It's so expensive!

An Liang responded with a smile," Thank you, Nuxia Guo, for the treat!" Guo

Yuqing said with a snort,"Don't let me seize the opportunity next time, otherwise I will kill you severely!""

"It depends on whether you can seize the opportunity!"An Liang joked.

There were a total of twelve bowls of yellow croaker noodles, each with yellow croaker added. The total price was 816 yuan. This price was indeed quite high, but it was within Guo Yuqing's affordability.

Although this meal was served by An Liang There was no problem in treating the guests or leaving it to Yao Qi to pay, but Guo Yuqing still chose her to pay the bill, which made An Liang look at her. The total amount of the meal was very small for An Liang, but for An Liang For Guo Yuqing, it is not cheap, but it is within the affordable range. Guo Yuqing is willing to settle the bill, which not only reflects the high emotional intelligence of assessing the situation, but also shows that he will not just take advantage of the mentality.

These qualities are very good!

If Guo Yuqing If someone pretends to be fat to pay for a meal worth 8,000 yuan, Anliang will look down on her. After all, Anliang will look at a person differently if the bill is too much.

That kind of person who pretends to be fat, in Anliang They were just brainless fools!

Nearly half an hour later, An Liang and his party arrived at the Magic City International Circuit, and based on the information sent by Qian Xiaogang, they went to the corresponding VIP parking area.

In the VIP parking area, An Liang and his party had just After parking the car, a red Ferrari drove up opposite them.

When An Liang got out of the car, a young man got out of the red Ferrari opposite.

The young man looked at Yao Qi and greeted Yao Qi loudly,"Qiqi! Yao

Qi also noticed the other party. She frowned slightly and responded rudely,"Wanfeng, we are not familiar with each other at all. Please call me by my full name!""

Wanfeng laughed happily. He was looking at Anliang and the Mercedes-Benz S450L next to Anliang.

For ordinary people, the Mercedes-Benz S450L is a million-level luxury car and belongs to the top luxury class.

But for a Ferrari driver For young people, the Mercedes-Benz S450L is just an ordinary grocery cart.

Wanfeng glanced at Anliang. Although he felt it looked familiar, he didn't think much about it. After all, as a young man driving a Mercedes-Benz S450L, he imagined that Anliang was The situation of bringing over the car of an elder in the family

"Qiqi, we are junior high school classmates after all. Do you want to be so different?"Wanfeng's attitude was still friendly and familiar, like brown sugar.

Yao Qi hummed and ignored the other party's meaning.

Wanfeng continued,"Are you here to see the high-end racing game today?"

Although Yao Qi ignored the other party, Wanfeng continued,"I know the organizer of this high-end racing round, and I also know the big shots from the imperial capital. I will introduce him to you later."

"Qiqi, let me tell you, there is a super big shot from the Imperial Capital today. He is a high-ranking big shot in the Imperial Capital circle. It would be good for you to get to know him! Wanfeng added.

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