The swarm drones have initially investigated the situation of the black kiln and determined the scope of the black kiln, the type of minerals, and the possible number of people.

Based on the above situation, coupled with the information provided by Yuan Hao, An Liang silently made a plan to remove the firepower from the bottom of the cauldron.

"Brother Yuan, if we need you to buy a piece of land in Decheng, Beihe, when can you get it done as soon as possible? An Liang asked.

Li Cunyuan responded without hesitation,"It will be completed on the same day!" Including on holidays, we can also confirm it on the same day, and we will be the first to handle it on working days!

An Liang continued,"What if there is a dispute over this piece of land?""

"For example, what kind of controversy?"Li Cunyuan asked for details.

"For example, there is a gold mine in this piece of land! An Liang said straight to the point, then quickly explained the specific situation, and then asked additionally,"Under such circumstances, Brother Yuan, can your family still do it?"

Li Cunyuan hesitated for a moment,"Okay!" But I need help from Brother Haiyang and Brother Gangzi’s family."

Li Cunyuan continued to add,"If it's just a small gold mine, the three of us, plus Brother Liang, can swallow it completely."

"But if it's a large gold mine, we'd better join forces with Zhao Wanxi and others and recruit some people in the club."Li Cunyuan added.

Qian Xiaogang answered,"Brother Yuan is right. According to Brother Liang, once this matter is exposed, the corresponding gold mine will directly belong to the imperial court. Yun

Haiyang added,"Decheng must have a problem with this matter, so we have room for maneuver.""

"Then leave it to you? An Liang explained,"By the way, when the matter is over, our gold mine will be open to operation, and taxes will be paid how to pay." Li

Cunyuan responded with a smile,"In this case, there will be no problem at all. I thought we would also run a black kiln!""

"..."An Liang was a little speechless, and then complained,"Your thoughts are so dangerous!"

Yun Haiyang answered,"After all, our profits have at least doubled by operating in secret!"

"We must obey the law!"An Liang responded calmly.

The education An Liang received has always been: you can't make all the money, and you must learn to share the benefits.

Therefore, An Liang does not pursue extreme profits. He is willing to abide by the law and is also willing to share

"Makes sense! Li Cunyuan affirmatively agreed,"We must abide by the law.""

"You should deal with the purchase of land as soon as possible, and I will send you the detailed information immediately."An Liang said in conclusion.

"No problem, I will take care of the land and the corresponding mineral resource exploitation rights. Li Cunyuan responded.

Qian Xiaogang suggested,"Shall we directly invest in the Lingqu Gold Mine project for this gold mine?" An

Liang thought for a moment and then said directly in the negative,"Put this issue aside for now. When we get the gold mine, we will first determine the specific situation and then see how to operate it.""

"As Brother Yuan said, if it is just a small gold mine, then just leave it to the Lingqu Gold Mine Project for processing."An Liang explained

"But if it is a large gold mine, in order to avoid trouble, we will win over some allies."An Liang added.

Li Cunyuan and the three of them agreed with the response.

"It's getting late, I'll rest first, and you guys should also rest early, and deal with this matter immediately after getting up."An Liang said remindingly.

"Okay, we have left the bar and will return to the Imperial Capital tomorrow to deal with this matter."Li Cunyuan answered the call.

After ending the call, An Liang received another message from Tianji Divine Calculation No. 4.

‘No. 4: BOSS, we have determined through the historical records of satellite maps that the black kiln existed between four and five years.’

‘No. 4: According to the historical records of satellite maps, in 2015, there were no quarries or village buildings in the Yagu area.’

‘No. 4: But in 2016, quarries appeared in the Yagu area, and village buildings also appeared. The scale in the early stage was relatively small.’

‘No. 4: It was only in 2019 that the scope of village construction was fully formed. '

Satellite maps have historical records. Ordinary people who are slightly proficient in computer technology can obtain these data. Through the historical records of satellite maps, the situation in the Yagu area can be analyzed.

‘Zero: Pay close attention to the Yagu area, record every person entering and leaving, and try to invade their communication system’

‘No. 4: Received. '

An Liang sent a few more messages to Zhao Wanxi before returning to the bedroom of the Nomadison Navigator RV to rest.


It's nearly two o'clock in the morning.

In an unknown residence, three middle-aged people were communicating with each other. Although the residence was pitch dark, they did not turn on the lights and deliberately did not carry their mobile phones to avoid being monitored by their mobile phones.

One of them asked,"Mr. Zhou, is there anything going on there?"

Mr. Zhou responded negatively,"We have not received any information. Xiucai, have you found anything on the network?"

Xiucai also denied," Except for the initial time, someone tried to invade our network and tried to find 'White Wind' inside our network, but after being blocked, nothing has been found so far."

Xiucai continued to ask,"Mr. Jia, you haven't found anything either. Is that so?"

Judging from the conversations between the three of them, these three are obviously related to the Black Kiln!

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