Magic City International Circuit, entrance to the VIP parking area.

Qin Feng and Yang Biao met Qian Xiaogang, and Wanfeng also became familiar with them.

When Qian Xiaogang and his group walked into the VIP parking area, Qian Xiaogang naturally saw Anliang and the others, and he immediately waved and said hello.

"Brother Liang!"Qian Xiaogang waved.

Qin Feng and Yang Biao looked towards An Liang.

Wanfeng was stunned for a moment, and then sweat began to form on his forehead. The big shot in his eyes actually called the guy who he had just ignored as 'Brother' '?

An Liang also waved his hand.

Qian Xiaogang walked over and explained to the people around him,"Old Qin, Lao Yang, let's go, let me introduce you to a big shot. That is the real big shot in our imperial capital circle." guy!"

The real boss?"

"……"Wanfeng felt very uncomfortable. He was half a step behind and was thinking about whether to run away.

Qin Feng's eyes lit up, and he responded quickly,"The one from Bai Yujing in the sky?"

Yang Biao agreed,"That one is indeed the real boss!"

Wanfeng was even more speechless!

In Wanfeng's eyes, both Qin Feng and Yang Biao are big shots in the Magic City, and Qian Xiaogang is a big shot from the Imperial City. In the end, is An Liang the real boss in the eyes of these big shots?

So it’s better to take the next step?

Wanfeng thought about running away, but the monk could not run away from the temple. He finally resisted the idea of ​​running away and prepared to apologize to Anliang in person.

As a real man, being able to bend and stretch is a natural ability!

Qian Xiaogang and his entourage came to An Liang, and he took the initiative to greet him,"Sorry, Brother Liang, there was a traffic jam on my side, so I arrived a little late."

An Liang waved his hand,"How can any of my brothers be so polite? ?"

Qian Xiaogang chuckled twice, and then introduced the identities of the group to An Liang, starting with Qin Feng, then introducing the members of the Imperial Lamborghini LCF Club, and finally there was a little bit of confusion when introducing Wanfeng. question.

Li Xiyan, the little fool, once again made people think,"I know this person!"

Qian Xiaogang was curious,"Is he a friend of my sister-in-law?"

Li Xiyan denied,"No, he has a brain problem!"

Everyone immediately looked at Wanfeng in surprise.

Wanfeng broke out in a cold sweat. He quickly bowed at 90 degrees like a neon man,"I'm sorry! Brother Liang, sister-in-law, please forgive me for being unreasonable just now!"

With Wanfeng's apology, everyone realized that Wanfeng had just been rude. Feng may have offended An Liang.

Qin Feng and Yang Biao both looked at Wanfeng with pity.

Qian Xiaogang even asked directly,"Brother Liang, what did this guy just do?"

An Liang responded with a smile,"Actually it's just a small thing."

Li Xiyan briefly narrated on the side, and she added,"The name Li Daye is An Liang’s online shopping name!"

"So you learned it?"An Liang rubbed Li Xiyan's hair.

Li Xiyan let out a sweet sigh, her learning ability is indeed very strong!

After the interaction between An Liang and Li Xiyan ended, Qin Feng interrupted and said,"Brother Liang, look at this How to deal with this matter?"

"Xiao Wan has already apologized, and I'm known for being magnanimous, so let's turn our hostility into friendship! An Liang responded with a smile.

Wanfeng immediately said gratefully,"Thank you, Brother Liang!""

However, in the face of Wanfeng's apology, An Liang raised his eyebrows, because his danger premonition ability actually issued a prompt indicating that Li Xiyan was in danger.

After An Liang sensed it, it turned out that Li Xiyan's danger came from Wanfeng!

‘interesting! 'An An sneered in his heart.

Originally, Anliang really didn't care about Wanfeng, a submissive guy. After all, in Anliang's view, Wanfeng couldn't accomplish anything big. But in the end, was he the type who failed to succeed but failed to succeed?

Now that the danger premonition ability has been reminded, Anliang will naturally not let Wanfeng go easily, but he must also have enough superficial skills!

After An Liang's generous performance turned the hostility into friendship, everyone entered the Magic City International Circuit from the VIP parking area. The internal parking area was already filled with various super sports cars.

Qian Xiaogang walked beside An Liang. The two of them browsed super cars and communicated with each other.

"Brother Liang, do you need help with what happened just now? Qian Xiaogang asked, and then added,"I have a very good relationship with Qin Feng and Yang Biao. Through them, we can create a lot of trouble for the Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group behind Wanfeng."

An Liang laughed and scolded,"Am I the kind of person with a small belly and chicken intestines?""

"of course not! Qian Xiaogang said affirmatively,"But I asked Lao Qin and Lao Yang to inquire about Wanfeng. That boy is really nothing. He has done a lot of bad things. I am worried that he will cause trouble!""

"oh? An Liang was confused,"What did that guy do?""

Qian Xiaogang responded,"There were more than ten drugging incidents, and each time they were settled out of court. There were even incidents that caused him to jump off a building, but they were suppressed in the end."

"Is this okay?"An Liang was surprised

"Brother Liang, something's wrong with you. Why can't this work?"Qian Xiaogang was unable to complain.

"I checked the situation of Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group. This is a listed company. It was originally founded by the Wan family. However, they have almost lost control of Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group. Logically speaking, the Wan family should Not that powerful, right?"An Liang said casually.

The Wan family only has resources in the commercial field and is in trouble. Under such circumstances, An Liang feels that the other party does not have enough strength to solve the problem.


Update time: May 29, 2021 00:05:13, good night.

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