As the saying goes: Those who dislike the goods are the ones who buy the goods.

Although this sentence is not an absolute truth, it is applicable most of the time.

For example, this is very applicable to the current situation.

If Anliang had no investment intention, why would he consider it in such detail?

"I just talked about the issue of sunk costs. I hope to increase your sunk costs to prevent certain situations from happening."An Liang said bluntly.

"I prefer to be a villain first and then a gentleman. An Liang added with a smile.

Chen Sansheng did not refuse the response,"How to increase our sunk costs?""

"Let’s talk about the treatment issue first. An Liang skipped the issue of sunk costs,"In our plan, Boss Chen must be the chef of the future high-end restaurant.""

Chen Sansheng had no accidents.

"As a chef, we provide Boss Chen with a basic salary of 250,000 yuan per year."An Liang explained,"And we will provide Boss Chen with an independent two-bedroom and one-living room as a dormitory in the Imperial Capital."

When the Gonggong Sanbushi Store was operating in Xingfeng County, the annual profit was only over 100,000 yuan. Even if Chen Sansheng set an annual salary of 60,000 yuan for himself, the total would not exceed 200,000 yuan.

So 25 Ten thousand years salary is very sincere!

"This annual salary is temporary. Once officially operational, we will increase the annual salary to one million within five years at most based on business conditions!"An Liang outlined a beautiful vision for the future.

This is An Liang's specialty!

When Chen Sansheng heard that his annual salary was one million, he couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although Chen Sansheng's cooking skills are very good, it cannot change that he is just a small restaurant owner in the county. pattern

"Is Boss Chen satisfied with this kind of treatment? An Liang asked with a smile.

Chen Sansheng nodded without hesitation,"Of course I am satisfied!""

"Let’s go back to the topic of sunk costs. We initially plan to invest 50 million to develop high-end restaurants, and we can give you 10% to 30% equity options."An Liang explained.

"Boss Chen pledges his personal cooking skills, and we will provide you with the corresponding loan, ranging from five million to fifteen million, and this money will be the capital for your investment."An Liang said the solution.

Chen Sansheng was stunned for a moment. What An Liang meant was that they were going to lend him money so that he could invest?"

"I don't quite understand, what if I can't pay back the money?"Chen Sansheng asked directly about the worst-case scenario

"Of course there are specific restrictions. For example, if a high-end restaurant we cooperate with goes bankrupt, we can directly forgive your debt, but you must abide by the non-compete agreement and can only develop in Xinfeng County in the future."An Liang explained

"Secondly, if the development situation is good, there is no need to worry about this money at all, you can repay it with dividends."An Liang said casually

"Finally, there is the issue of liquidated damages. We will set a sky-high compensation plan to prevent you from falling into the arms of competitors. An Liang explained straightforwardly,"Is this understandable?""

"understand. Chen Sansheng naturally expressed his understanding,"I would like to know a more detailed cooperation plan, okay?""

"No problem at all!"An Liang responded.

The two discussed the details of loan investment and non-competition agreement. An Liang easily constructed perfect details. Chen Sansheng did not think about betrayal. The two parties quickly determined cooperation during the discussion. intention

"Mr. An, I want to maximize my equity."Chen Sansheng quietly changed his title,"I hope to get a loan of 15 million yuan and get 30% of the equity."

"Haha, Lao Chen, you are really confident!"An Liang also changed his title.

Chen Sansheng said confidently,"I have confidence in myself!"

"I have confidence in you too."An Liang responded.

After finishing speaking, An Liang looked at Yang Maoyi,"If you invest in this high-end restaurant in your name, it will become your industry."

An Liang didn't ask Yang Maoyi's opinion, but made a decision directly. Even if Yang Maoyi refused, how could she change An Liang's decision?

"Do you have any ideas about the specific location and the name of the restaurant?"After confirming the intention to cooperate, An Liang asked casually.

Chen Sansheng didn't say anything. He looked at Yang Maoyi.

Yang Maoyi thought about it for a moment, and she said tentatively,"Your Majesty, is there any way you can get a courtyard house?"

"Are you planning a courtyard renovation?"An Liang asked back.

Yang Maoyi responded affirmatively,"Yes, I plan to transform the courtyard into a restaurant to create a topic and improve the quality of the restaurant."

"That would be very troublesome! An Liang replied,"Renovating a courtyard house not only requires court approval, but also cannot change the appearance, only the interior." An

Liang added,"In the courtyard houses in the core area of ​​the imperial capital, even if they are renovated, they still have natural disadvantages. The inability to park is a big problem, so I suggest that they be located in a slightly remote place.""

"If it’s a slightly remote place, wouldn’t customers find it too far away?"Yang Maoyi is a little worried.

"Only mid- to low-end restaurants will be seriously affected by their location, while high-end restaurants are very limited by their location." An Liang explained.

An Liang continued to explain,"In addition, the Imperial City is about to open a new chapter in transportation. The luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle will become a new generation of transportation in the Imperial City. We can open restaurants outside Wudao. An

Liang added,"Our restaurant can even specially design a parking space for the luxury version of the third-generation flying motorcycle. I can apply for a small ultra-fast charging station from the Dream Future Graphene Technology Group."

Yang Maoyi smiled,"If that's the case, that would be great!""

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