Wanfeng knew very well what patrol meant. When the other party said he would be investigated, he actually meant arrest.

Thinking of this, Wanfeng's heartbeat slowed down for half a beat, but he immediately calmed down,"Comrade patrol, I don't understand what you mean. You want to take me back for investigation. Can I see the arrest warrant?

" An arrest warrant was taken out and handed to Wanfeng.

After Wan Feng carefully checked, he found that it was indeed his arrest warrant, but he didn't seem to have committed anything recently.... etc!

Wanfeng suddenly thought of what happened in the VIP parking area of ​​the Magic City International Circuit yesterday. At that time, Anliang's generous expression turned hostility into friendship, but now it doesn't seem like that.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to make a call to my lawyer."Wan Feng tried his best to speak calmly.

The leader of the patrol did not stop him. He even lowered his voice and said,"Master Wan, all your bad things in the past have been dug up. You are doomed this time!"

Wanfeng's face changed. Of course he knew about his past things. If they were all dug out and used against him, it would be really bad news.

Wanfeng took a deep breath and dialed the number The lawyer’s contact number, followed by a quick,"I need help! However ,

Wanfeng's lawyer responded directly,"Sorry, Mr. Wan, I have already learned about this matter. We basically have no possibility of winning the case.""

"you..."Wanfeng felt a chill in his heart. Did the other party even deal with his lawyer?

"Sorry, Mr. Wan, I still have things to deal with. Goodbye."Wanfeng's lawyer hung up the phone directly. He didn't even wait for Wanfeng's response, which was quite rude. However, this attitude revealed another message. The other party believed that there was no possibility of Wanfeng coming back, so the other party did not maintain it. Basic etiquette.

The leader of the patrol watched Wanfeng put down his mobile phone and asked considerately,"Mr. Wan, do you need to make any other calls?""

Wanfeng's heart sank after listening to the other party's seemingly considerate inquiry.

The other party was not afraid of Wanfeng calling for rescue at all!

Wanfeng directly called his father, Wanping, and after waiting for the call to be connected, Wanfeng quickly Explaining,"Dad, something happened here. The patrol came to my door with an arrest warrant and asked me to cooperate with the investigation.""

"Who have you offended?"Wan Ping asked straight to the point.

Wan Ping also knew about Wanfeng's bad things. His first reaction was that Wanfeng had offended someone. Otherwise, no one would mention those bad things that had already been turned over.

Faced with his father's inquiry, Wanfeng didn't dare to hide anything, so he explained the situation in detail, and finally asked additionally,"Dad, what should I do now?"

Wan Ping was silent for a moment, then responded,"You go back with the patrolman for investigation first, remember to cooperate well, and I will find a way to deal with it here."

Wanfeng breathed a sigh of relief. Since his father said he would find a solution, it should be no problem, right?

After hanging up the phone, Wanfeng responded to the patrol leader,"Thank you, comrade patrol, for your tolerance. I am willing to talk to you. Go back and be investigated."

However, the leading patrolman sneered,"We are not tolerant, we just want to tell you that you are dead this time!"

"you..."Wanfeng frowned, then seemed to remember something,"You are Sun Zhijing!"

"It seems that you haven’t forgotten me yet, so do you remember the girl you forced to jump off the building?"Sun Zhijing sneered

"Your family originally spent three million to get the other parent's parents to confuse right and wrong and completely remove you from the case. Do you think you have escaped legal sanctions like this?"Sun Zhijing snorted coldly.

"I have been waiting for an opportunity. I must catch you personally. Now the opportunity has come. Do you think you still have hope?" Sun Zhijing asked sarcastically.

Wanfeng did not respond to Sun Zhijing. He wanted to wait for the good news about his father!

When Wanfeng was brought back to the patrol room by Sun Zhijing, Wanping was trying to rescue Wanfeng, but Wanping encountered unprecedented resistance. His friend They were all like snakes and scorpions, not only unwilling to help, but also showing an alienated attitude.

This situation made Wanping realize the seriousness of the problem.

After some inquiries, Wanping looked very gloomy, because now it is not just Regarding the issue of rescuing Wanfeng, their Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group was also attacked.

It was a double sniper!

In the capital market, someone released the news that Wanfeng, the son of the president of Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group, was arrested and imprisoned, and even reported that Wanfeng had been A list of all the bad things that happened were listed.

These news also spread out of the circle and spread from the capital circle to Weibo, which subsequently aroused heated discussions among the general public, and a large number of netizens demanded a strict investigation of Wanfeng.

In the physical market, with The shipping alliance headed by Yao's Zhiyuan Shipping Company is squeezing Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group's business intentionally or unintentionally, and putting pressure on Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group. There are even rumors that Yao's Zhiyuan Shipping Company is actively acquiring Wanshi Fengping Shipping. News about the group.

These bad news made Wanping think a lot!

Wanping carefully guessed whether this arrest operation against Wanfeng was really aimed at Wanfeng, or was it targeting Wanshi Fengping Shipping Group?


Update time: May 30, 2021 00:04:08, good night.

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