The next day.

Just after eight o'clock in the morning, Yang Maoyi woke up first. She looked at An Liang, who was still sleeping, and then carefully got up. Then she simply washed up and left the Nomadison Navigator RV.

Outside the Nomadson Navigator RV, staff set up a portable kitchen and were preparing breakfast.

Yang Maoyi walked over and looked at the ingredients. She was going to cook for Anliang herself. As a food documentary blogger, it would be no problem for her to know how to cook, right?

All right!

There is actually a problem!

Yang Maoyi's cooking skills are quite average, but when it comes to cooking noodles, her level is quite high. Maybe it's because of the experience of cooking too many instant noodles?

Less than a quarter of an hour later, An Liang woke up. He found that Yang Maoyi was not around, so he got up and washed up first. Then he got out of the Nomadison Navigator RV and found Yang Maoyi busy in the portable kitchen.

An Liang walked over and found that Yang Maoyi was cooking noodles, or Shengqing style spicy noodles.

This little vixen has a heart!

"Good morning, Your Majesty! Yang Maoyi greeted.

An Liang responded,"Not bad, the condiments you made look pretty good.""

Yang Maoyi had cooked noodles for Anliang before when she was staying at Linshan Residence in Shengqing. Anliang knew Yang Maoyi's expertise. At least when it came to cooking noodles, her cooking skills were very reliable. After a loving breakfast, Yang Maoyi was going to Beilin Village. The primary school discussed the donation with Principal Lin Mei and had to handle all the details within today to complete the donation.

An Liang was paying attention to the progress of the black kiln incident.

No. 4 Tianji Divine Calculation investigated the key information

‘No. 4: BOSS, the investigation direction you ordered has results.’

‘No. 4: According to our all-night investigation, we finally determined that the intelligence channel of the black kiln should be network hackers.’

‘No. 4: We borrowed the authority of the National Security Investigation Bureau and discovered a backdoor program in the Xiguang patrol system. This backdoor program specializes in collecting criminal information.’

‘No. 4: We further analyzed the backdoor program. This backdoor program is very well designed. It does not transmit data on a large scale to avoid being discovered.’

‘No. 4: The backdoor program will analyze criminal information in the Xiguang patrol system. It first determines whether each criminal released after serving his sentence is an orphan.’

‘Zero: Orphans have fewer interpersonal relationships, so even if they disappear, they will cause less trouble, right?’

‘Number 4: Yes!’

‘No. 4: In the Xiguang patrol system, we found 17 targets that met the requirements in the records of the past year, and tried to track these 17 targets.’

‘Zero: How many were found?’

‘No. 4: Only 2 people were found. The remaining 15 targets who met the conditions all disappeared mysteriously within three months after being released from prison. We guess that the black gangs were responsible.’

‘Number Zero: What's going on with those two people?’

‘No. 4: One of them joined an electronics factory and has a stable job’

‘No. 4: Another person works in a convenience store and also has a stable job. '

So it was because I had a stable job that I refused the temptation of a black kiln?


An Liang is more likely to think that the intelligence personnel of the black kiln discovered that these two people had stable jobs, so they voluntarily gave up contact to prevent the black kiln's information from being exposed.

An Liang guessed that the black kiln should have existed for a long time, so the black kiln must be cautious and cautious to avoid being exposed.

‘Zero: Have you traced where the other party's backdoor program sent the intelligence?’

‘No. 4: No further tracking for now’

‘No. 4: We are worried about being discovered by the other party while tracking.’

‘No. 4: We are now hiding in the Xiguang patrol system, waiting to see if anyone comes to check the backdoor program. Whoever comes to check is the mastermind behind it!’

‘Zero: Won't you be discovered?’

‘Number 4: Yes, the National Security Bureau will find out’

‘No. 4: So BOSS needs to solve this problem’

‘Zero: Is there no way not to use NSA resources?’

‘No. 4: Yes, yes, but it will take a lot of time to crack the security firewall of the Xiguang patrol system so that the other party will not discover it.’

‘Number Zero: Wait!’

‘No. 0: That black kiln...’

‘Zero: I understand!’

‘Zero: You suspect that there is a mole who installed a backdoor program inside the system, so you just wait and see, right?’

‘Number 4: Yes. '

An Liang is not proficient in computer technology, so he didn't react just now, but now he suddenly realizes

‘Number Zero: Okay!’

‘Number Zero: I'll handle it from the National Security Bureau. '

According to the friendly relationship between An Liang and Huang Guoxiang, what's the problem with borrowing the authority of the National Security Investigation Bureau? like...

No problem?

But An Liang discovered another blind spot!

Why does this guy No. 4 Tianji Shensuan have the authority of the National Security Investigation Agency?

Was it given by Huang Guoxiang?

An Liang didn’t believe it!

The most likely possibility is that the authority that No. 4 obtained within the National Security Investigation Agency before was equivalent to stealing the authority of the National Security Investigation Agency, right?

If Huang Guoxiang finds out, he should have a friendly discussion with An Liang.

Just when An Liang thought about this, his mobile phone sent out a voice call message. The caller was Huang Guoxiang, and the call came through the National Security Investigation Agency's confidential communication software.

So a friendly discussion is about to begin?


The author of the street fight: I was dragged to drink by a buddy today and came back to drive for me. Fortunately, the driving was not good-looking, otherwise I might have become Brother Haiyang.


Update time: June 16, 2021 00:59:11, good night.

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