At 6:30 in the evening, the local news channel of Shengqing TV Station, Shengqing Focus News, began to broadcast.

An Liang hugged Li Xiyan and sat on the sofa watching Shengqing Focus, mainly watching Li Xiyan's own news.

The first few minutes were filled with news related to the Shengqing Court, including various political plans of the Shengqing Court, etc. At the sixth minute, Li Xiyan's first news came online.

Li Xiyan, dressed in workplace attire, broadcast the groundbreaking ceremony of Maosen Center under AXA Construction.

Fortunately, the Shengqing local news channel does not have a barrage function, otherwise the barrage would have exploded by now, right?

After all, Shengqing TV Station is a rotten fish. Whether it is a host or a reporter, there are no well-known characters at all. If An Liang is asked to talk about a popular host and reporter on Shengqing TV Station without checking the information, An Liang really can't tell!

Li Xiyan is simply outstanding in Shengqing Focus News. If there is a barrage in Shengqing Focus News, it will definitely explode.

When Li Xiyan's first news ended, her second news followed. An Liang hugged Li Xiyan and said jokingly,"Baby, if you enter Shengqing TV Station, I'm afraid you will become Shengqing on the spot." The ace of the TV station!"

According to the situation of Shengqing TV station, there may be nothing wrong with what An Liang said.

Li Xiyan said a little arrogantly,"I don't want to go to Shengqing TV Station!"

"So where do you want to go? An Liang asked.

Li Xiyan thought about it for a moment before responding,"The first choice is National TV Station, the second choice is Modu TV Station, the third choice is several fruit TV stations, and the final choice is Shengqing TV Station.""

Shengqing TV is so hopeless!

"National television?..."An Liang thought to himself that the national television station was in the Imperial Capital. It would be fun if Li Xiyan also went to the Imperial Capital, right?

But there is no need to worry now. There are still three years until Li Xiyan graduates from university. In addition, there is the possibility of taking the postgraduate entrance examination and even going further, so the future is still too far away.

"Come on, baby!"An Liang said encouragingly.

"Know it!"Li Xiyan responded, and she sent the two news interview videos that Shengqing TV had sent to her to the large group of the News and Media Department of Fudan University as homework verification. The originally quiet group of the News and Media Department suddenly became lively.

‘Guo Yuqing: News from Shengqing TV?’

‘Guo Yuqing: Ah...this...’

‘Guo Yuqing: @李西yan: Isn’t this too cheating?’

‘Ma Yingjun: Congratulations to Mr. Li!’

‘Niu Ziru: Classmate Li is amazing!’

‘Huang Xiaoling: 666666!’

‘Huang Xiaoling: I don’t have any other thoughts except sighing.’

‘Sun Yi: I am also from Shengqing. I went to Shengqing TV Station to apply for a part-time job during the summer vacation. I originally thought that based on the situation of Shengqing TV Station, I should easily be admitted.’

‘Sun Yi: The result was so disappointing that I didn’t even pass the preliminary exam.’

‘Sun Yi: Now that I see classmate Li directly acting as a news reporter on camera, I feel stupid!’

‘Yang Lin: @SunYi: You just revealed the secret before! '

Sun Yi had previously revealed that Li Xiyan's boyfriend was An Liang, and An Liang's family was very influential in Shengqing.

Originally, students from the Department of Journalism and Media at Fudan University had no idea about this very influential news. Now that Li Xiyan directly went on camera to broadcast the news, they finally understood what it was.

Guo Yuqing sent a message to Li Xiyan

‘Guo Yuqing: Wow! Xiyan, I’m so envious!’

‘Guo Yuqing: Your fairy boyfriend is too kind to you, right?’

‘Guo Yuqing: Please Xiyan, please ask Mr. An if there is still such an opportunity. I also want to be on camera.’

‘Li Xiyan: Let me ask him. '

Li Xiyan, a tough guy, really asked An Liang.

An Liang smiled and replied,"You are my girlfriend, I will definitely help you, but I don't know Guo Yuqing, why should I help her?"

Li Xiyan naturally knew that An Liang was joking about not knowing her, and she couldn't help it. laugh out loud

‘Li Xiyan: Hahahaha, Yuqing, he said he didn’t know you’

‘Guo Yuqing:...’

Is it okay if I don’t know you?

‘Guo Yuqing: To be honest, I am very curious, how did he do it?’

‘Li Xiyan: I don’t know’

‘Li Xiyan: He just asked someone from Shengqing TV to come over and record the news. Then the news recording team from Shengqing TV came over to record the news and then broadcast it directly.’

‘Guo Yuqing:...’

‘Guo Yuqing: I am speechless!’

‘Guo Yuqing: What else can I do besides being envious and jealous?’

‘Li Xiyan: You can still find a boyfriend!’

‘Guo Yuqing: I beg you, be a human being! '

If you could find any boyfriend who could be like An Liang, then Guo Yuqing would have already taken action, right?

Now she suddenly understood why Yao Qi still liked An Liang, because An Liang was indeed very good and really good at taking care of people. If she hadn't known that she had no chance at all, Guo Yuqing would probably be a moth in the fire.

‘Guo Yuqing: No more, I will cry for a while and be envious again!’

‘Li Xiyan: Yeah, okay, I'm ready to have dinner. '

Guo Yuqing and Li Xiyan's exchange ended. She forwarded two pieces of news from Li Xiyan to Yao Qi and sent a message

‘Guo Yuqing: I’m starting to understand what you’re thinking. Really, that guy is so good!’

‘Yao Qi: I have already seen it’

‘Yao Qi: According to the resources he controls, this is indeed a very small matter. '

Guo Yuqing can only be envious and jealous again. After all, Li Xiyan has such a fairy boyfriend, but she doesn't have it and can't find it. She can only be envious and jealous.

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