The next day.

Li Xiyan woke up at nearly nine o'clock in the morning. She found that she was the only one in the room. She immediately picked up her phone and sent a message to An Liang.

‘Li Xiyan: Where have you been?’

‘An Liang: Running’

‘An Liang: You get up first. I’ll be back soon. Let’s have breakfast together.’

‘Li Xiyan: Yeah! '

In less than ten minutes, An Liang returned from running. Li Xiyan was washing up in the bathroom. An Liang was a little sweaty after running, so he naturally entered the bathroom.

Although An Liang had already done morning exercises, he didn't mind another morning exercise. After all, Li Xiyan didn't do morning exercises, right?

Almost an hour later, a few minutes after ten o'clock, An Liang and Li Xiyan finished washing.

Li Xiyan's face was flushed and she was held in An Liang's arms. She moaned and complained,"You're such a bad guy, you know how to bully me in just one day!"

An Liang smiled without saying anything. He put Li Xiyan back on the bed in the bedroom. The greeter said,"You clean up first, and I'll see what's delicious today."

In less than a quarter of an hour, Li Xiyan finished cleaning up. Fortunately, Li Xiyan is naturally beautiful. She doesn't like makeup too much, otherwise she would have breakfast It should just become lunch, right?

"My mother just sent me a message asking when I would go back. Li Xiyan walked to the living room and asked An Liang.

An Liang responded casually,"When do you want to go back?""

"today? Li Xiyan asked back

"no problem! An Liang agreed first, then asked,"Why are you in such a hurry to go back?"

Li Xiyan responded affirmatively,"I want to go back and collect two more news!" An

Liang smiled and nodded,"No problem. After you go back, we will also leave it to you to report on the groundbreaking ceremony of our Ansheng Construction's sail power production base.""

"OK! Li Xiyan responded happily.

An Liang thought about it for a moment before continuing,"Baby, do you want to be on TV?""

"Um?"Li Xiyan looked at An Liang doubtfully.

"Have you seen our Shengqing local news and Shengqing Focus? I can arrange it for you and let you make a temporary guest report. What do you think?"An Liang asked.

If it had been half a year ago, An Liang would definitely not have suggested this.

After all, if Li Xiyan was on camera, he might be discovered by other girlfriends. At that time, An Liang was still worried about a fire in the backyard, but it is different now. An Liang It was very clear in his conscience that except for Li Xiyan, his other girlfriends had long suspected him, but they just chose to turn a blind eye. That's why An Liang dared to ask Li Xiyan if he wanted to go on TV to report the news.

"Is it really possible?"Li Xiyan's eyes lit up.

"sure!"An Liang responded with a smile.

If it is difficult to arrange for Li Xiyan to be a guest reporter on national television, then it is easy to arrange for Li Xiyan to be a guest reporter on Shengqing TV. After all,

Shengqing TV really has no Card face!

"I want to give it a try and practice my ability to face the camera."Li Xiyan responded, and she asked additionally,"It shouldn't be a live broadcast, right?"

Before An Liang answered, Li Xiyan asked and answered herself,"I remember that the news in Shengqing Focus was all recorded and broadcast."

An Liang agreed,"I also think that Shengqing's focus is all recorded news, all trivial matters. If a cat is lost, it will be reported in three days."

This is not an exaggeration!

The local news in Shengqing is really so outrageous. A missing cat is divided into three days of reporting. The first day reports on the lost cat, the second day reports on the search process, and the third day reports on the finding. Cat.

How can ordinary TV news be so outrageous?

Similar to the groundbreaking ceremony of AXA Construction's construction of a large-scale comprehensive commercial center at the Sail Power Production Base, that is already the big news in the focus of Shengqing!

Li Xiyan rolled her eyes at Anliang, she studied journalism If you are in the media, you will naturally know the industry news.

"Most local news is like this. Li Xiyan responded.

An Liang complained about the Shengqing local news for a while. He and Li Xiyan had a simple breakfast at Yangyun Aman, and then called Qian Xiaogang. Waiting for the call to be connected, Qian Xiaogang's voice came first

"Hey, Brother Liang, I have some good news for you!"Qian Xiaogang's tone revealed happiness.

"What good news?"An Liang asked back.

"My 15,000 contribution points are done!"Qian Xiaogang chuckled.

"So fast?"An Liang was confused.

"Lao Qin and Lao Yang have worked hard, not only for their contribution, but also for joining our club. After all, our Tiantian Bai Yujing Club is the number one club in the circle!"Qian Xiaogang said proudly.

Tianshang Baiyujing Club is well-known among high-end circles across the country. Especially after Tianshang Baiyujing Club opened its peripheral organizations, members of high-end circles across the country have wanted to join Tianshang Baiyujing. Club's peripheral organizations

"No problem, I will tell Xiaoyu and he will give you contribution points."An Liang responded.

At present, the Tianshang Bai Yujing Club has a corresponding mobile app. It is developed based on the confidential communication software of Renyi Security Company. Confidential communication and exchange are still the core functions. The contribution recording function is also a core function. Every Tianshang Bai Yujing Official members of the club, as well as peripheral members, can check their contribution through the Tianshang Baiyujing app, including the current contribution balance, contribution income, contribution expenditure, etc. There is also a core function, which is to officially Members can establish branch confidential communication and chat groups through the Tianshang Baiyujing app, and invite members of peripheral organizations they have developed to join, to exchange information more conveniently and safely.

I have to say that the Tianshang Baiyujing Club is becoming more and more perfect, right?

"Haha, okay, okay, I will take a screenshot to show off later, and by the way, I will invite Lao Qin and Lao Yang to register for peripheral member accounts."Qian Xiaogang responded

"no problem. An Liang responded,"By the way, Brother Gangzi, we are returning to Shengqing today. Do you really want to go with us?""

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